Tag Archives: Jeanette Ward


Letter in Daily Herald from D211’s Worst Board Member Kim Cavill

Last week, the Daily Herald published a deceptive and disingenuous letter from Kim Cavill, the worst school board member of the District 211 School Board, five of whose members—including Cavill—are being sued by an unjustly fired teacher.

In her letter, the controversial sexpert Cavill complains about being unprepared for the enraged and hateful messages she has received since becoming a District 211 board member in 2019:

In April of 2019, I ran for a seat on District 211’s board of education and I won. I ran as who I am: a person who cares deeply about my community and

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Is This the Worst School Board in Illinois?

Illinoisans have no dearth of reasons to remove their children from our government faux-education camps that are called “schools” in Newspeak. Leftists control teachers’ unions, the Illinois State Board of Education, and the fetid Springfield Swamp from which have emerged laws mandating that 5-year-old children must be introduced to positive ideas about and images of sexual perversity. And leftists control many local school boards.

What’s more, leftists sitting on school boards want nothing less than total fascistic control of everything pertaining to curricula and professional development. They resent the presence of even one conservative board member. They have no interest …

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Incredible Story of District 211 School Board Elections

Last Thursday night, District 211—the largest high school district in the state with 12,000 students and five high schools—held a board meeting to discuss Superintendent Daniel Cates’ boneheaded proposal to allow students who “identify” as the opposite sex to have unrestricted access to the locker rooms of opposite-sex peers. Expecting a large crowd, the district moved the meeting to Palatine High School. The Daily Herald reported that 25 speakers were randomly selected, 16 of whom opposed the proposal, which is well over 50 percent.
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Jeanette Ward’s Profile in Courage, Grace, and Wisdom

School District U46 (Elgin, Illinois) School Board Member Jeanette Ward offers a profile in courage, grace, and wisdom, while fellow board members Veronica Noland and Melissa Owens offer profiles in hypocrisy and ignorance. Their hypocrisy and ignorance were revealed during a recent school board meeting discussion about proposed changes to the “Student Code of Conduct.”

In 2013, the board voted to add the terms “sexual orientation,” “gender identity” and “gender-related identity or expression” to the section of school board policy on bullying and harassment. Those are the only conditions constituted by subjective, internal feelings and volitional behavior to be specifically …

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School CEO Rationalizes Violation of School Policy to Defend Disruptive Anti-Gun Protest

As most know, the youth arm of the far-Left Women’s March has organized an anti-gun school protest that will take place in countless public schools across the country this week. They’re urging students to leave school buildings at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 14 for 17 minutes, which, counting the time it takes for students to exit and return to class, will disrupt classes for about 35 minutes. One school board member who understands the motives, implications, and problems of this political protest, Jeanette Ward in School District U-46, sent several questions to district CEO Tony Sanders, who posted …

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Faithless Faith Leaders Protest Jeanette Ward’s FB Post

A new controversy has erupted in School District U-46, and this time it doesn’t involve compulsory co-ed locker rooms or offensive statements from board member Traci O’Neal Ellis.  This time 18 religious leaders have objected to school board member Jeanette Ward’s Facebook post about a controversial article on religion assigned in a sixth-grade class.
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PODCAST: Faithless Faith Leaders Protest Jeanette Ward’s FB Post

A new controversy has erupted in School District U-46, and this time it doesn’t involve compulsory co-ed locker rooms or offensive statements from board member Traci O’Neal Ellis.  This time 18 religious leaders have objected to school board member Jeanette Ward’s Facebook post about a controversial article on religion assigned in a sixth-grade class.
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School Board Member’s Offensive Statement About American Flag

If Illinoisans want to know what’s wrong with public education, look no further than School District U-46, more specifically to the arrogant, self-righteous school board member Traci O’Neal Ellis who never misses an opportunity to insult conservative values through bigoted, divisive, uncivil language.  She is the school board member who has twice gleefully referred to the Republican National Convention as the “Klanvention.”

Evidently wanting to outdo herself in offending a segment of the diverse community whose interests she laughingly claims to represent, she just posted this on her Facebook page:

I’m proud to stand with the sons of bitches on

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PODCAST: School Board Member’s Adolescent Statement About American Flag

If Illinoisans want to know what’s wrong with public education, look no further than School District U-46, more specifically to the arrogant, self-righteous school board member Traci O’Neal Ellis who never misses an opportunity to insult conservative values through bigoted, divisive, uncivil language.  She is the school board member who has twice gleefully referred to the Republican National Convention as the “Klanvention.”

Evidently wanting to outdo herself in offending a segment of the diverse community whose interests she laughingly claims to represent, she just posted this on her Facebook page:

I’m proud to stand with the sons of bitches on

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Yet Another Offense in School District U-46

Hard to believe but another offense was just exposed in Illinois School District U-46, and ironically, CEO Tony Sanders inadvertently exposed it. Last Thursday, September 29, CEO Tony Sanders released a statement regarding the controversy over his secret decision to allow a gender-dysphoric student to use a locker room and restroom designated for persons of the opposite sex.
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Illinois School District U-46 “Progressives” Foment Hatred

A second article was needed to address adequately the problems exposed in Monday’s school board meeting in Illinois School District U-46 in which the decision to allow a middle school gender-dysphoric student to use an opposite-sex locker room and the decision of school CEO Tony Sanders' to conceal that information from parents were debated.
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PODCAST: U-46 Barn Burning Board Meeting

So much to say about Monday night’s barn-burner of a school board meeting in School District U-46, so little time.

The meeting started at 7:00 p.m. By 6:00 p.m. the meeting room was filled to capacity, and attendees were sent to two upstairs overflow rooms to watch a livestream of the meeting. Approximately 58 visitors spoke, with 37 speaking in opposition to the school board’s decision to allow a student to use the locker room designated for persons of the opposite sex and to do so without telling U-46 parents of this decision. The remaining 21 spoke in favor …

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Middle School CEO Tony Sanders Says Parents Have No Right to Know about Co-Ed Locker Room

Tony Sanders, the chief executive officer of School District U-46 which serves 40,000 students in Cook, DuPage, and Kane Counties in Illinois, has declared that a middle school locker room is henceforth co-ed. He has declared from on high that a student who wishes to be the opposite sex may use whichever locker room his or her heart desires. Even more troubling...
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