LEFTISM: A Study in Hate

Wise people use words carefully to ensure their real intention is understood. But these days many people throw the word “hate” around carelessly. One must wonder if they know what it means. Examine a dictionary and you will discover it associated with words like intense dislike, detest, and loath. In the Bible the word is sometimes used to refer to the results of foolish actions, such as stating that a parent who fails to discipline a child hates him, because an undisciplined child is at great risk. A spoiled child, who does not get something he wants from a parent, such as a toy, may complain that the parent “hates” him. Much like Leftists who claim that those who resist their immorality “hate” them! Like anarchists they demand the freedom to do whatever they wish.

I suppose my first encounter with an anarchist was in second or third grade. An older student would take our personalized pencils, (Christmas gifts from the teacher), cut our names off and claim them as his own. Or, if we left possessions unattended, he would break them. Needless to say, he would threaten us against reporting him. As I grew older, I witnessed the same behavior from troublemakers who harassed students who worked hard. They were of the same character as people I ran into years later who smashed mailboxes, or keyed nice cars, or became Leftist anarchists. In the “good-ole days” there were adults in the room who kept these troublemakers at bay.  Today, adults are conspicuously absent. Government, the primary purpose of which is to protect the good citizens of the state, is now siding with the anarchists against the law-abiding citizens.

As a child I could not understand these people’s delight in destroying things or callously hurting others without cause. As I studied God’s Word, however, I came to understand better the relationship between rebellion against God and anarchy. Such are the “scoffers” referred to in Proverbs 29:8:

“Scoffers set a city aflame, but wise men turn away wrath.”

It also notes that reasoning with such people is impossible as they have no interest in truth, Prov. 29:9,

“If a wise man contends with a foolish man, whether the fool rages or laughs, there is no peace.”

And I also came to see that anarchists target anyone who seeks to do right. The animosity exhibited by failing junior high students toward good students is the same as that we have seen in recent times by Leftists smashing police cars and burning down businesses. In their pride they resist all authority. They hate God who is THE Authority, and they hate those who represent Him.

“The bloodthirsty hate the blameless. . . .”  Prov. 29:10

“He who is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked” Prov. 29:27b.

It is as Mark Twain noted, “Nothing is more irritating than a good example.” And we conservatives, especially Christians, as poorly as we represent Christ at times, are still VERY irritating to the Left.

It is important to counter the deceptive messaging of BLM, Antifa and the MSM. Yes, there are significant racial problems in America and yes there are individuals who harbor resentment against people of other races. However, Leftists use such issues cynically for their own political gain but have no desire to actually improve racial relations. Just as predators in the wild have many ways to disguise themselves, Leftists camouflage themselves as caring for the oppressed even as they plot the destruction of the country, which, by-the-way, would only exacerbate the situation of marginalized citizens. There has been nothing more detrimental to the young people of America’s inner cities than the Left’s attack on the nuclear family, the destruction of which has caused more deaths of teens and children than any other factor.  An intact family is a child’s best hope for health and success. Yet BLM publicly states its desire to eliminate the traditional family altogether! In what universe is that loving?

Two things are abundantly clear about anarchists: they hate what is morally right and those who represent it. Second, they understand that the object of their hatred is truly good and right. They are not confused about where the lines are. We are not dealing with good hearted but confused people. They understand that right is right, and wrong is wrong, and they hate what is right and love what is wrong. They demonstrate that they know the difference every time they accuse conservatives of the very things they themselves do. They declare that there is no “Truth,” and lie without any evidence of conscience, and yet cry “liar” at those who oppose them because they know that lying is wrong and that there is, in fact, Truth. Accusing someone of lying would be pointless if lying were not immoral.  In their foolishness they think the public is blind to their lying but will turn against those they accuse of lying. Their hypocrisy manifests in a host of ways.  If you examine their conduct, virtually every evil they accuse others of doing they practice themselves.

Case in point: if you disagree with them at all they immediately slur you as a hater. They know a lot about hate, for they are the worst of haters.  It characterizes everything they do, as their ideology is so destructive, but they are seldom called out for it.

One of the leaders of the group who violently took over several blocks of Seattle in 2020 published a note to followers after leaving the area calling them “comrades.”  Besides thus categorizing them as Leftists and Marxists, it notably did not refer to them as friends. Marxists and Leftists do not really have friends, for to have friends one must be willing to love and do what friends do. However, study the history of Marxism and you will find that loyalty is not a Leftist or Marxist value. Among other things, they are noted for bloody purges and those purges generally included “comrades.” So very friendly of them!  An irony discovered in the third chapter of Daniel corroborates the world’s willingness to destroy their own. King Nebuchadnezzar had three Israelite men thrown into a furnace because they refused to bow before his idol.  However, it was not the Jews who died in the fire at Nebuchadnezzar’s command, but his own soldiers. Which brings us back to God.

Marxism is atheistic. Rejection of God is foundational to the theory. But, where there is no God, there can be no love, for “God is love.” And without love there can be no true friendship. George Eliot noted that “friendship is that inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having to neither weigh thoughts nor measure words.”

With a true friend you can say whatever you like without fear. In simple terms, a friend is someone who cares so much for you that it is virtually impossible to sever that relationship. He or she naturally gives you the benefit of the doubt, trusts you and lets nothing separate you. It is a founding principle of this Republic, is enshrined in our Constitution and is ultimately sourced in God and the Bible. “Innocent until proven guilty” is the legal manifestation of this principle, and it is how you naturally treat your friends. It is the heartbeat of a mother who needs overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing before admitting to one of her children’s errors. This accurate definition of true friendship exposes the vileness of the Left.  For despite their protestation of caring for others, they care for no one but themselves.

Jimmy Kimmel is merely one of many celebrities to have discovered that although he has gone out of his way for years to show he is a Leftist, supported Leftist causes, and hates all who are on the Right, it meant nothing when they discovered he had unwittingly stepped over the line a few years ago. Regardless of all he has done and his solidarity with their cause they instantly threw him under the bus for his sins. They were never his friends. They are not good people.

Karlyn Borysenko, a Democrat who attended a Trump rally and others like her, have discovered how hateful the “Loving Left” really is and how in a moment comradery turns to hate. Former Leftists have also commented on how they lived in constant fear of being “found out” for disagreeing with some point of Leftist dogma. It is clear that there is no love among Leftists, for as the Bible says, “Perfect love casts out fear.” I wonder if Jeff Bezos still drinks the Kool-Aid now that Robespierre has shown up at his door? (Go online to read about the guillotine set up at his house by Leftists!).

The “Cancel Culture” of BLM, Antifa and other Leftists is more ominous than many would have us believe. The idea that destroying those who disagree with you is acceptable is the rationale that has led to most every war in human history. Leftist tactics portend a totalitarian state under which all disagreement is squelched.  Today, a few radicals terrorize the majority into either compliance with their agenda or silence. While these Leftists, I expect, would declare that they wish no one dead, what else can one deduce from their efforts to destroy their opponents’ ability to provide for themselves by getting them fired? Such oppression is eerily reminiscent of the Anti-Christ of the Bible who will require everyone to accept his ”mark” in-order-to buy or sell. At this point Leftists’ power is focused primarily on shaming truth tellers into silence but imagine what suffering they will create if they gain the political power necessary to bring criminal penalties against their opponents!

Such is the nature of the Left.  With friends like that. . . . Well, you know the rest!

So much for the compassionate, caring Socialists. Do not be fooled. Despite their protestations, neither they nor their cause are good.

Good people, upon hearing something unsettling about a friend, before rendering a judgment will seek clarification, hoping that it was a mistake or a misunderstanding.  People with good hearts, if you have transgressed in some way against them, upon your confession and request for forgiveness will happily grant it. That is what GOOD people do. They also understand that good people can disagree about just about anything and still be good people and even be friends.

It is decidedly not the way of BLM, Antifa, or leaders of the political Left. Violate one of their norms and you are done. No investigation. No calls with regrets. No explanations. You are just unceremoniously cut off. They are finished with you forever. Whether you violated a long-held tenet of Leftism or one just discovered five minutes ago, or, they discover you participated in some conduct which was “normal” thirty years ago, but recently has been determined to be offensive to the wrong group.  Too bad. You’re evil!

This is no incidental oversight on their part. They are not merely caught in the “emotions of the moment.” It is at the core of who they are and what they seek to accomplish. Ask what their objective is, and you will not receive an explanation as to how Americans will get along better under their plan, or the process by which more Americans will be able to participate in the Nation’s opportunities. No, what you will hear is simply “Destroy it all!”  They cannot and will not tell you what they will replace “it” with because they are not builders. They are destroyers, just like the punk who slashes tires, breaks other’s toys, or smashes mailboxes.

It also goes without saying that good people do not hijack worthy causes for bad ends. Returning to an earlier point: of course, EVERY BLACK LIFE MATTERS! They especially matter to God before whom we will all give an account someday. The issue of racism and all that goes with it is worthy of serious consideration and action.

Evangelist Billy Graham noted that the racial divide was one of the most egregious problems Americans face. But BLM and Leftists care nothing about the minorities they so publicly profess to champion and are not improving racial relations. Leftists and Left leaning Democrats have run most major U.S. cities for decades yet the slaughter of young minorities in those inner cities continues unabated. Over a hundred people were shot and several children were murdered in Chicago in just one weekend last year yet not one of these Leftists said a word or lifted a finger to do anything that would bring real change.

But why would they? They truly do not care.  Their objective is power, not peace.

And so, as we consider “hate,” we see that it is the Leftists who truly practice it, either directly through physical confrontation and injury, or by limiting their opponents’ ability to make a living, yet at the same time complaining like children that those who will not give them what they want “hate them,”

If you find yourself sympathizing with those experiencing difficulty in America, especially children, understand that the most visible and vocal ones pontificating on these issues are not the ones who are actually bringing relief. Tragically, most of the faces highlighted by the MSM are divisive and self-serving. Regardless of what they say, and how the Media portray them, BLM, Antifa and the others like them are not helping and you don’t want to affiliate with them. Look rather to the multitude of good people who are daily, away from the cameras, changing lives for good.

If you want to make a difference, support them!

Pence Doesn’t Believe in Science?

Written by Jerry Newcombe

After President Donald Trump named Vice President Mike Pence last week to lead nation’s battle against the coronavirus, many in the media decried the choice because supposedly Mike Pence “doesn’t believe in science.” How could he? He’s a Christian. So the logic goes.

They mock along the lines of: Maybe he just wants to pray the virus away.

The late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel quipped, “Why is Mike Pence in charge? What is his plan to stop the virus, abstinence?”

Writing for mediaite.com (2/26/20), Reed Richardson noted,

“President Donald Trump’s decision to task Mike Pence with heading up the federal government’s coronavirus response triggered an immediate backlash as critics noted the vice president’s record of doubting scientific evidence and his role in exacerbating an HIV outbreak in Indiana while he was governor.”

Richardson argues that Pence allegedly did a poor job in quelling the HIV outbreak in Indiana because for two days, he cancelled a needle exchange program and supposedly during those two days, the HIV “infection rates exploded.” After praying about it, Pence relented. An explosion of new cases in just two days?

Meanwhile, Richardson has compiled many comments from those criticizing Trump’s choice of Pence for this fight. Included in the criticisms is that he doesn’t believe in “climate science.” Why should he? Man-made catastrophic climate change is a hoax.

Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders tweeted against the choice of Pence: “Trump’s plan for the coronavirus so far:…Have VP Pence, who wanted to ‘pray away’ HIV epidemic, oversee the response…Disgusting.”

Another socialist, Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez commented:

“Mike Pence literally does not believe in science. It is utterly irresponsible to put him in charge of US coronavirus response as the world sits on the cusp of a pandemic.”

One critic tweeted:

“America is a driving force in fighting epidemics, and now the director of that fight is Mike Pence, a guy who’s [sic] scientific knowledge consists of how many times you have to pray before you’re cured of being gay.”

An M.D. remarked,

“Trump names Mike Pence as the Coronavirus Czar rather than CDC Director Robert Redfield or Surgeon General Jerome Adams. A physician should be in charge of the nation’s coronavirus response, not some dude who quarantines himself from other women when dining out.”

It seems like most of the criticisms are that Pence is unqualified to head up this task force because he is a devout Christian. Therefore, the same people who argue that a man can give birth  are pro-science, while because of his Christianity, Mike Pence is supposedly anti-science.

The canard that Christians are somehow anti-science is astounding. After all, Christian invented modern science. As the great astronomer Johannes Kepler put it, the scientist is a priest of the Most High God, “thinking His thoughts after Him.” A rational God had created a rational world, and it was the scientist’s job to try and discover God’s laws in nature.

The founder of every major branch of science was created by a Bible-believing Christian of one stripe or another. I highlighted this in a previous post. As the great evangelical thinker, Dr. Os Guinness, once told me, “Actually, many of the earliest, and some of the very greatest of scientists have been people of enormous faith.”

Daniel Lapin is an author and an orthodox Jewish rabbi. He once told me in an interview about the impact of Christianity on the world, “Sir Isaac Newton wrote far more on faith, theology and religion than he wrote on gravitation. And there is a reason for that. Once we are given a clue, wait a second, ‘In the beginning, God created heaven and earth,’ then that tells me that one way I can get to know God better is by studying heaven and earth. And that’s why, until relatively recently, all the great scientists were also great Christians.”

Lapin also said, “If you look at the last thousand years…ninety-eight percent of all the major technological scientific medical advances took place again, let’s face it, under Christendom: they were in Christian countries.”

As D. James Kennedy and I noted in our book, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?: “Both Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) and J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967) have stressed that modern science was born out of the Christian world view…..Whitehead [in his 1925 book, Science and the Modern World] said that Christianity is the mother of science because of ‘the medieval insistence on the rationality of God.’”

The arguments that Mike Pence is disqualified from serving as the top executive to fight the spread of this virus because of his Christian commitment makes no sense.

Pence has a good record of mobilizing people to work together for the common good—and to do so in a humble attitude of “servant leadership.”

This article was originally published at JerryNewcombe.com.

Beyond the Kavanaugh Event: America’s Fading Traditions

Introduction by Laurie Higgins

One of the joys and blessings of working for IFI these past ten years has been meeting remarkable people from across the country. One very special friend is Dr. Daniel Boland who has master’s degrees (one in theology and one in education), a PhD in psychology, and three years of post-doctoral training and research in human behavior and applied behavioral science. He taught, supervised and counseled at the University of Notre Dame and, later, at Arizona State University. After teaching, he opened a private practice as consulting psychologist in Scottsdale, Arizona and eventually moved to Southern California, where he enjoys the atmospheric climate much more than the political one. Dr. Boland now studies and writes about the radically secular trends and de-moralizing ideas which are eroding the influence of traditional Judeo-Christian principles, beliefs and practices. His wise, compassionate, and edifying essays are available on his blog to which you can and should subscribe. Here’s his essay on the meaning of the Kavanaugh imbroglio:

Beyond the Kavanaugh Event: America’s Fading Traditions
Written by Dr. Daniel Boland

A vast divide now exists among Americans. It is far more than a political rift between Democrats and Republicans. It is not merely a struggle between conservatives and liberals. The true nature of this conflict centers on how we shall live as individuals and what values we shall uphold as a nation. The facts at hand are not encouraging.

The Kavanaugh Event highlights the rabid polarization in the struggle for survival of our fundamental values, our American identity and even our national security.

“Progressivism’s” Errant Values

“Progressive” Leftists seek to create a nation without national boundaries, moral traditions or constitutional restraints. “… Let people do what they want. Let them have their way, no matter what price we pay for unhindered progress or what age-old laws and time-honored customs of dead-white-men we banish along the way…” say “progressive” Leftists.

America’s national character and moral coherence are based on 230+ years of constitutional stability inspired by Judeo-Christian mores. These legal and spiritual codes emphasize individual accountability and define the natural and lawful limits of human behavior.

Until recently, individual rights have always been balanced by personal responsibilities—and by accountability to God and to other human beings—for the common good, starting with the first natural right of all persons, the right to life, which includes the unborn.

Until recently, these codes have restrained government abuse and tempered the fads and foolishness to which humans are attracted. Today, the “progressive” Left jettisons these norms as outmoded, offensive, restrictive—the stale product of male/sexist/white/Christian/conservative dominance.

To advance their vision of unhindered “progress,” Leftists seek to eradicate our American system. Thus, many of our sacred traditions and boundaries are being overthrown by practitioners of Marxist political correctness and moral relativism, mental and moral distortions to which many Americans are in militant, yet ignorant, thrall.

And now comes the Kavanaugh Event where accusation and condemnationrather than civility and restraint—are common. The dignity and achievements of a good man’s lifetime are expunged in favor of flimsy rumor and deliberate exaggeration (if not outright lies) in service to manipulative power.

Memory’s Weak Links

The Kavanaugh hearings quickly devolved into character defamation, focusing not on the nominee’s professional qualifications but on whether he was a teenaged drunkard, so afflicted by alcoholic blackouts that he was forgetfully capable of anything, including violent rape.

Politically correct character assassination is the goal of the Kavanaugh Event, with the threat of impeachment ever hovering. To the Left, solid reputations of moral probity earned over an adult lifetime are relative.

Judge Kavanaugh is accused of a felony. But the preponderance of evidence assuredly does not support this charge. However, many Leftists hope the ensuing FBI probe will unearth additional dirt about Kavanaugh’s college drinking and belligerency, and a subsequent charge of perjury they hope to pin on him—dirt with which they expect to bury Judge Kavanaugh.

It is crucial to note that dissociative amnesia and the validity of recovered memories—the bases of his accuser’s charges—carry scant weight in research psychology and forensic testimony. The validity and credibility of recovered memories is highly unreliable.

Research tells us that recovered memories are by no means credible and carry no probative value. Yet Democrats grant eager assent to the accusations, which originated in trauma forty years old. Despite this, the “progressive” Left celebrates the accusation as “proof” of Judge Kavanaugh’s guilt. (If you wish to review these accusations and, more to the point, read the report of Rachel Mitchell, the prosecutor who interviewed Dr. Christine Ford during the proceedings, click here.

The Progressive’s Approach 

To the “progressive” Left, accusation alone cancels reasonable doubt. It “proves” Judge Kavanaugh is unworthy. Henceforth, he shall be known and dishonored as a liar, drunk and rapist.

For the “progressive” Left, even a reckless, fact-less accusation that anyone is a racist or a homophobe, a chauvinist-pig or a sexist, a bigot or a promoter of hate speech or, worse, a faithful Christian baker or florist (with all the attached spiteful, religious baggage), even a mere accusation is sufficient to cast shadows over good people to justify punitive wrath and budget-busting fines.

Such is the “progressive” politically correct ethic in our morally-wounded, rationally-bereft culture.

The Behavior of Some Senators

The insults and “gotcha” posturing by Democrat Senators were, to many observers, way over the edge. It was deeply disquieting to watch our elected representatives leverage Judge Kavanaugh’s plight for their own unsavory political agendas, their unseemly grandstanding and their appeals to financial donors.

For example, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) declared his resistance to Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination less than half an hour after the announcement. Mr. Schumer’s rush to pre-judgment was startling in its alacrity and vehemence.

U.S. Senator Kristen Gillibrand’s opportunistic “anti-males-in-power” feminist screeds were wearisome in their denial of historical and biological reality—which is nowhere better explained than in this brief, must-watch Prager U video.

U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono’s advice to men to “shut up and step up” was simply incoherent and outlandish.

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris’ fumbling, all-too-obvious attempts to trap Judge Kavanaugh into contradictory testimony were feckless and amateurish.

U.S. Senator Cory Booker indulged in several episodes of self-promoting rodomontade a’brim with cringe-worthy virtue-signaling and martyr-ish rhetoric. His performance was out of sync with his own teen-age sexual excesses, about which he wrote in a college column proclaiming his conversion to feminism.

One could also mention U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal’s needless slur that Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment will “stain” the Supreme Court. This is the same Blumenthal who claimed to have served in Vietnam when, in fact, he did not.

There are other embarrassing and unstatesman-like (or, if I must, unstateswoman-like) examples from our national leaders in this unfortunate inquisition, but the point is evident and disturbing.

The Stunning Absence of Honesty

The intemperate name-calling and adversarial behavior of Democrats did indeed shock. Such behavior compels us to recognize with heavy heart that politics and far too many politicians no longer exemplify responsible civility, moral and intellectual clarity, human courtesy or simple fairness.

Some will counter with a challenge: “Yes, but how ‘bout Trump and his ranting, blathering incivilities?”

Yes, many Americans vehemently condemn President Trump’s tweety indiscretions. In fact, many loathe our president for his tactless style and his tasteless crudities.

Many people also criticize Republicans for their hesitant, tradition-bound approach to their exercise of their congressional majorities and for their failure to reach effectively across the aisle and seek unity with Democrats. “… After all, Republicans have the power…”

Fair enough.

But “progressivism’s” defamatory strategies and divisive energies—now on grim public display—clearly reveal how they are deliberately eroding our American ideals and how responsible these “progressive” Leftists are for the toxic state of affairs we now face.

To this day, the story of America is a record of human nature’s best attempts at limited governance and the evolution of justice. Sadly, today’s destructive Leftist politics reveals that power-grasping can overshadow the good will and highest hopes of human nature which defined American exceptionalism.

Political Life and Reality’s Bite

Our Declaration of Independence declares that our laws are codifications of rights and responsibilities granted by our Creator—except to the “progressive” Left.

Our nation’s historic struggle for a balance between human laws and their divine origin are summed up in the admonitions of John Adams, who cautioned that our form of governance relies not only on law but also on the virtue of citizens and their representatives—except to the “progressive” Left.

We can see that American politics today is no longer a unified struggle for a common goal. Party politics is now a bitter, morally divisive enterprise. Americans are separated according to our vision of human life, its origins, its rights and its inherent value.

These differences are nowhere more definitively clarified than with the issue of abortion. The divisions in our country relate to our beliefs about life itself—about the “right” of individuals to live and the “right” of both the state and private persons to take life away from its own citizens, especially from the unborn and the elderly.

It is the taking and giving of life which threaten our Republic’s very survival. It is abortion, its moral consequences and its political leverage which are at the dark core of the Kavanaugh Event. 

Threats to American Stability

The corrupting intrusions of Marxist political-correctness, the ascendance of moral relativism in the American consciousness and the denigration of Judeo-Christian principles now inspire character assassination as a mainstream political tool. But there is also much more to worry about.

Our national malaise is exacerbated by Leftist propagandists in the media and entertainment industries to the grave detriment to our entire culture. One has only to listen to some late-night hosts to realize how foul “humor” has become, as Jimmy Kimmel’s disgusting comment affirms.

To the Left, factual reportage and decency in speech are relative to the desired outcome.

The impact of the “progressive” Left’s relativism on American politics, education, family life, law enforcement on our entire culture is difficult to face but impossible to deny:

  • erosion of speech and religious exercise protections and the concomitant ongoing denigration of Judeo-Christian traditions
  • triumph of non-judgmental, “anything goes” moral madness
  • acceptance by medical professionals and parents of gravely misguided “transgender” “identity” change therapies over natural sexuality
  • destruction of moral codes that respect the unborn and the elderly
  • increased taxation and subsequent re-distribution of income and opportunity, regardless of talent, work ethic or experience
  • perpetuation of welfare without qualification
  • the support for open borders and further influx of unregistered non-citizen “sanctuary” seekers demanding care and comfort for all entrants—this added to an illegal population which is twice what experts previously estimated
  • increased control of industry, commerce and systems of distribution, psychological and medical services and educational institutions

There is also the mortal danger of Islamic militancy which promises violence and death to America. In fact, violence is now occurring throughout Europe, a continent made victim by its own twisted sense of giving aid to its destroyers and welcoming its enemy in the names of suicidal empathy and false altruism.

Do We Get It Yet?

The un-making of America in accordance with the desires and will of the “progressive” Left proceeds apace as self-restraint is diminished and counterfeit, artificial “freedoms” are let loose among us. The public destruction of Brett Kavanaugh is but one of countless tragic events ahead for America and for many Americans.

History tells us that disturbing outcomes are increasingly probable unless we take seriously the facts at hand. The facts at hand attest to the demise of our moral traditions, truth and civility in the “progressive” Left’s politically correct, socialist America and to the continuing destruction of American exceptionalism and identity.

It can’t happen here? Really?

It is unfolding before us every day.

IFI depends on the support of Christians like you. Donate now

-and, please-

Michelle Wolf’s Lewd Lupine Pasquinade

Full disclosure: I hate roasts of any kind.

White House Correspondents’ Dinner gut-busting pasquinade by jokester Michelle Wolf makes it difficult to refrain from being as despicable as she was.

First, some of her jokes:

“Of course, Trump isn’t here…. I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the president of the United States is the one p***y you’re not allowed to grab.”

“I know there’s a lot of people who want me to talk about Russia and Putin and collusion, but I’m not gonna do that because there’s a lot of liberal media here, and I’ve never wanted to know what any of you look like when you orgasm. Except for you, Jake Tapper.”

“I’m never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Is it Sarah Sanders, is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is it Cousin Huckabee, is it Aunt Huckabee Sanders? What’s Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women?”

She has a First Amendment right to be nasty, brutish, and vulgar, but that doesn’t mean doing so is right. I guess if you call it a “joke,” it’s not bullying. Last night was a teachable moment for all those kids who take pleasure in making nasty sport of others. Wolf taught them that it’s okay to be thoughtless, mean-spirited, and distasteful as long as you’re part of the cool crowd–you know, the crowd that’s on the “right side of history,” like the sanctimonious Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and David Letterman.

Oh, and here’s another of her rib-ticklers, this one on abortion–a topic that’s always good for a laugh:

“Don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there.”

One tidbit of info about Wolf from CNN editor-at-large Chris Cilizza: “Wolf knew exactly what she was doing…. Did the average person know who Wolf was before Saturday night?… She is the talk of every Sunday talk show…. On a related note, her Netflix series, ‘The Break with Michelle Wolf’–comes on May 27.”

Vulgar, mean, divisive, self-serving, and calculating. Wolf should go into politics–on the cool kids’ team.

Take ACTION: Please click HERE to contact the White House Correspondents’ Association to express your view on Michelle Wolf’s performance.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


Worldview Conference THIS SATURDAY!

Worldview has never been so important than it is today!  The contemporary culture is shaping the next generation’s understanding of faith far more than their faith is shaping their understanding of culture. The annual IFI Worldview Conference is a phenomenal opportunity to reverse that trend.

This year we are excited to have well-know apologist John Stonestreet leading our session.  Please join us this Saturday, May 5th at Medinah Baptist Church. Mr. Stonestreet is s a dynamic speaker and the award-winning author of “Making Sense of Your World” and his newest offer: “A Practical Guide to Culture.”

Click HERE to learn more or to register!