Tag Archives: Illinois State Police


May Sheriffs Disobey Illinois’ Assault Weapons Ban?

Illinois’s recent assault weapons ban has provoked more than a little consternation across the state—as it should. The ban, passed by Governor Pritzker on January 10 of this year, immediately banned the sale of “assault weapons” and magazines with a capacity greater than ten rounds. The ban also requires current firearm owners to register their now-illegal weapons with the Illinois State Police. There’s only one problem for Pritzker: The vast majority of Sheriffs in are not on board.
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Rape-Kit Backlog Increases Despite Politicians’ Efforts

Many government officials and progressives in Illinois like to tout the state as being a leader in championing the women’s rights. In April 2020, a report in the Chicago Tribune showed a shocking backlog of rape kits waiting to be tested by the Illinois State Police. Women across the state have suffered for years while waiting for the DNA of their attackers to be tested in hopes of having their cases solved and their violators brought to justice. Since that report brought the problem to the public’s attention, the ISP has made progress, but there are many kits still to be tested with more rape crimes adding to that number.
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Regressives in Springfield Attack IFI and IFA

Last week ten lawmakers from the Jewish Caucus in Springfield sponsored a resolution condemning Illinois Family Action (IFA) and Illinois Family Institute (IFI) for engaging in what they call “hate speech,” because IFA compared the abortion holocaust to the Jewish Holocaust. Titled “Illinois Family Action-Hate Speech” (HJR 55), the resolution uses subjective hyperbole, disreputable sources and unreasonable inferences that make the alleged offense seem overtly sinister.
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