Tag Archives: illegal aliens


Jared Kushner: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Hovering Too Near Trump

In an alarming May 24, 2020 article titled “Scoop: Inside the Secret Talks to Overhaul the GOP Platform,” published by Axios, political reporter Jonathan Swan exposed the behind-the-scenes efforts of the socially liberal son-in-law of President Trump, Jared Kushner, to change the GOP platform so that it reflects Democrat views. While the radical overhaul of the GOP platform—and, therefore, the GOP—is the brainless-child of Kushner, the nitty gritty of the subversive project has been assigned to Bill Stepien, second in command for Trump’s re-election campaign, just under Brad Parscale.

According to Swan, Kushner has been …

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Going, Going Gone . . . Now it’s Off to Our Grandkids!

On Black Friday your government was shopping with credit cards too it would seem.  The total outstanding U.S. public debt just hit a new historic level, which probably would be better associated with a red Friday rather than a black one. As of the last workday in November, total U.S. public debt just surpassed $18 trillion for the first time, or $18,005,549,328,561.45 to be precise.

Our nation’s debt now exceeds, at 103 percent, total Gross Domestic Product which some say was artificially inflated by half a trillion when the government decided to add the “benefit” of R&D intangibles into the …

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