Tag Archives: IRS


Democrats Hire Fiscal Storm Troopers for IRS

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Facebook Meme-Slayers Target IRS Memes

On Tuesday, August 16, I discovered that the Facebook Overlords had “fact-checked,” not one, not two, but three of the satirical memes I had posted over the past four days on my personal page. All of the memes satirized Biden’s proposed 87,000-member Schutzstaffel: the IRSS. This is a sure sign that Dems are quaking in their jackboots about how much the public hates their Inflation Reduction Act that spends buckets of hard-earned ducats on more bureaucrats, whose job will be to squeeze more money from Americans.
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Christian Leaders Call on Congressional Leaders to Support the ‘Free Speech Fairness Act’

Last October the Illinois Family Institute brought attention to the “Free Speech Fairness Act.” Now faith leaders from around the country, including IFI's executive director David E. Smith, are signing a letter addressed U.S. Congressional leaders calling for the passage of the bill. This letter was delivered earlier this week...
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Legislators Take Aim at Discriminatory Practices at the IRS

While a leading social conservative voice is honored, a key lawmaker wants the Internal Revenue Service to treat all Americans fairly...including people of faith.
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Five Things to Know about the New Johnson Amendment Fix

Late last month, U.S. Representatives Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Jody Hice (R-GA) introduced a bill in the U.S. House called the Free Speech Fairness Act. The bill is aimed at fixing the Johnson Amendment, a 1954 addition to the tax code that gives the IRS the ability to censor the speech of pastors, churches, and other nonprofit entities on issues related to candidates and elections. Here are five things you need to know about the bill:
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IRS Proposes Restrictions on Voter Guides

Have you ever read a voter guide or perused a legislative scorecard? Maybe you are one of the many Americans that have helped with a voter registration drive because you believe every citizen should be involved in electing their lawmakers.

The question is does everyone have the right to perform these tasks?

Putting together a voter guide or organizing a voter registration drive seems fairly mundane. Few people or organizations bother with it because it’s a straightforward activity that leaves no room for subjective opinion. A voter guide shows how specific candidates rank based on their views of certain issues. …

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Broadening IRS Victims Include Pro-Life Advocates, As Congress Investigates

Thomas More Society Cases Demonstrate Conservative Bias Only “Tip of Iceberg”

The Thomas More Society is speaking out about blatant bias by the supposedly apolitical tax-collection agency. Cases handled by the Chicago-based public interest law firm support mounting accusations that demonstrate the agency’s abuse of pro-life organizations, in addition to those identified as ‘tea party’, ‘patriot’, or ‘government spending’ groups. Outrage spurred by recent revelations of IRS discrimination against these groups has also led the Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus to announce a full investigation into the matter.

In one case, the IRS withheld approval of an application for …

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