Tag Archives: J.B. Pritzker


A Response To Pritzker’s “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day”

On March 10th, Governor J. B. Pritzker decreed that he was proclaiming that day, “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day.” In his Tweet cheerleading his fanatical abortion agenda, he thanked abortion clinic staff and volunteers who provide the "critical and lifesaving work" of destroying innocent pre-born human life.
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Battle for Life Intensifies in Illinois After Dobbs Ruling

On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which fabricated the “right to privacy,” making abortion legal throughout the nation.

The case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, centered around a Mississippi law that banned abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy and has now put the battle to save pre-born human lives at the state level. It is no longer a protected “right” at the federal level. The case was decided by a 6 to 3 decision and means that the only abortion clinic in Mississippi will have to …

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IFI Urges Pritzker and Raoul to Protect PRCs and Churches

The Illinois Family Institute is issuing this public statement to urge Governor J.B. Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul to prepare to ensure the safety of churches and pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) in Illinois.
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Oren Jacobson: Another Foolish Illinois Activist

Why has Illinois become a stinking bog of degradation, violence, and fiscal collapse? It’s because we have scores of “leaders,” and activists who are as unable to distinguish right from wrong as they are unable to distinguish men from women. One of those activists is Oren Jacobson, devoted advocate for the slaughter of preborn humans, founder of Men4Choice, board member of pro-human slaughter Personal PAC, self-identifying "thought leader," and self-promoter extraordinaire...
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Illinois’ Pro-Human Slaughter Devotees Help Out-of-State Abortion Seekers

It’s hard to fathom that for some people, facilitating human slaughter is the animating purpose of their lives. For some, ensuring that women are legally free to slaughter their own offspring is what gives their lives meaning. And unfortunately, many of them live in Illinois, thereby ensuring that the Illinois swamp is filled with not just fetid excrement coming from Springfield and the governor’s mansion but also with the blood of human fetuses.
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Free Tampons in Lake Forest Middle School Boys’ Bathrooms

If you need evidence that Illinois lawmakers have plumbed the depth of idiocy and that public schools are no longer fit places for boys or girls, look no further than Deerpath Middle School in the North Shore’s tony suburb of Lake Forest where the boys’ bathrooms are now equipped with free feminine hygiene products. And folks, you paid for them.

What’s worse, leftist lawmakers concocted the bill that Governor J. B. Pritzker signed into law that requires every boys’ bathroom in every Illinois public school that serves grades 4 on up to provide free feminine hygiene products—at taxpayer expense. This …

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Ota Benga and Abortion

Why was a man named Ota Benga put in a display with an orangutan at the Bronx Zoo in 1906? What does this perverse act, part of our nation’s history, have to do with abortion? While the treatment of Benga and the atrocity of abortion are not identical, they do share a point in common – a refusal to recognize humanity, which leads to treating another person, or an unborn baby, as an object that can be taken, killed, or used in a way others deem acceptable.

Ota Benga, of the Mbuti people, was born in the Belgian Congo around …

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Health Care Right of Conscience Act Still Protects Your Right to Refuse COVID-19 Vaccination & Testing

Article II Section 1 of the Illinois Constitution provides that “[t]he legislative, executive and judicial branches are separate. No branch shall exercise powers properly belonging to another. Article VI Section 1 provides that “[t]he judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court, an Appellate Court and Circuit Courts.”

With the passage of Senate Bill 1169 (SB 1169), Governor JB Pritzker and his cronies have attempted to usurp the exclusive power of the judicial branch of government.
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Opt Your Child Out of Radical Sex Ed Classes

On August 20, 2021, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law a comprehensive sex-ed bill that sexualizes your child and strips them of their innocence beginning in kindergarten. According to this law, all government schools that provide personal health and safety courses must align their curricula with the National Sex Education Standards, formulated by so-called "experts" who supposedly know what's best for your child: Planned Parenthood, SIECUS, and GLSEN, among others. In other words, as these standards change, the Illinois sex ed curricula will change.
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Legendary Hypocrisy and Deceit of Democrats

As Leftists unravel and incinerate the fabric of America, it’s helpful—unpleasant but helpful—to recall some of their now legendary acts of hypocrisy and deceit, including the widespread use of Newspeak. So, let’s start with that.

While claiming to have a corner on compassion and love, Leftists now refer to human beings by the soulless, utilitarian term “human infrastructure”—something to be used, manipulated, repaired, or destroyed and rebuilt in ways that better serve the omniscient and omnipotent among us. I guess we should count ourselves lucky that they are including the word “human’’—for now.

Leftists cheer for the acts alleged by …

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Mask Mandates Should be the Last Straw

With the increasingly extreme attack on parental rights and medical freedom represented by Governor J.B. Pritzker’s COVID mask and vaccine mandates for schools, there has never been a better time for parents to sever all ties with the government's “education” system.

As if the dumbing down, perverse sexualization and extreme indoctrination were not serious enough already for parents to make serious moves protecting their children, government officials in Illinois decided last month to double down on the extremism.
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Springfield Dems’ Twofer: Lick “LGBT” Boots & Hurt Economy

The Illinois General Assembly just passed SB1730, which will require that “public corporations … report the self-identified sexual orientation and self-identified gender identity of its directors.”
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Dumb Things Dems Said in Sex Ed Floor Debate

Don’t let the word “debate” in the term “floor debate” fool you. Floor debates in Springfield are no more debates than transwomen are women. There is no cross-examination or rebuttal, for which most of our lawmakers must be deeply thankful in that they couldn’t argue their way out of an imaginary paper bag—at least not using logic and evidence.

Floor debates in Springfield are occasions for bill sponsors and supporters—almost always Democrats—to pontificate and for opponents to try to point out flaws that are promptly ignored by Democrats no matter how reasonable and justified. A floor debate in Springfield for …

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ANOTHER “Woke” Education Law Just Signed by Gov. Pritzker

I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings to hardworking Illinoisans—which, by definition, excludes members of the Chicago Teachers’ Union—but there’s more news on the education front. Lefty swamp creatures in Springfield wallowing in their own presumptuousness and power have yet more changes in store for the unfortunate Illinois school children who haven’t yet been freed from the re-education camps that self-identify as schools.

The newest offenses from Springfield are buried in the thousands of words of a new bill just signed into law by Governor J. B. Pritzker on Monday March 8, 2021.

The first offense is providing …

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Rape-Kit Backlog Increases Despite Politicians’ Efforts

Many government officials and progressives in Illinois like to tout the state as being a leader in championing the women’s rights. In April 2020, a report in the Chicago Tribune showed a shocking backlog of rape kits waiting to be tested by the Illinois State Police. Women across the state have suffered for years while waiting for the DNA of their attackers to be tested in hopes of having their cases solved and their violators brought to justice. Since that report brought the problem to the public’s attention, the ISP has made progress, but there are many kits still to be tested with more rape crimes adding to that number.
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