Tag Archives: James Taylor


The Only Good Choice for Illinois Families is School Choice

As parents, we have plenty of concerns as we do our best to raise our children. From the moment they are born, God has entrusted us to make the best choices for them regarding everything from their basic human needs to what kind of communities we live in and how our children are educated.
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Someone Tell The Record Polar Ice Cap It Should Be Melting

James Taylor (no, not the singer, as this James Taylor isn’t afraid of pointing out) is “the managing editor of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism. He is also senior fellow for The Heartland Institute, focusing on energy and environment issues.” In a short post at Heartlands’ website, he demolishes the whole “the oceans are rising because of melting glaciers” scare mongering going on in the dishonest media fueled by the political left.

Taylor’s post was only one of many in just the past few days on the side of “sound …

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