Tag Archives: J. Christian Adams


Loretta Lynch’s Abuse of the Law

When Loretta Lynch succeeded Eric Holder as U.S. attorney general a year ago, some harbored the tiniest hope that she wouldn’t be quite as radical.

After all, Mr. Holder had done his best to gin up racial resentment, dismiss a clear case of voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party, attack voter photo ID laws, refuse to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, threaten a congressman trying to get to the truth of the Fast and Furious Mexican gun-running scandal, and ignore the Internal Revenue Service’s mob-like persecution of conservative groups.

Mr. Holder also managed to sidestep or slow …

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Experts: Islam Must Be Confronted, Not Coddled

A former Justice Department attorney says despite the declaration by the perpetrators of this week's terrorist attack in Paris, President Obama and others on the left continue to deny the Islamic connection to the massacre.
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