Tag Archives: Islamic State


ISIS: Break the Cross

The Islamic State released the fifteenth issue of their English-language Jihadi magazine, Dabiq, this past week, titled "Break the Cross." In the first issue following the attacks in Orlando, Nice, Normandy, Wurzburg, and Ansbach, ISIS orders even more attacks to be launched without delay.
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NY Post Recommends that Obama Tell Still More Falsehoods About Islam

Yet another non-Muslim assures us that the Islamic State is not Islamic. And once again, his analysis is based on comforting falsehoods about Islam that will not convince even one young Muslim who is considering joining the Islamic State not to do so. In that case, what is the effect of articles like this one? To keep Americans from getting nervous about rising Muslim populations, and to keep them ignorant and complacent about the full nature and magnitude of the jihad threat.

More below.

“What our president should say about Islam,” by Mark CunninghamNew York Post, March …

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Calling Things By Their Proper Names

Confucius once said, “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” When it comes to radical Islam, it’s clear that too many people have chosen foolishness over wisdom. The question is, in these dangerous times, are there enough of us willing to embrace wisdom?
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U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Files Bill to Ban U.S.-Based Islamic State Jihadis From Returning to the U.S.

This is simple common sense. By going to Iraq and Syria to join the Islamic State’s jihad, these Muslims have joined an entity that has declared war against the United States. They have committed treason. They have forfeited the rights and privileges of citizenship. But it will be interesting to see who opposes this, and on what grounds.

“Cruz Files Bill to Ban American Islamic State Fighters from Returning to U.S.,” by Adam KredoWashington Free Beacon, January 23, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) will file legislation on Friday to ban American …

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‘Not Islamic’?

President Barack Obama declared in his recent address to the nation that “ISIL is not Islamic.” But how does he know? On what basis did the president of the United States declare that a group of Muslims that calls itself the “Islamic State” is “not Islamic?”
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