Tag Archives: IFI Voter Guide


Biblical and Free, or Secular and Statist?

Far too many Christians distance themselves altogether from the political process or choose to cast a ballot only during a presidential election cycle. But it is imperative that followers of the Lord Jesus Christ exercise their God-given right to vote in every election. If we don’t take time to research the candidates and then go to the polls, we effectively concede the outcome of the election to those who don’t reverence God or uphold His principles.
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The Importance of Value Voting

Do you believe your vote can make a difference? Do you truly value your right to cast your vote? If you answered “yes,” then you know your vote is valuable and your actions in the voting booth should be consistent with your pro-life, pro-family values!

Please watch as Ann Scheidler, Vice-President of the Pro-Life Action League, discusses the deception and misinformation abortion activists are using to swell the pro-abortion wave in our nation. Scheidler reminds us that it is imperative for life activists to educate themselves about the candidates and then vote to retain pro-life incumbents, as well as …

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Countdown for Voter Guide Orders

Dear Pro-Family Friends,

We still have several thousand of the print version of the IFI Voter Guide, but they are going fast. If you haven’t yet placed a bulk order, please give us a call at (708) 781-9328 or click HERE to send us an email. These non-partisan Voter Guides comply with IRS guidelines and are legal for churches to distribute. Or you may simply want them to pass along to neighbors, co-workers and family.

It’s critical that people be informed voters when they go to the polls for the March 20, 2012 Primary Election.  All 177 state lawmakers and …

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