Tag Archives: Islam


Chicago: Muslim Organization Touts Muhammad’s Directives as Safeguard Against Coronavirus

GainPeace, an enterprising Islamic organization in Chicago, has found a way to use coronavirus to promote Islam in the United States. The activist organization is a leading dawa (Islamic proselytizing) group that has placed billboards which sponsor a message from the prophet of Islam about health precautions. Excellent timing during the COVID-19 pandemic, but dangerously deceptive.
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Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer: A Christian Response to Islam in America

Islam is on the rise around the world, whether it be terrorist activity in the Middle East or the increasing number of followers here in United States. Though these trends open up many opportunities to share the Gospel, Christians also have reason for concern. We cannot ignore the fact that Christians are being targeted by radical jihadists. Additionally, some of the public policy changes that have been proposed endanger our civil liberties of speech and religious practice.
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Special IFI Forum on Education Choice

A recent headline of a Chicago Sun-Times article alarmingly reports that a Chicago Public School watchdog is fielding 3 complaints of sexual misconduct per school day. This comes on the heels of a 2018 Chicago Tribune report that exposed Chicago public schools of having more than 520 sexual assault cases all across the city over the past decade.

According to the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), only 38 percent of Illinois public school students meet proficiency expectations in English Language Arts, only 32 percent of students meet proficiency expectations in math. This despite the fact that the NEA reports that …

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Islam Exposed As a Religion of ‘Brutality,’ Not ‘Peace’

Despite the rendition of Islam portrayed by the mainstream media and education system as a “religion of peace,” experts on the Muslim culture argue that the West is in denial about the sheer brutality at the core of the religion based in Shariah. [Caution: This article contains some graphic descriptions that could be unsettling to some readers.]
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Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story

Islam, Muhammad, life in Iran, Sharia – how knowledgeable are you on these topics? Anni Cyrus is well-acquainted with all of them. She was born in Iran to a father who was a sheikh and a mother who taught the Quran. At age seven she began to wear the hijab to school; at age nine she first wore the full burqa and was officially certified as an “adult woman.” When she was barely into her teens, her father married her off to a man who gave him $50 (USD) and a month’s supply of opium. Ms. Cyrus knows all too …

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Radical Islam to Agnosticism to Disciple of Christ

How did you come to faith in Jesus? For most of us, a parent, grandparent, Sunday school teacher, or other influential person in our life shared the Gospel with us, answered our questions, encouraged and prayed over us, leading us to the point where we were ready to embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior. No doubt we’ve heard of someone who came to faith in Jesus by reading a tract, watching a Billy Graham crusade on television, maybe listening to Ray Comfort ask probing question, or hearing a teaching program on a Christian radio station, but usually decisions to …

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Orland Park: Panel of Experts on Responding to Islam

Invite and bring your friends! A panel of esteemed experts will share their personal experience and extensive knowledge, answering your questions about the threat and the response to radical Islam. This is a rare opportunity to learn from extremely knowledgeable experts on the front-line of the spiritual and political battle that is being waged all around us. Come prepared to learn, purchase some materials and if you can, support their work.
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Naperville: Panel of Experts on Responding to Islam

Invite and bring your friends! A panel of esteemed experts will share their personal experience and extensive knowledge, answering your questions about the threat and the response to radical Islam. This is a rare opportunity to learn from extremely knowledgeable experts on the front-line of the spiritual and political battle that is being waged all around us. Come prepared to learn, purchase some materials and if you can, support their work!
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Arlington Heights: Panel of Experts on Responding to Islam

Invite and bring friends! A panel of esteemed experts will share their personal experience and extensive knowledge, answering your questions about the threat and the response to radical Islam. This is a rare opportunity to learn from extremely knowledgeable experts on the front-line of the spiritual and political battle that is being waged all around us. Come prepared to learn, purchase some materials and if you can, support their work!
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Faithless Faith Leaders Protest Jeanette Ward’s FB Post

A new controversy has erupted in School District U-46, and this time it doesn’t involve compulsory co-ed locker rooms or offensive statements from board member Traci O’Neal Ellis.  This time 18 religious leaders have objected to school board member Jeanette Ward’s Facebook post about a controversial article on religion assigned in a sixth-grade class.
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Philip Haney: The Problem of Sharia in America

Philip Haney is a former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistle blower and counter-terrorism expert. Haney studied Arabic culture and language while working as a scientist in the Middle East before becoming a founding member of the DHS in 2002. He has specialized in Islamic theology and the strategy and tactics of the global Islamic movement. He retired in July 2015 and is the author of See Something, Say Nothing.

Haney was the last to make a presentation, and he opened his remarks by telling the audience that “this is how it feels to be on the receiving end …

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Cultural Marxism and Its Discontents

The deadly Islamic terrorist truck attack in New York City on Halloween exposed a cauldron of issues, from national security to immigration policy. But it’s about much more than that. The attack and its aftermath have shone a light on the Left’s campaign to radically transform America through cultural Marxism. That’s the revolutionary philosophy that aims to cure inequality by destroying traditional Western culture.
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Media Needs to Press Obama on Islam

In response to the July 14 Nice, France terrorist attack, killing 84, former House Speaker Newt Gringrich called for deportation of Muslims supporting sharia law. President Barack Obama immediately criticized the suggestion as “repugnant” and “un-American.”
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Islam, Revolution, and Black Lives Matter

In a speech delivered to the Annual MAS-ICNA (Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America) Convention in December 2015, Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), urged Muslim Americans to take up the cause of Black Lives Matter. “Black Lives Matter is our matter,” he said; “Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”
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An Explanatory Memorandum: From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America

We at the Center for Security Policy feel it is important for Americans to better understand– and, then, be able to successfully contend with– those that attempt to destroy or subvert our way of life. As making our nation’s enemies’ threat doctrines available is a key part of our educational efforts, we are pleased to present the blueprint for the Muslim Brotherhood in America, known as An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America or, in America’s largest terrorist prosecution in US federal court, Government Exhibit 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G in U.S. v Holy Land Foundation,

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