Tag Archives: Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act


Illinois Representatives Hope to Restrict Governor’s Unilateral Rule

In March of 2020, the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor JB Pritzker issued a series of emergency orders. Executive Order 2020-04, issued on March 13, 2020, was the governor’s first time seizing emergency power. Under the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the governor can issue a state of emergency declaring a disaster within the state, giving himself 30 days of emergency power. The governor, in a state of emergency, has complete control over all state institutions and public health. Although the measure intends to streamline governmental response in times of disaster, Governor Pritzker exploited a loophole in the

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Judge Rules All of Illinois Free From Gov. Pritzker’s Unlawful Mandates

Late last week, Illinois Circuit Court Judge Michael McHaney of Clay County ruled in a lawsuit that “all citizens of Illinois” are free from Governor JB Pritzker's tyrannical orders. This comes after arguably unethical tactics by the Illinois Attorney General to delay the case by trying to remove it to federal court, and the United States Department of Justice filing a Statement of Interest in the case in support of Bailey’s lawsuit.
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Illinoisans’ Rights During the Pandemic

On March 9, 2020, Governor JB Pritzker declared every county in Illinois is a disaster area. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act (20 ILCS 3305/7) allows the Governor to proclaim a disaster exists, by which he can give himself authority under the Act to exercise certain emergency powers. The most noteworthy of the powers he has exercised is the power to control the movement of persons within a disaster area, and the power to control and restrict the use, sale, or distribution of goods and services.
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