Tag Archives: JB Pritzker


Public Education – Transparently Opaque

Why are so many public schools in Illinois keeping so many secrets from the public? Last August, Christopher Rufo disclosed that Lurie’s Children’s Hospital, unbeknownst to parents or the general public, was collaborating with Chicago area schools to promote “radical gender theory, trans activism, and sexually explicit materials in at least four Chicago-area public school systems: District 75, District 120, District 181, and District 204.” Three of these school districts are elementary districts and one is a high school district.
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Mandatory Kindergarten and Eventually Preschool

State Representative Mary Beth Canty (D-Arlington Heights) is working to expand the state's compulsory school attendance laws in order to capture the hearts and minds of innocent and impressionable children. The bill she has sponsored is HB 3143.
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May Sheriffs Disobey Illinois’ Assault Weapons Ban?

Illinois’s recent assault weapons ban has provoked more than a little consternation across the state—as it should. The ban, passed by Governor Pritzker on January 10 of this year, immediately banned the sale of “assault weapons” and magazines with a capacity greater than ten rounds. The ban also requires current firearm owners to register their now-illegal weapons with the Illinois State Police. There’s only one problem for Pritzker: The vast majority of Sheriffs in are not on board.
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Illinois Buzzards Want Your Kids

There’s a grand act of un-creation taking place all across this nation. Leftists are busy with this ugly business of un-creating decency, order, justice, compassion, and beauty, and children play a central role in this ugly business. To leftists, children are both objects of un-creation and tools for un-creating society. If we want to see with greater clarity the plans leftists have for the nation, there is no better place to examine than Illinois. Let’s hover above Illinois for a few minutes to get a bird’s eye view of this dark project.

Abuse in Chicago Public Schools

On Jan. 1, …

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Leftist Policies and Poverty: Is There a Correlation?

It is an assumption made every day by most news media, pundits, professors, entertainers, and even pastors -- the lie that Leftist policies are the most compassionate; conservative, Biblical worldviews are not. The assumption is so ingrained into the fabric of our society that it rarely gets called into question and even more rarely talked about. In 2023, it is as natural as air or water to believe in this dichotomy. And yet, even a mild magnifying glass on Leftist policies surfaces all sorts of lies, hypocrisy, and anything but real compassion.
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Pot Use Rises Among Children

Gov. JB Pritzker continues to make sure Illinois has more than its share of pot dispensaries. And as Illinois Family Institute warned repeatedly that what was happening in Colorado would also happen here, there are consequences. Dire consequences.

Marijuana use among adolescents has now surpassed alcohol use. A 20-year study shows a 245 percent increase in marijuana use by children aged 6-18 since 2000, while alcohol use has steadily declined.
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Automatic Annual Gas Tax Increases in Illinois

Right on schedule, the new year will bring (yet another) onerous increase in gas taxes for Illinoisans: the gas tax is set to be increased to 42.5 cents per gallon, effective January 1, 2023.  The state gas tax was 19 cents per gallon before J.B. Pritzker took office—meaning the gas tax has more than doubled in the last four years. 
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JB Pritzker’s Deceitful Divisive Anti-Christian Screed about Darren Bailey

Friday morning, Illinois Family Institute (IFI) was unpleasantly greeted with JB Pritzker’s deceitful, divisive, anti-Christian screed—er, press release—that uses IFI to besmirch his gubernatorial opponent, the exceptional Darren Bailey. Through this screed/press release Pritzker unwittingly besmirched every conservative Illinoisan—including theologically orthodox Catholics, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, Orthodox Jews, and Muslims.

For those who haven’t yet read Pritzker’s poisonous press release—in which he glowingly and oxymoronically refers to a “family-friendly drag show”—please allow me to take you on a brief guided tour.

It began like this:

After confessing to his deeply-rooted belief that victims of rape or incest should be

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Claim Your Name, Secure Your Vote

The United States Postal Service recently announced the creation of the “Election and Government Mail Services”. This new division of the USPS was created to handle election mail issues “as part of an effort to ensure swift and secure delivery of ballots for the midterm election.” The expansion of government and more government involvement in elections. What could possibly go wrong?
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Illinoisans Beware: Leftist SAFE-T for Criminals Act Takes Effect Jan 2023

Leftists, practiced at the art of deception, do not care about anyone who lives in America. They care about one thing: maintaining power at all costs. And they think catering to criminals will achieve that goal. The most controversial provision of this 763-word behemoth that was passed in the middle of the night, takes effect on Jan. 1, 2023 and is just now receiving its overdue public outcry.
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The “Trans” Cult Marches On Even As Its Harms Are Exposed

A 25-year-old man who pretends to be a woman was kicked off a community college campus in Texas and charged with a class C misdemeanor for allegedly choking a 17-year-old female student. Like the teen victim, the strange adult man who goes by the name Averie Chanel Medlock was a member of the women’s cheerleading team. Medlock complained that the teen girl said he is a man—which he is—and that he has a penis—which he presumably does.
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Gender Pretenders Destroying Authenticity and Liberty

In the past three days, Twitter has suspended the accounts of the well-known satirical website Babylon Bee and of Division I swimmer Reka Gyorgy. What Gyorgy and Babylon Bee share in common is a willingness to criticize the alchemical superstitions of the “trans” cult.

Babylon Bee mocked USA Today for giving the Woman of the Year award to assistant secretary of health at the Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Richard Leland Levine, alias “Rachel” Levine, who is a man. In response to USA Today’s insulting award, Babylon Bee tweeted that it had awarded Levine its Man of the Year award. Twitter suspended Babylon Bee’s account for alleged “hateful conduct,” a suspension that will be lifted only when Babylon Bee deletes the tweet.

And the left claims they hate censorship.
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Politics Influencing Blue States to End Mask Mandates

In the last week, several Democratic-led states have announced that they would be pulling part or, in some cases, all of their masking mandates within their states. States that have removed or changed their regulations include California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. Most will be ending the mandates within the next several weeks.
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Illinois Public Schools Battle Plague of Violence, Sexual Abuse

Lawmakers and union bosses are increasingly speaking out against the violence and rampant sexual abuse that plagues children in government schools across Illinois and beyond. Laws have even been proposed and passed to supposedly deal with the escalating crisis.

However, nothing is being done to address the root causes of the problem: godlessness, hopelessness, and the lack of accountability for students and adults, all of which permeate government-controlled “education” today.
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Illinois Representatives Hope to Restrict Governor’s Unilateral Rule

In March of 2020, the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor JB Pritzker issued a series of emergency orders. Executive Order 2020-04, issued on March 13, 2020, was the governor’s first time seizing emergency power. Under the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the governor can issue a state of emergency declaring a disaster within the state, giving himself 30 days of emergency power. The governor, in a state of emergency, has complete control over all state institutions and public health. Although the measure intends to streamline governmental response in times of disaster, Governor Pritzker exploited a loophole in the

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