Efforts to Stop UN World “Health” Power Grab Accelerate

Amid a major power grab by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) seeking to further empower the global agency, lawmakers and leaders across the United States are stepping up efforts to protect self-government, national sovereignty and the rights of all Americans. In fact, many in Congress and beyond say it is time for the U.S. government to defund and even withdraw from the WHO once again.

Last week, governments from around the world sent delegates to the annual World Health Assembly in Geneva. They will be meeting until May 30. The main objective of this year’s confab is to radically extend the organization’s power over healthcare and citizens under the guise of improving “health” and fighting future disease outbreaks in a coordinated global fashion. Critics say it is a dangerous plan to centralize power in a corrupt agency controlled by Beijing.

There are two primary methods of attack. First, using COVID and possible future pandemics as a pretext, the WHO is pushing for a new “International Pandemic Accord.” The scheme was being called a treaty until it became obvious to all involved it would never get two-thirds support in the U.S. Senate, as required for ratification of all treaties. The WHO hopes to have the details worked out by next year’s World Health Assembly.

The second prong in the attack involves amendments to the so-called International Health Regulations, or IHR. Because these are considered mere changes to an existing treaty, globalists at the WHO and in the Biden administration — not to mention the Communist Party of China lurking behind the scenes — also see this as a vehicle for empowering the global “health” apparatus without pesky interference from Congress.

But critics are working on ways to fight back. The Sovereignty Coalition, formed to fight the WHO assault on self-government, brings together a broad alliance of conservative leaders, organizations, and lawmakers united in the effort to preserve and restore national sovereignty. In fact, the coalition is calling for an American exit from the WHO entirely.

Signatories include hundreds of America’s most prominent conservative leaders as well as doctors and other medical professionals. Leading organizations in the medical freedom movement and the broader conservative movement also signed on including Daily Clout, Eagle Forum, Liberty Counsel Action, Tea Party Patriots Action, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, ConservativeHQ, Act for America, and more.

Last week around 20 lawmakers and leaders held a press conference outside Capitol Hill calling for an end to the WHO’s scheming. Illinois’ own U.S. Representative Mary Miller, a Republican, was among those speaking out. “Our hard-earned taxpayer dollars should not support a globalist organization that is controlled by China, undermines our national sovereignty, and threatens our rights,” Rep. Miller said, echoing the concerns of many of her colleagues and constituents.

“President Trump made the right decision to cut all funding and participation in this organization, and it is foolish for the Biden Administration to place trust in an institution that repeated China’s deceptive narratives regarding the origins of the pandemic in Wuhan,” she added. “I stand proudly with my colleagues in calling for the United States to withdraw from the corrupt WHO. In Congress, I will always work to protect our nation’s sovereignty, preserve our rights and freedoms, and ensure the responsible use of taxpayer dollars.”

Other lawmakers who spoke at the press conference and denounced the WHO and Biden’s support for the power grab included U.S. Representatives Ralph Norman (SC-05), Ronny Jackson (TX-13), Chris Smith (NJ-04), Harriet Hageman (WY), Tim Burchett (TN-02), Brian Babin (TX-36), Andy Biggs (AZ-05) (sponsor of H.R. 79), Kevin Hern (OK-01), Thomas Tiffany (WI-07), Chip Roy (TX-21), Eli Crane (AZ-02),  Paul Gosar (AZ-09),  Lauren Boebert (CO-03), Eric Burlison (MO-07),  Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13) Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-08), Glenn Grothman (WI-06), Clay Higgins (LA-03), and more.

Watch the press conference here:

Sovereignty Coalition co-founders Reggie LittleJohn and Frank Gaffney were there, too. In a statement posted on their website, the leaders and the signatories noted that the WHO was effectively under CCP control and was being used to advance a “post-Constitutional-America and ‘global governance’ dominated by the Party.” “The CCP’s hegemonic ambitions have no place for a powerful United States of America, human freedom or personal sovereignty,” the group explained. The WHO is also doing the bidding of Big Pharma and billionaire population-control zealot Bill Gates, one of the outfits top financiers, the coalition said.

Speaking at the start of the WHO’s annual meeting, former communist terrorist and current WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus insisted that the organization needed even more power. “We cannot simply carry on as we did before,” said Ghebreyesus, who was installed with strongarm tactics by the CCP. “The pandemic accord that member states are now negotiating must be a historic agreement to make a paradigm shift in global health security, recognizing that our fates are interwoven.”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, former leader of the Socialist International global alliance of communist and socialist political parties, echoed the call for a stronger globalist regime. “I hope the current negotiations on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response result in a strong multilateral approach that saves lives,” said Guterres, who has also been a vocal advocate of the World Economic Forum-led “Great Reset” being opposed by countless millions around the world.

Blasting the WHO’s response to COVID, the Sovereignty Coalition said it was “outrageous” that the Biden administration was scheming to hand over even more power—without even Senate approval. “These accords would effectively repose in Dr. Tedros the authority unilaterally to dictate what constitutes an actual or potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and to order how affected nations must respond,” the coalition said in a statement, noting that these authorities would purport to allow America’s enemies to deprive Americans of their rights.

In light of all the problems with the schemes being negotiated as well as the systemic issues plaguing WHO, the Sovereignty Coalition said enough was enough. “The United States must end its membership in, cease funding of and submitting to the World Health Organization before the WHO is granted the authority effectively to compel compliance with the public health dictates of Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus or any other unelected, unaccountable international bureaucrat,” the alliance declared.

At the state level, efforts to stop the WHO are gaining steam as well. A new bill in the South Carolina legislature, H.4246, would nullify the power grab by banning any state or local cooperation with the effort. “This is the rightful remedy,” SC Representative Josiah Magnuson told me, blasting the fact that Biden was not even planning to seek the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate as required by the Constitution of all treaties. “If this does go into effect, we’re going to have the framework here to resist.”

Former President Donald Trump removed the U.S. government from the WHO, but Joe Biden promptly rejoined when taking power. Republicans in the U.S. House, though, have the opportunity to defund the global body in the upcoming budget. With outrage surrounding the WHO and its leadership growing rapidly amid the attempted power grab, it may be tough for elected officials in the United States to continue supporting it. The next year will be critical in that battle.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your U.S. Representative to encourage them to support legislative actions to withdrawal the U.S. from the The World Health Organization (WHO). This U.N. agency is effectively controlled by Communist Chinese Party and other subversive globalist interests, but it is actively seeking greater, totalitarian control over its member nations. This is a serious threat to our national sovereignty and our individual liberty.

Ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 79, the “WHO Withdrawal Act,” H.R. 343, the “No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act,” and S. 444, the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,” to stop the implementation and/or enforcement of the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty.

The Cost of School Vouchers: Sky-High Inflation

Written by Robert Bortins

It’s Economics 101: costs increase when the government floods the private sector with money.

Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Starting with the Higher Education Act of 1965, the government has subsidized the cost of college with the promise that more people would be able to afford higher education. Instead, college tuition and textbook costs have far outpaced inflation. Likewise, the medical field has seen a significant increase in cost versus inflation with various subsidies, while life expectancy has actually decreased in the United States. So the cost of college has skyrocketed, and who can afford health care these days? Clearly, dumping money into a problem won’t just fix it.

Demand-side economics causes inflation because subsidies increase demand and demand increases general price levels and debt. The more the government subsidizes health care and college education, the greater the cost to the user. That’s why health care and college are less affordable now than they were before government intervention.

Conservative Republicans have wisely recognized this basic economic principle throughout Joe Biden’s and the Democrats’ wild spending spree, but they’re courting a similar problem with school vouchers. And make no mistake: school vouchers will do the same for K–12 education and related services as subsidies for health care and college by supersizing inflation.

How do I know this? As the CEO of a company that cultivates homeschool community leaders and develops homeschool curricula and educational products, let me assure you that my company would directly benefit from the influx of government cash. We would be able to immediately increase our prices by 100 percent or more on many of our product offerings and bring other high-priced and high-margin education products to the market. When given money you didn’t earn, you tend to spend it. Competitors would raise their prices, too, because, hey, who wouldn’t? This has been done in every subsidized industry since the dawn of time. School vouchers are a capitalist’s dream. Yes, I would benefit from school vouchers, but school vouchers would hurt the people I want to support.

A hike in the price of education would take a couple of years to materialize, but it would materialize, believe me. Here’s why. Take a private school that has room for one hundred students. If one hundred more families suddenly can afford tuition and other costs, it doesn’t mean that the school has the space for those students. It doesn’t mean it has the land to build more space–that space is expensive! Instead, the administration will simply increase tuition. If a hundred families that can now afford $8000 in tuition suddenly get “free money” from the government, then the administration has every incentive to raise the tuition to $8000 plus the amount of the “free money” given in the form of a universal voucher.

The misguided hope—and hope makes for poor policy, misguided or not—is that by creating greater demand for services, more providers will step up. However, those providers will have one simple goal: to make money. Like the private school in our hypothetical scenario, they will have every incentive to milk every last dollar out of the state as they can. Even if those institutions are ostensibly non-profit, they will make money. Investors will buy land and develop it and then rent it back to the non-profit. Normally, this sort of deal would require an arm’s length transaction; however, a collusive transaction is easy to arrange, merely requiring good (or, rather, bad) legal advice and lax enforcement by the state. Furthermore, non-profits also pay employees who exchange time for pay and personal profit. Subsidies encourage lavish salaries and other unreasonable forms of compensation.

In short, government subsidies increase the likelihood of corruption, and corruption feeds back into inflation as the corrupt drain the public coffers and demand ever more.

Universal school vouchers have no track record of success. The one state that has implemented something similar is Arizona, and so far, it appears to have just added to the state’s educational costs, as those outside the system signed up for droves while early numbers indicate that nearly 99 percent of those in government schools opted to remain in them. If the goal was to provide families with choices, then the school voucher program has failed since those choices aren’t dramatically changing in the wake of a new funding mechanism.

What will change are the costs of those choices: they’ll climb sky-high.

Robert Bortins is the CEO of Classical Conversations, Inc., a homeschool program that helps parents cultivate an inquisitive, intellectual child through an intentional, community-based approach. Robert earned a BS in Industrial Engineering from Clemson University in 2006. After graduating, he worked as a management trainee for UPS and as a plant engineer for Easy Gardener. In 2011, he returned to the family business, Classical Conversations, Inc., to develop a marketing program. He was then appointed CEO of the family-owned company in 2012. He and his wife have three children and live in North Carolina.

Immigration Invasion on the Southern Border

What exactly is happening at the southern border? Ever since President Donald Trump’s exit from the White House, the illegal immigration issue has received little interest from President Joe Biden and his administration. And if it doesn’t interest the Biden White House, it doesn’t seem to interest the dominant media. Because of this, many are left in the dark as to what is actually happening at the border.

This past weekend, to the shock of immigration agents, neighboring towns, and state officials, over 1,000 illegal immigrants crossed the Rio Grande River into El Paso, Texas. Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin revealed the following:

This was easily the biggest group we have ever seen during our 19 months of covering this border crisis… a massive caravan of over 1,000 illegal immigrants … local media there reporting it was potentially up to 2,000 people and that it was possibly the biggest mass crossing in the city’s history. 

Melugin reports that border patrol is so overwhelmed that the officers are starting to drop immigrants off in various locations in the city, including mass street releases. The U.S. Border Patrol chief said that “during the last 48 hours, there have been more than 16,000 illegal crossings, averaging out to 8,000 per day.”

According to Just Facts Immigration and Border Crossing statistics, “From 2014 to 2022, U.S. Border Patrol detected 1.9 million “gotaways” at the Southwest Border (migrants observed by surveillance but not apprehended), or an average of 208,000 per year. In 2022, U.S. Border Patrol detected 599,000 gotaways, a record high.”

According to Fox News, at least 73,000 illegal immigrants were spotted crossing into the U.S. but were able to evade Border Patrol agents in November–the highest number recorded at the US-Mexico border.

These statistics are alarmingly high and dangerous, and, unfortunately, they don’t even take into account the number of illegals who have evaded surveillance or apprehension.

Moreover, far-left California Governor Gavin Newsom, who has made California a sanctuary state for illegals, now says his state is “on the breaking point” even before a Trump-era law to expel migrants quickly (due to COVID-19 concerns) ends on December 21st.

Newsom, who has given state IDs and free universal health care to illegals, unbelievably blames Republicans in Congress for this mess.

Both sides of the aisle are now publicly pressuring the administration to take action.

In response to the border crisis, the Biden Administration is requesting that Congress approve an additional $3 billion in spending for the border, which would supposedly include resources for building a “safe, orderly, and humane immigration system.”

According to Fox News State Department Correspondent Rich Edson, “[California] Congressman [Rohit] Khanna says he thinks and expects the president will go to the southern border. The president is expected to travel to Mexico next month as part of the North American Leaders Summit.” However, this visit to the border by the Biden administration is yet to be seen.

What is happening at the southern border is more than a disaster and humanitarian crisis. It is an invasion. Cities in America are being invaded by illegal immigrants, and border patrol officers are overwhelmed. According to a recent CBS article, more than 3,800 illegal aliens have been bussed to Chicago since April. Unlike legally admitted immigrants, illegal aliens undergo no criminal background checks, nor do they receive medical screening to ensure they have no contagious diseases.

In light of this major crisis, many are asking what they can do to help.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your federal lawmakers, including President Biden, about the open border. Demand that they do their jobs by securing our borders, protecting the people of southern border states and communities. We cannot remain silent on this issue, as the devastating effects of this are being seen in far too many cities.

Read more:

Biden Administration Plans for More Illegal Aliens to Be Released Into Communities When Title 42 Ends (NTD)

Biden-Created Border Crisis About to Get Whole Lot Worse (The Daily Signal)

[WATCH] Biden’s border policies are intentional: Jim Jordan (Fox News)

Biden Appointee Sam Brinton a Fetishist, Liar and Thief

Biden’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, the notoriously creepy Sam Brinton, is in the news again and again for all the wrong reasons. Correction: Brinton finally lost his job on Monday after not one but two luggage thefts at two airports: one in Las Vegas and one in Minneapolis. His luggage of choice is women’s luggage where can be found women’s jewelry, undergarments, and clothing.

Brinton is the cross-dressing fetishist who engages in and teaches about perverse sexual practices under the heading of the “physics of kink” in which he discusses “wax play,” bondage, spanking, and “electro play.”

According to the Daily Mail, Brinton’s bio on one pervert site says he has “‘been active in the kink world since 2013’” and hosts “‘monthly kink parties in’” his “‘dungeon in Washington, DC,’” in which Brinton estimates he has “‘spanked over 2,000 cute butts.’”

In a summary of one of his many sex talks to college students, this one at Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute in 2017, a student wrote this about Biden pick Brinton:

[Brinton] left us with countless anecdotes, like how he enjoys tying up his significant other like a table, and eating his dinner on him while he watches Star Trek. Upon being asked about how long he knew he was into kink, he explained that it wasn’t necessarily from birth, but that his kinks manifested in nonsexual ways. Once he started having sex, he got bored with the idea that he couldn’t control the whole experience, which led him to the idea of domination. He also expanded on his experiences with pup play, the differences between kinks and fetishes, and how to safely choke one’s partner.

We then moved onto demonstrations. Brinton taught us about bondage, starting with wrist restraints and ending with harnesses. … He also passed out ropes to the audience and encouraged us to practice on each other.

When the demonstrations ended, he invited us to come play with his toys or talk to him more. The entire audience went up to the stage, and Brinton graciously explained the purpose and proper usage of each toy. He even demonstrated the use of a carbon fiber rod on those who were interested, and the marks he left on my arm lasted for a few days. He told us more stories, some about working in Washington, D.C., the few times he helped Michelle Obama pick out shoes, his efforts to end conversion therapy, and his experiences as a dominatrix.

Biden, who selected Brinton years after this kind of information was easily available online, hasn’t yet met a sexual perversion he doesn’t love. Let’s pause a moment to reflect on the political party that chooses someone to serve in the the government–not despite his commitment to perversion–but because of it. We’ve come a long, twisted way from George Washington and James Madison.

In addition to larceny, Brinton has mastered the dark art of lying. He lied to law enforcement multiple times about his purloining of luggage in Minneapolis. Those who have followed Brinton’s unceasing quest for media attention have been surprised by his thievery but not by his lying. He is an inveterate, pathological liar.

Brinton first identified as “gay,” but now his immutable “sexual orientation” has changed, and he—er, I mean “they”—identify as bisexual. His “gender identity” has been variously reported as gender fluid and nonbinary, which should be mutually exclusive. If one is gender fluid, one flows back and forth between genders. If one is nonbinary, one is neither male nor female. As the kids say, whatever. “Logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead.”

The 35-year-old Brinton, who is pretend-married to a man, demonstrates his nonbinariness by combining men’s and women’s clothing—thereby reflecting the binariness of his nonbinary identity.

While Brinton “completed a dual Master of Science degree program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in nuclear engineering and the technology and policy program,” he is better known—or, rather, infamous for—his nationwide crusade to make what he deceitfully calls “conversion therapy” illegal. So fanatically committed is Brinton to this crusade that he has sashayed all about the country lying about it.

Brinton has claimed that he was a victim of torture via “conversion therapy”—the term those tricksy homosexual activists prefer—but his allegations suffer from shape-shifting and lack of proof.

For example, in 2010 Brinton alleged that just before seventh grade, he was sent to “conversion therapy” where his hands were tied down and “blocks of ice were placed” on his hands while pictures of men holding hands “were shown” to him.

By 2014 when he testified before the U.N.’s Committee on Torture, his story (and delivery) had changed. He still claimed that his hands were tied down and blocks of ice were placed on them, but he wasn’t shown pictures of men holding hands. Oh, no, in this incarnation of his story he was shown “erotic pictures of men.” Additionally, he claimed the torturous therapy occurred when he was ten years old.

When he testified before the U.N. committee at age 26, he was choking back faux-tears even though he’d been telling this story publicly for years. But four years earlier when he was 22, no tears, not a voice quiver to be heard.

Depending on the context, Brinton has alleged that he was either 10 or 12, when he was tortured by “a doctor,” or “not a doctor,” or a “religious therapist,” or a “licensed psychotherapist.” And at various points, he has claimed he was in this torturous therapy for “two to three years,” and yet he says he cannot recall the name of this therapist.

In addition to painful ice treatment, Brinton claims copper heating coils were wrapped around his hands and the heat turned on, “tiny needles” were “stuck into” his fingers, and that he received “electric shocks” by the nameless therapist. Even homosexuals doubt his story.

Btw, this kind of therapy is accurately called “aversion therapy”—not conversion therapy. And no licensed therapists do it on anyone, let alone children.

Talk therapy that seeks to uncover reasons for disordered, unwanted feelings and dysfunctional behaviors is called counseling.

Brinton also claims that prior to torture therapy, he was taken to the emergency room seven times from beatings by his father that—Brinton claims—his parents said were from accidental falls. If that happened, surely there would be records of his emergency room visits. His mother denies all of Brinton’s claims about abuse at his father’s hands.

Brinton squealed his delight when he was appointed by Biden to the position he has now lost:

I’ll even be (to my knowledge) the first gender fluid person in federal government leadership. … You cannot fathom how excited I am. … so so so excited.

While the crossdressing, glittery, ruby stiletto-wearing Brinton was squealing about his new appointment, the oppressive regime in China could see our soft bellies exposed for the death stroke.

Kinda makes sense that our corrupt prevaricating president would appoint a corrupt prevaricator to a high-level government post. #BirdsOfAFeather

John Kerry and WEF Argue U.S. Must Pay “Reparations”

As “climate” dignitaries and world leaders prepare to converge on the Egyptian resort town of Sharm-El-Sheikh in mid November to solve the alleged “climate crisis,” the biggest issues to be decided will involve money — lots of it. Specifically, the questions to be resolved surround how much money governments must extract from the struggling middle classes of the “developed” world to bribe “developing country” governments and kleptocrats into keeping their populations in perpetual poverty and bondage. As “climate” becomes the new COVID, though, freedom is in danger, too.

Under the guise of what is called “loss and damage,” taxpayers in advanced nations such as the United States are expected to pay massive reparations to Third World governments. Relying on the increasingly dubious hypothesis that human emissions of carbon dioxide are causing catastrophic global warming, the argument is that advanced economies emitted more carbon dioxide as they became prosperous over the last century, and as such, they must compensate poorer, undeveloped nations for alleged climate damages. Everything from storms to droughts is being blamed on Western CO2 emissions. Those advanced economies get no credit for inventing the technologies that make the modern world possible.

The World Economic Forum, the fascistic and globalist Big Business alliance behind the Great Reset agenda, is publicly arguing that “climate reparations” must be “top of the agenda at COP27.” And governments of the world are taking note. Globalists and the Third World regimes demanding more money are calling for trillions of dollars in “reparations” for everything from floods to droughts. “By 2050, the economic cost of loss and damage in developing countries is estimated to be between $1-1.8 trillion,” WEF “expert” and propagandist Abhinav Chugh wrote on the increasingly controversial organization’s website.

A group of largely corrupt governments styling itself the “Alliance of Small Island States” (AOSIS) is demanding that taxpayers in wealthier countries hand over huge sums for a “response fund” that will help “climate victims recover from the loss and damage caused by present and future climate shocks,” according to the WEF. This “Alliance” will be backed by the largest group of governments and dictatorships within the UN system. Known as the G77 + China, the alliance represents about two thirds of the UN’s member governments. And it is openly seeking to turn the UN into an “emblem of global sovereignty.”

Speaking at the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, which basically serves as Deep State headquarters in the United States, Biden administration “climate” Czar John Kerry indicated a willingness to fork over huge sums of American tax dollars to the UN and its member governments, though he did not offer a specific figure. “We’re very concerned about the impacts of climate on all of these countries,” Special Climate Envoy Kerry explained at the globalist institution, pointing to nations dealing with natural disasters while pretending that these were caused by Americans’ SUVs and power plants.

Former Obama Secretary of State Kerry, who famously flew on a private jet to pick up his “climate” award in Iceland, did caution that there are political realities that must be considered, too. In particular, the prospect of a GOP takeover of Congress next month might mean that all of the administration’s promises are dead on arrival. “We’re all determined to come up with progress, but something real that we can begin to define for everybody,” Kerry added. “You’ve got to make things happen that can work, that can be functional in your own political system.”

While Republicans in Congress may be able to limit the amount that can be extracted from U.S. taxpayers, Kerry made clear that he wants the mega-banks to help, too. “For every $1 invested in low-carbon energy supply, $1.10 is invested in fossil fuels,” Kerry complained, a barely veiled swipe at investors and banks that continue financing critical companies and industries that the UN and the globalist establishment want to destroy. “The math and the science unequivocally make clear, we cannot hit our targets unless we dramatically change that ratio.”

Attorneys general from 19 states are currently investigating the mega-banks for their ties to UN “climate” schemes. That has caused several to scale back their scheming. But while American banks get cold feet about colluding with the UN to destroy America’s energy infrastructure, UN boss António Guterres offered another idea. The well-known socialist who led a global alliance of socialist and communist parties (many with the blood of millions on their hands) recently proposed a massive tax on oil and gas companies to fund the “reparations” slush fund. After all, bankrolling the ongoing controlled demolition of freedom, prosperity, and civilization is expensive.

As Europeans face the prospect of energy blackouts, food shortages, and industrial collapse amid severe energy shortages, tone-deaf European Union bigwigs are promising to double down on the policies that led to the escalating crisis. Other EU policy items on the agenda include implementing “climate action in the agricultural sector,” which is code for stepping up the war on small- and medium-sized farms to pave the way for a fascistic farming sector dominated by mega-corporations in bed with Big Government. Also on the list of EU goals was “address the gender dimension,” without elaboration.

One of the key figures helping to lead the EU delegation, Czech Minister of the Environment Anna Hubáčková, promised that the increasingly totalitarian superstate would further undermine the prosperity of the peoples it rules under the guise of saving the climate. “All eyes will be on us in Sharm El-Sheikh,” she said. “The EU has always been at the forefront of climate action and we will continue to lead by example. Protecting our planet for future generations requires a strong common global action. I am glad the EU has proved today that it is serious in its ambitions.”

Numerous European governments have already pledged to seize enormous sums from their people to shower on Third World regimes. For instance, following floods in Pakistan — a region that has dealt with floods for millennia — Danish authorities vowed to hand over almost $15 million in tax money for “loss and damage” schemes. The German government has also publicly expressed support for putting climate “reparations” at the top of the agenda for the COP27 in Egypt. Ironically, it is sending an environmental extremist, former Greenpeace boss Jennifer Morgan, as its “climate envoy.”

The Communist Chinese regime, meanwhile, is laughing all the way to the bank. As it builds more coal-fired power plants to ensure cheap and reliable energy for the factories and industries fleeing America and Europe to set up shop in China, the dictatorship in Beijing is calling on Western nations to continue committing economic suicide. The regime, which has very close ties with the World Economic Forum and its chief Klaus Schwab, vowed to continue increasing its CO2 emissions until at least 2030. China already releases more CO2 into the atmosphere than any other nation.

As much as the climate-industrial complex tries to make its victory appear inevitable, there are growing signs that it is in trouble. With Europe facing catastrophic energy shortages due to self-imposed “green” policies such as shutting down power plants, European voters are becoming increasingly skeptical. In Sweden, known worldwide as perhaps the leading proponent of climate hysteria, the new right-wing government just axed its 35-year-old “Environment and Climate” Ministry, sparking howls of protests from alarmists. In the United Kingdom, the pressure to resume exploration and use of hydrocarbon energy is growing rapidly, too, as the prospect of deadly blackouts ahead of winter becomes more acute.

Meanwhile, taxpayer-funded rent-a-mob activists deployed by the climate-industrial complex to provide the appearance of public support for the agenda are expressing concerns about whether they will be allowed to make a spectacle of themselves in Egypt. Considering the nature of the Egyptian government and restrictions placed on public demonstrations in the highly controlled town of Sharm-El-Sheik, there is a very real chance that the usual “climate” antics will at the very least be toned down.

As the evidence underpinning the pseudo-scientific catastrophism continues to be exposed as fraudulent, the hysteria is getting louder and louder. At this point, the global predatory class, including the UN and the Biden administration, are simply working to silence all those who expose the facts using internet censorship and other totalitarian tactics. How the COP27 will turn out remains to be seen. But one thing is clear: Middle-class taxpayers across the developed world better hang on to their wallets, because the predatory elites are scheming to loot them blind.

This article was originally published at TheNewAmerican.com.

Biden’s Marijuana Pardon Will Drive Crime Higher

Written by William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn
This article was originally published by the Wall Street Journal on 10/07/2022

If President Biden had really wanted to do something about the problems facing our cities and states—rising crime, addiction and overdose deaths—he might have done something to prevent illegal drug use. Instead, he chose to minimize the dangers of drug use by granting pardons for criminals convicted of marijuana possession under federal law. In so doing, Mr. Biden has sent the country the wrong signal at the wrong time.

At best the claim that the federal government is upending lives for simple pot possession is a straw man. At worst it’s dishonest. White House officials claim the policy will affect 6,500 people with marijuana possession convictions reaching back to 1992. But even they had to admit on Friday that “no one is currently serving time in federal prison solely for the crime of simple marijuana possession.”

Overlooked in all of this has been that federal convictions for marijuana crimes are typically not for simple possession. The idea that American prisons are overflowing with people who merely had a joint or two in their pockets is “a myth—an illusion conjured and aggressively perpetuated by drug advocacy groups seeking to relax or abolish America’s marijuana laws,” according to a 2005 paper published by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Most of those locked up for marijuana-related offenses “have been found guilty of much more than simple possession. Some were convicted for drug trafficking, some for marijuana possession along with one or more other offenses. And many of those serving time for marijuana pled down to possession in order to avoid prosecution on much more serious charges.”

We might say at least this much for Mr. Biden’s announcement: It will expose as false the claims by the pro-legalization movement that we have a scourge of mass incarceration based on prosecuting simple marijuana use. Once we see the full criminal and sentencing records of the new policy’s 6,500 supposed beneficiaries, it will wreck the narrative that they were simply minding their own business and harming no one when the feds came crashing in their front doors.

The Biden administration is wrong if it thinks the federal government has been overreacting to illegal marijuana use. In fact, it is underreacting. Illegal drug use is a catalyst for crime, which has been rising even as states around the country have liberalized their marijuana laws. The president should use his bully pulpit to prevent illegal drug use, not excuse it.

Marijuana isn’t the benign, nonaddictive cure-all it is often held out to be. As the Journal’s Allysia Finley put it in a June column, “A study last year found that young people with such mood disorders as depression who were also addicted to pot were 3.2 times more likely to commit self-harm and die of homicide—often after initiating violence—than those who weren’t.” That’s bad news.

Today’s marijuana is more potent than in the past, and young people are using it more frequently than in previous generations. And they are getting addicted. With higher use has come an associated rise in mental-health problems and crime. Many users graduate to stronger drugs, tragically ending their journey at fentanyl.

The idea that marijuana is a natural pacifier that chills users out isn’t validated by the science and research—something this administration keeps telling us to follow when it comes to public health. Study after study has found a connection between marijuana use and antisocial behavior. The authors of a 2017 study in the Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy call violence “a well-publicized, prominent risk from the more potent, current marijuana available.” They also establish that “marijuana use causes violent behavior through increased aggressiveness, paranoia, and personality changes” and that “marijuana is a predictable and preventable cause of tragic violent consequences.”

Mr. Biden could have done the nation a favor by pointing out the connections among illegal drug use, rising mental-health challenges and crime rates, and the opioid epidemic. Why he chose to reaffirm the myth of the innocent incarcerated marijuana user is a question better left to political scientists.

When Mr. Biden was U.S. senator, nobody in the Democratic Party was more committed to reducing drug use and crime. Today, he’s missing in action. The Office of National Drug Control Policy, which he helped create, isn’t properly staffed. We’d be surprised if there are 10 people outside the Beltway who can name the current drug czar. What won’t surprise us is the increase in social destruction that will inevitably flow from Mr. Biden’s decision to go wobbly on enforcement of federal drug laws.

Mr. Bennett served as U.S. education secretary, 1985-88, and director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1989-90. Mr. Leibsohn is a radio host in Phoenix and a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute.

Time to Act

We are all familiar with the expressions, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” or, “A stitch in time saves nine,” meaning it is wise to catch a problem early, while it is small and manageable, rather than to wait until it has grown and become a serious threat. We understand this with things like weeds in our garden or cancer.  But somehow, we neglect it in the arenas of politics and culture.

James Madison lamented that Americans waited until a situation became a crisis before they acted. Politics are so wide ranging, and solutions seemingly beyond the reach of the individual, so most people simply throw up their hands and hope for the best. This must change if America is to survive the Socialist onslaught it is now facing!  “Now is the time,” as Patrick Henry admonished, “for all good men to come to the aid of their country!”

If you are at all aware of what is going on in America, you know radical changes are occurring. This nation was founded on the novel idea that if people are adequately taught in Christian virtues and are self-disciplined, they can govern themselves. Is it not transparently clear that if people govern themselves, they need nobody else to govern them? America is the only, or at least best, example in human history of a self-governing nation!

Abraham Lincoln noted in his famous “Gettysburg Address” that we have a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” The point being that, as the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states, “We the People” are the government and those we send to our state and national capitals are our servants, not our masters. With the events of the last several years it appears that many of those we have sent to do our will now see themselves as rulers, not servants. President Joe Biden exposed his own personal ambition when he commented publicly regarding Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacy Abrams, that if the Democrat Party had more like her, “We could rule the world!”

No, Mr. Biden, the U.S. Constitution does not make politicians rulers! It makes them servants! Any American politician who establishes himself as the “ruler” is guilty of insurrection!

Good and wise leaders do not exacerbate public fears or exploit them to increase their own personal power, but rather seek to calm the public in times of crisis. Yet day after day our political and cultural leaders ignite new fires and then throw gasoline on them to arouse as much fear as possible. Sweep aside the rhetoric and anyone can see that while the pandemic has tragically taken many lives, it has not done nearly as much damage to America as the rhetoric and fearmongering have.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died in wars to enable us to be free to live according to our own consciences, desires, and abilities, but we are now being led down a path toward submission, even tyranny, ironically in the name of “saving lives!” However, virtually everything we have heard from the media and government over the last two years has proven to be either inaccurate or outright lies!  One mandate after another is conditioning Americans to the idea that our elected leaders are our masters, and we must obey them! This must be resisted!

Individually we do not have much power, and neither do our political leaders, which is as it should be. It is only as we come together, listen to one-another, find common ground, and make decisions as a nation that changes are made.

Should we be concerned that tyrants might lurk in the halls of Congress or other institutions of power in the United States masquerading as beneficent saviors?  Well, consider that Joseph Stalin studied religion as a young man, and Adolf Hitler wanted to be an artist. Basher al-Assad, the butcher of Syria, studied for a career in medicine. From these examples we understand that tyrants’ personal ambitions and brutality are generally not known until it is too late to stop them.

The adage, “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” reminds us that under no circumstance can we allow individuals or small groups to gain too much power. Do we have a Hitler or Stalin walking in our midst? Do we really wish to find out? By the time we figure it out it will be too late  At times like this we should look back to patriot Patrick Henry who notably asked,

“is life so dear and peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God!” 

He also noted that

“the Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government-lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” 

How prescient he was!

For that reason, we must act now to prevent any person or any group from amassing such political powers.  If multiplied thousands of Americans went to their deaths on the battle fields of Europe and the South Pacific to ensure our liberties, then we must not shirk our responsibility to stand for freedom, regardless of the personal or national cost.

We were told in panicked tones that COVID-19 would take millions of lives in America, but if we wore masks for two weeks it would flatten the curve and put us on a course to defeat it. Here we are, over two years later and neither of those predictions were accurate. Such proclamations were, in fact, merely a pretext for amassing power in Washington. Sadly, a precise accounting of deaths appears impossible as anecdotal evidence suggests the government incentivized listing any death where Covid-19 was present a COVID death, even if the virus was not the actual cause of death.

And we have myriad reports of people dying who were not infected at all yet were reported as COVID related deaths. What actually happened? We don’t really know, do we? It is said that “the first victim of war is truth.” And, if you are not seeing it, understand that we are in, as some have pointed out, a “cold civil war.” Americans are terribly divided, and our leadership is largely to blame.

Actor Michael Douglas in a video made not long ago noted that our political system has been “hijacked” to “ensure that those with power keep it.” Truer words have not been spoken. Our Constitution yields very limited power to elected officials and only for a brief time. It is diametrically opposed to anyone having great power for even a moment.

The answer to the power-grab by the Leftists is not to accrue power to conservatives, but to educate all Americans regarding the necessity of diffusing power across the electorate, and the importance of informed voting. Loyalty to God and country must eclipse Party and even friends. Too much is at stake!

First and foremost, the answer for America is to bow at the feet of Jesus Christ in repentance and submission to His lordship over every nation and people!

If noble and patriotic citizens do not stand up, speak up and act, it may soon be too late.

The Newest Member of Biden’s Stable of Degenerates

There is no degrading depth to which the Biden administration will not sink in its effort to appease sexual deviants and promote sexual deviance while concomitantly offending deplorables of every color.

No, I’m not talking about Biden’s appointment of Dr. “Rachel” Levine, the burly cross-dressing man to be the Assistant Secretary of Health.

Nor am I talking about Sam Brinton, whom Biden appointed to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy. Brinton is also a cross-dressing, “nonbinary” homosexual who has sex with men who are dressed as dogs.

And I’m not referring to Shawn Skelly, another cross-dressing man whom Biden first appointed to his transition team (no pun intended) for the Department of Defense and then nominated to be the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness.

I’m referring to Biden’s spanking new Monkeypox Czar, Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, whom Biden recently named “White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator.” Since Dec. 21, 2020, Daskalakis has served as the CDC’s Director of the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention and has been described glowingly as an “activist physician with a focus on LGBTQIA+ communities.” This summer, he was the grand marshal of New York City’s pride parade.

When asked about his career focus, homosexual Daskalakis demonstrated his woke bona fides:

We have the tools at our hands to prevent infection and to keep people living with HIV healthy. Our barrier to achieving this vision is no longer science, it is systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.

A physician believes—or claims to believe–that the barrier to sexual health is systemic racism and disapproval of disease-ridden homoerotic practices and cross-dressing.

Not to be outdone by his kinky colleagues in the administration—Levine, Brinton, and Skelly–Czar Daskalakis has been known to cross-dress as a nurse when giving meningitis vaccines to homosexual men at Fire Island. He also appeared on the cover of HIV Plus Magazine wearing a bondage harness in the shape of a star to ensure maximum offense to conservatives.

This is just a smidgen of the grotesquerie the election of Biden has brought to America. Remember this when the General Election rolls around. And remember too, we pay the salaries of these degenerates.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


A Profile in Wisdom vs. A Profile in Ignorance

As Americans awaken to the tyrannical aspirations of leftists who seek to impose their socially constructed metaphysical, moral, and political beliefs about sexuality on everyone—including other people’s children—by any means available, Americans are fighting back. This is a war for freedom, the family, America, and our souls. And wars need leaders. In Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis, we have an anti-leader and a leader, respectively.

While parents are mustering the courage to confront arrogant, ignorant school boards; feminists are challenging “gender theory” and the erasure of woman; liberal writers are moving to Substack to expose the totalitarian diktats of former employers; and Hispanic and black voters are fleeing the Democrat Party, anti-leader and crime family boss Joe “Bananas” Biden is getting  out his well-worn shovel and digging his hole deeper.

In honor of sodomy/cross-dressing pride month, President Joe Biden has issued yet another Royal Proclamation Executive Order that he calls “historic.”

While it is symbolically historic in its comprehensiveness, it is more historical in that it’s in keeping with Biden’s long history of ineffectuality. In his Proclamation, Biden expresses his DEEP FEELINGS and shallow thoughts about sexuality—all of which contradict his DEEP CLAIMS about and shallow commitments to Catholicism.

In his Proclamation, Biden “speaks up” about stuff, “releases” stuff, claims that he will “increase awareness” of stuff, and “charges” departments with “issuing guidance” about stuff. Biden is also going to launch, lead, promote, study, support, direct, encourage, expand, explore, research, strengthen, coordinate, identify, seek, establish, address, lead on, and fight back against stuff. Since none of this involves Biden actually doing anything, he’ll have plenty of time for, biking, bilking Americans, and sending money to Hunter.

All of this frenetic activity is in the service of imposing his beliefs about identity, homoeroticism, marriage, cross-dressing, and parental rights on all Americans—beliefs that many Americans find bigoted, hateful, and dangerous.

In contrast, there is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis—a leader and hero.

In the past year, DeSantis signed into law multiple excellent bills to restore integrity to public education. Most of the country heard about the bill about which leftists misinformed the public, calling it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The law

… requires [school] procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student’s mental, emotional, or physical well-being; [and] prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels [K-3].

This sane bill drives the loons among us to their fainting couches. Creepy adults who want to discuss sexuality with other people’s very young children are incensed that the job they took with the intention of indoctrinating kids has been neutered.

Many people also heard about Florida’s ban on boys playing on girls’ sport teams—another manifestly sane law to which only delusional or cowardly adults object. Contrary to the bigoted claims of leftists, laws like this are not attacks on boys who pretend to be girls. They are protections of and for girls.

But DeSantis also signed into law two other bills of paramount importance: HB 5 and HB 233.

HB 233 applies to state colleges and universities and takes effect September 1, 2022. The law requires,

[T]the State Board of Education and the Board of Governors, respectively, to annually assess intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity at certain institutions; providing requirements for the assessment; authorizing the State Board of Education to adopt rules; [and] prohibiting the State Board of Education and the Board of Governors, respectively, from shielding certain students, faculty, or staff from certain speech.


The State Board of Education may not shield students, faculty, or staff at Florida College System institutions from free speech protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution [or] Art. I of the State Constitution, or s. 72 1004.097 .

The law makes clear that it is unlawful to “limit students’, faculty members’, or staff members’ access to, or observation of, ideas and opinions that they may find uncomfortable, unwelcome, disagreeable, or offensive.”

This law should be unnecessary in a country founded on a commitment to free speech. Uncomfortable, unwelcome, disagreeable, or offensive speech is precisely the kind of speech the First Amendment was intended to protect. There is no need for guarantees to speak publicly on topics on which everyone agrees.

Moreover, leftist teachers have no objections to conservative students or colleagues being exposed to speech they find uncomfortable, unwelcome, disagreeable, or offensive.

Equally if not more important, DeSantis signed HB 5 into law (titled the Civic Education Curriculum, which amends an existing law pertaining to requirements for high school graduation. The amendment requires that courses about American government,

include a comparative discussion of political ideologies, such as communism and totalitarianism, that conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy essential to the founding principles of the United States.

This amendment is intended to “help families, civic institutions, local communities, district school boards, and charter schools prepare students to be civically responsible and knowledgeable adults.”

In the service of that goal,

the Department of Education shall: (a) Develop or approve an integrated civic education curriculum that school districts and charter schools must incorporate as part of regular school work in kindergarten through grade 12.

The civic education curriculum must assist students in developing:

  1. An understanding of their shared rights and responsibilities as residents of the state and of the founding principles of the United States as described in s. 47 1003.42(2)(a)-(c).

  2. A sense of civic pride and desire to participate regularly with government at the local, state, and federal levels.

  3. An understanding of the process for effectively advocating before government bodies and officials.

  4. An understanding of the civic-minded expectations, developed by the State Board of Education, of an upright and desirable citizenry that recognizes and accepts responsibility for preserving and defending the blessings of liberty inherited from prior generations and secured by the United States Constitution.

The existing Florida statute mentioned (s. 47 1003.42(2)(a)-(c)) requires the following be taught:

(a) The history and content of the Declaration of Independence, including national sovereignty, natural law, self-evident truth, equality of all persons, limited government, popular sovereignty, and inalienable rights of life, liberty, and property, and how they form the philosophical foundation of our government.

(b) The history, meaning, significance, and effect of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and amendments thereto, with emphasis on each of the 10 amendments that make up the Bill of Rights and how the constitution provides the structure of our government.

(c) The arguments in support of adopting our republican form of government, as they are embodied in the most important of the Federalist Papers.

Such goals for public education would have been unremarkable and non-controversial sixty years ago, before leftist Boomers began taking over colleges and universities and then mainlining poisonous ideas into the hearts and minds of school children. Now the ideas of national sovereignty, self-evident truth, inalienable right to life, and patriotism are loathed by the left who hope to bequeath their loathing to future generations of Americans.

At last, increasing numbers of conservatives are beginning to understand that the “social issues” matter. In fact, the social issues that RINOs and libertarian-leaning Republicans dismiss as trivial are the most important issues facing Americans today in that addressing them threatens our essential First Amendment protections of free speech and religious free exercise. Speaking freely today—particularly on the morality of homoerotic acts, sexually undifferentiated pseudo-marriage, cross-dressing, and the sexual integration of women’s private spaces and sports will get Americans fired.

While leftists are able to freely express—even shriek—their nonsensical and destructive beliefs about “LGBTQ+” issues with no fear of professional repercussions, conservatives can get fired for tweeting theirs. If the ability to earn a living is threatened if Americans express moral views the left hates, the First Amendment is meaningless.

In the fight to preserve liberty, we must have wise, courageous leaders. There are none in the Democrat Party.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


Biden Edict Imposes More Trans Extremism on School Children

As state governments respond to public pressure and work to rein in LGBT extremism in schools, the White House issued an executive order seeking to impose more gender confusion and homosexual activism on school children across the nation and beyond. The effort puts parental rights squarely in the crosshairs.

This executive order represents all-out war being declared by Biden on the traditional family, biological reality and biblical sexual norms, according to critics and analysts. It comes as inflation surges, supply chains collapse, millions of illegal immigrants pour across the open Southern border, and social tensions reach alarming levels.

Perhaps the most dangerous element of the scheme is to declare any effort to stop a child from mutilating his or her body as harmful to the child. The idea is embedded throughout the document, and could result in devastating interventions in families by education officials and even child welfare services. Parents nationwide are already facing such tactics.

Among other school-related policies, the executive order calls on the U.S. Department of Education to establish a “Working Group on LGBTQI+ Students and Families.” The new outfit will be in charge of imposing a broad range of pro-LGBT policies on states, school districts, and educational institutions — including “more access to gender-affirming care.”

According to the White House, the policies promoted by this new homosexual and transgender working group are intended to “promote safe and inclusive learning environments in which all students thrive.” That is, of course, thinly veiled code language for promoting homosexuality and gender confusion at school while demonizing traditional values.

In reality, the students who are truly excluded and unsafe — in many cases even facing bullying from staff — are those who resist or even question the LGBT dogma. Countless children nationwide have reported vicious persecution from school officials and fellow students for refusing to bow before the golden LGBT statue.

Another key element of the executive order targets so-called “conversion therapy,” which is designed to help people — especially young people — struggling with unwanted sexual attraction or gender dysphoria. While Biden has no power to ban it with an edict, his order will encourage states to broadly infringe on free speech, religious liberty, parental rights, and the right of people to seek counseling they want.

Ultimately, one of the goals is to push back against the “more than 300 anti-LGBTQI+ laws” introduced across America that protect school children from indoctrination and protect girls from having to compete in sports against males. The scheme also seeks to curtail state efforts to limit children’s ability to obtain life-altering opposite-sex hormones and surgical mutilation under the guise of “health care.”

“The message of the president’s new order is unambiguous: absolutely zero restrictions on bombarding children with morally degenerate sexual and gender propaganda and then permanently mutilating their genitals will be tolerated in Joe Biden’s America,” wrote Darren Beattie at Revolver.News, calling for Republicans to criminalize the mutilation of children.

The consequences of allowing this war on children to continue butchering countless victims are beyond intolerable. And so, this lawless decree by Biden’s handlers must be exposed and resisted by every American and every political leader at every level of government.

Watch Alex Newman being interviewed by Dr. Duke Pesta here:

This article was originally published by FreedomProject.com.

Oren Jacobson: Another Foolish Illinois Activist

Why has Illinois become a stinking bog of degradation, violence, and fiscal collapse? It’s because we have scores of “leaders,” and activists who are as unable to distinguish right from wrong as they are unable to distinguish men from women. One of those activists is Oren Jacobson, devoted advocate for the slaughter of preborn humans, founder of Men4Choice, board member of pro-human slaughter Personal PAC, self-identifying “thought leader,” and self-promoter extraordinaire who recently said,

Everything we’re doing is focused on getting what are really millions of men—who in theory are pro-choice but are completely passive when it comes to their voice and their energy and their time in the fight for abortion rights and abortion access—to get off the sidelines and step in the fight as allies.

And here I thought men were supposed to shut up about abortion.

In an interview on MSNBC with Zerlina Maxwell after the U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito was leaked, Jacobson emoted,

I want to say one thing to … all the women watching, everybody who can get pregnant, how deeply sorry I am that we’re in this moment. I’m feeling very emotional about that.

He had to add that last statement in case everybody who can get pregnant didn’t notice his phony voice-cracking indicating he was about to fake-cry. Jacobson wants everybody who can get pregnant to know he has Deep Feelings about the possibility that pregnant women—and men—may not be legally allowed to slaughter their offspring. Nuttin’ means nuttin’ without Deep Feelings.

And boy, oh, boy does the emotive Jacobson have Deep Feelings—deep feelings and a vivid imagination. The mere thought of women not being free to slaughter their unborn leads Jacobson to imagine a horrific dystopian handmaid’s tale where rapists roam free and women’s very humanity is denied:

If this is, in fact, the ruling that the Court will hand down, that in at least 13 states right away and most likely in 25 0r 26 states pretty quickly, a rapist will have more rights than a woman in those states. And it is beyond horrifying to imagine a future in which your humanity, your dignity, your ability to control your life is valued less than a rapist.

What precisely are the “rights” rapists will have that women will not in states that acknowledge the humanity of unborn humans? And how are the humanity and dignity of women diminished by recognizing the humanity and dignity of their offspring and protecting their right not to be exterminated?

I’m not exactly sure what the self-identifying “thought leader” Jacobson means when he says that restricting or banning human slaughter means women’s humanity, dignity, and ability to control their lives are “valued less than a rapist.” Rape is illegal, and if caught, rapists are arrested and punished.

Maybe he’s referring to opposition to abortion in cases of rape. Many people who believe in the sanctity, humanity, and dignity of all human life believe that humans created through criminal acts should not be punished for the crimes of their fathers. Such a belief does not constitute either a devaluation of women or an elevated valuation of rapists.

Rather than feeling horrified that 64 million humans have been slaughtered since 1973 because they were imperfect, inconvenient, or unwanted by their mothers, Jacobson is horrified that the killings may stop.

Jacobson sidestepped an awkward question from interviewer Maxwell who said the quiet part out loud, tacitly admitting that men and women use human slaughter as a means of contraception:

One of the things I think we need to talk about … is how men benefit from abortion. … There are men who would not be CEOs but for access to contraception. Tell us how men benefit.

Jacobson was politically canny and cunning enough to avoid responding to that question. Instead, he launched into an autonomy answer that—again—ignores the person with the most at stake and no voice whatsoever:

I want every pro-choice male to step into this out of an obligation to stand up for the freedoms to those most directly impacted. … You deserve the right, within the context of a healthy relationship, to make decisions with your partner that are in the best interest of your family. … In my own personal life, when we have had moments in planning our family … at no point did I give a rip what Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, or any other of these anti-abortion men with power across the country thought about what my wife and I should do. And that is why, to me … this isn’t just a woman’s issue.

When considering whether the “product” of conception between two humans is a human; whether that “product” has humanity, dignity, and value; whether the “product’s” body is her mother’s body; and whether a more developed human should be able to kill the “product,” I don’t give a rip what Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, J.B. Pritzker, Jared Polis, Jan Schakowsky, Gavin Newsom, Oren Jacobson, or any other pro-human slaughter men and women with power who refuse to recognize that abortion involves two human bodies thinks.

And that’s why this isn’t just a woman’s issue.

Jacobson continues with his dissembling and evasion:

The simple reality is that the men in America who oppose abortion, who are using their privilege and their power, are not shy, and they are not quiet. So, the question isn’t why shouldn’t men get loud. It’s why haven’t we been getting louder sooner.

Surely, Jacobson knows that men who support the legal right of women to off their offspring have been “using their privilege and power” to rob the unborn of their right to live. In fact, it was seven men, six of whom were white, who in a raw exercise of their power and privilege denied the humanity, dignity, and right to life of preborn humans in Roe v. Wade.

And surely, Jacobson knows why men haven’t “been getting louder sooner.” The reason is that feminist harpies have been shrieking for years that men have no right to speak on abortion—despite the fact that the babies killed have fathers too.

But I agree with Jacobson. Men should get involved. Men should donate to pro-life crisis pregnancy centers and advocacy organizations.

Men, who should be the protectors of and providers for women and children, should march shoulder-to-shoulder with women in pro-life marches. Men should listen to the voices of women who were pressured to have their sons and daughters killed, who live with bone-deep grief and regret, and who are angry that their country tolerates the slaughter of thousands of babies every year.

And to quote Jacobson,

Men, your job is to carry the voices of those women to your peers and buddies, to call them, text them, post on social media about this, to start lifting up those voices and owning this conversation amongst your friends.

The very lives of humans depend on the voices of men and women who know truth.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


Leftists Socially Constructing a Pagan World

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under Biden’s incompetent rule has decided that in order for schools to access federal money to provide lunch to needy children, schools will have to sexually integrate bathrooms and locker rooms. The USDA defended its decision with this bizarre comment:

[A]ccording to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, more than 13% of LGBTQ respondents lived in a household that experienced food insecurity, compared to 7.2% of non-LGBTQ adult respondents. This survey also found food insufficiency – not always having enough food to eat – to be three times as common among transgender individuals (nearly 24% of respondents) as compared to cisgender individuals (8.3% of respondents).

The USDA didn’t say how the sexual integration of bathrooms and locker rooms is related to the problem of “food insecurity” in “LGBT” households or “food insufficiency” among “transgender” individuals. Nor did Biden’s USDA explain why any children who suffer from food insecurity and food insufficiency should be denied school lunches just because schools honor sexual differences in private spaces. This sounds remarkably like extortion. The federal government will make impoverished children suffer more in order to promote the unscientific beliefs of the “trans”-cult.

And it’s not just America’s federal bureaucrats who are abusing their power to socially construct a new mixed up, muddled up, shook up world unfit for anyone other than Lola. (Actually, this socially constructed new world is unfit for Lola too.)

Canada will be using public funds to build a shrine to the false gods of homoeroticism and “trans”-cultism (a phenomenon closer to Haitian Vodou than to science). The shrine features a cylindrical structure with a glitzy, gaping opening representing the imprint of a cloud festooned with disco ball walls. The shrine titled Thunderhead is intended to convey the message that homosexuals and cross-sex impersonators have “risen up” to say, “‘We demand change.’”

Emphasizing the pagan religious nature of the worship of narcissistic desire is a “healing circle ringed with stones hand-picked by Two-Spirit Elders.” Imagine the uproar that would ensue today if a public monument were being built on federal land using federal money that included symbols of Christianity.

The term “two-spirit” was invented—that is to say, socially constructed—in 1990 at the “Third Annual Inter-tribal Native American, First Nations, Gay and Lesbian American Conference.” Although there is debate about the precise meaning of “two-spirit,” it generally “refers to a person who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit and is used by some Indigenous people to describe their sexual, gender and/or spiritual identity.” As such, it is a pagan or quasi-religious term.

The belief that there can be a female spirit trapped in a male body is a faith-based metaphysical claim that has seized the malleable imaginations of post-Christian cultures in search of meaning. “Trans”-cultism is either a form of mysticism or a mental illness. It has no basis in hard science. There is no scientific proof that a human spirit can be born in the wrong body. There is no scientific proof that a person’s subjective, “internal” feelings about one’s maleness, femaleness, both, or neither have any objective material reality.

Religion is defined as, among other things, “Belief in a spiritual or metaphysical reality, accompanied by practices or rituals pertaining to the belief.”  “Trans”-cultic beliefs about “gendered” spirits inhabiting opposite-sexed bodies are accompanied by cultic practices masquerading as science, like using chemicals to artificially stop normal, healthy puberty or to artificially produce unnatural opposite-sex puberty.

Other practices are even more barbaric and can include slicing off the healthy breasts of young, mesmerized women or castrating young men and turning their penises inside out to create “neo-vaginas” that their bodies will always recognize as wounds and try to close them up.

Like all the beliefs of the “LGBTQ+” communities, the term “two-spirit” embodies debatable, socially constructed ontological and moral beliefs—not objective, inarguable science-based facts. These arguable, faith-based, socially constructed beliefs are being imposed by government, big business, and academia throughout the Western world.

Leftists, those normalizers of all things sexually perverse and opponents of all sexual taboos, have binary hissy fits when conservatives accuse them of “grooming” children. The same leftists who defend drag queen story hours for preschoolers, openly admit to using their publicly funded teaching positions to promote their sexual peccadillos, and who pass laws requiring that all boys’ bathrooms in public schools be retrofitted with tampon machines, are rising up in unrighteous indignation at the suggestion they’re grooming children.

Merriam-Webster defines the verb “groom” as “to get into readiness for a specific objective.” The online Free Dictionary defines it as “to prepare, as for a specific … purpose.” As such, leftists who teach children either implicitly or explicitly that homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation are good, healthy, or moral are grooming children. Leftists who seek to use government schools as sexual re-education camps are grooming children. Leftist re-educators who teach children that opposition to single sex “marriage” and carving up girls’ bodies are “homophobic” and “transphobic” are grooming children.

Another leftist gripe is that all social conventions related to sex that they hate are “socially constructed” and imposed by society. By that they mean social conventions related to biological sex are arbitrary conventions that are forced on society. “Trans”-activists and their “progressive” collaborators believe that society “conditions” children into believing that biological sex exists and matters. “Trans”-activists maintain the peculiar belief that stereotypes precede and shape male and female differences rather than the other way around.

Oddly, they don’t see their assumptions about homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation as socially constructed. They don’t see their efforts to use the government, public schools, and big business to promote their views as “imposing.”

So, Fisher-Price’s recently introduced drag queen dolls for preschoolers have nothing to do with leftist socially constructed beliefs about cross-sex impersonation and nothing to do with imposing those beliefs on children.

Producing Barbie dolls in sparkly pink evening gowns has everything to do with socially constructed and imposed beliefs and conventions but producing drag queen dolls has nothing to do with the socially constructed and imposed beliefs and conventions of the “trans”-cult. Got it.

These collectible Little People dolls for preschoolers are Fisher-Price’s entree into the world of ideological grooming. Fisher-Price can’t let Mattel’s “gender-neutral” dolls corner the market on corporate grooming for profit.

Target may have been the first corporate behemoth to pave the broad path to sexual anarchy at the expense of children. Today Target has de-sexed toy aisles, de-sexed bathrooms, draped the store in rainbows to celebrate deviant sexuality, and now carries breast binders and panty packers to help girls pretend to be boys. Breast binders are used to compress girls’ breasts and “packers” are underwear that allow girls to “wear a packer, which gives the appearance of having a penis or bulge.”

Those who worship boundary-free sex-related desires view all morally tethered beliefs as “homophobic” and “transphobic.” They hurl these epithets to silence expressions of moral beliefs they hate. But the socially constructed and imposed Christo-phobic beliefs of the “LGBTQ+” community have no right to a monopoly on the public square.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:



Our Border Crisis

Biden’s border crisis is dangerous enough already, and it may soon get worse.

But his Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandra Mayorkaspaints a rosier picture, “We are preparing for the end of Title 42….We continue to enforce the laws of this country.”

Title 42 from the Trump era stipulates that until potential immigrants are tested and shown to not have the virus, they should remain in Mexico.

Title 42 was scheduled to expire 5/23/22. The Center for Immigration Studies notes, “Title 42 is the only thing standing between the current chaos at the Southwest border, and no border there at all.”

Biden has promised repeatedly to lift this provision, abandoning testing and opening the floodgates for illegal immigrants. But for now, his plan to abolish Title 42 has been blocked by a Trump-appointed judge.

Meanwhile, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) told Maria Bartiromo of Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures on 5/22/22 that the border crisis is acute. Marshall has visited the border and wants the president to do the same. The senator said:

“Maria, this is a human tragedy here…At nighttime, it looks like a war zone. There’s a sea of humanitarian crises here every evening. And every day, it’s lived out as well.”

The numbers of illegal immigrants swarming in is staggering. Writing in the Washington Examiner (5/19/22), Paul Bedard observed: “Last year’s 1.7 million border encounters is expected to reach 2.1 million, according to Princeton Policy Advisors, an economic analysis outfit that has correctly predicted recent border surges.”

The U.S. Constitution says it exists to “insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty.” Do open borders for any nation help achieve such lofty goals?

On a recent radio segment, I spoke with former Congressman, Allen West, who has seen the border crisis first hand more than ten times. He told me, “Government is supposed to protect people within [our national] borders. That’s their Number 1 duty and responsibility. If we’re not going to follow the rule of law, then what are we supposed to base the Constitutional republic on?”

He added, “America is not just a piece of land in between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Canada and Mexico. It is a sovereign nation, and it should be regarded and treated as such.” How can a nation remain sovereign if it has no borders?

Some open borders advocates imply that it’s the “Christian thing to do” to just let everyone in—yet surely these same people lock their doors at night.

Rev. Erwin Lutzer, the author of We Will Not Be Silenced, recently told our D. James Kennedy Ministries television audience: “One of the big mistakes that Christians sometimes make is that they want to apply the ethics of the church to the state. I heard a pastor saying–I’m sure that he was compassionate and meant well–when he said, ‘Of course, we should invite people into America and basically have open borders because after all the gospel is for everyone.’ Yes, of course, the gospel is for everyone, but that’s not the role of the state. The role of the state is to keep order, to punish crime, and to keep its citizens safe. That’s the role of the state.”

Lutzer added, “It is important that the church welcomes everyone. That’s the ministry of the church, but that is not the ministry of the state.”

Meanwhile, critics of Biden’s open border crisis note that known terrorists are sneaking into the country—more than 40 on the terrorist watch list slipped into the U.S. last year alone.

Also, human trafficking is taking place, and drugs are pouring in in record numbers. In fact, Chinese-produced fentanyl and other drugs are being smuggled in through the southern border, and the results are making headlines.

Earlier this year, The New York Times reported (2/13/22), “Drug overdoses now kill more than 100,000 Americans a year—more than vehicle crash and gun deaths combined.” The open borders cause this problem, or at least greatly exacerbate it.

Kerby Anderson, the host of the syndicated radio program “Point of View,” recently told our D. James Kennedy Ministries television audience why he thinks the left pushes for open borders: “I think the hope is that these might be future Democratic voters. And so what we’ll do is we’ll just kind of incrementally allow non-citizens to vote.”

Anderson points to the recent move by New York City to allow 800,000 noncitizens to vote as an example.

Senator Marshall, who said our border is like a “war zone” right now, noted that the public safety department of Texas is trying to hold the line: “All of those people are doing their best, but they’re just simply overwhelmed. This is an unsustainable crisis.”

This article was originally published by JerryNewcombe.com.

The Schemes of Fallen Humans to Destroy Life

Following the unprecedented leak of the entire U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion on the controversial abortion case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, morally and emotionally unhinged, pro-human slaughter women and their collaborators became apoplectic. Next, U.S. Senate leftists terrified at the possibility that diverse citizens in diverse states will pass diverse laws to protect prenatal humans began clamoring for the elimination of the filibuster, so they—Senate leftists—can codify human slaughter in federal law. So much for diversity and federalism.

The self-identifying Catholic Joe Biden said, “If the Court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose [to have her offspring offed]. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice [i.e., pro-human slaughter] officials this November.” And yet, Biden is unwilling to wait to see who voters choose or what state levels of government will do. Leftists like Biden don’t care what the great unwashed masses want. Nor do they care what the Constitution says. Leftists want to impose their will, ideology, and desires by any unethical and unconstitutional means they can dream up.

Biden is justified in fearing that states may pass laws to protect incipient lives. In contrast to the leftist claim that most Americans support Roe v. Wade, recent Rasmussen polling shows that most Americans would like to see it overturned:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters would approve of a Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade …. Forty-five percent (45%) would disapprove of overturning Roe v. Wade ….

In his draft opinion, Justice Alito declared that the Roe v. Wade decision “was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences.” Forty-seven percent (47%) of voters agree with Justice Alito’s statement…. Forty-six percent (46%) disagree with Alito.

Biden and his U.S. Senate co-conspirators want to rob citizens and states of the right to decide whether humans in the womb can be killed by more powerful humans (i.e., oppressors). According to the website “Equal Access to Abortion Everywhere,” the federal law Biden frantically seeks to pass before Dobbs is decided and before Americans can exercise their right to govern themselves would,

eliminate all existing state restrictions including “six-week bans, 20-week bans, mandatory ultrasounds … counseling, waiting periods, and requirements that providers obtain admitting privileges at local hospitals.

Abortion without restrictions would be legal in every state throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy for any or no reason if the Women’s Health Protection Act is passed.

In attempting to rationalize the censorship of conservative ideas, “diversity”- and “tolerance”-loving leftists have claimed society has no obligation to tolerate conservative speech on topics related to sexuality because such speech may lead to violence. This raises a thorny question for leftists: Should society tolerate bloodthirsty banshees shrieking in the streets about their right to destroy the bodies of their offspring and threatening the lives of those who oppose human slaughter? Might such banshee speech lead to violence?

U.S. Supreme Court Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, John Roberts, and Neil Gorsuch have had their homes and lives targeted.

Lacie Wooten-Holway, an unneighborly neighbor of Brett Kavanaugh revealed his home address and organized a protest in front of his home, declaring that “We’re about to get doomsday … so I’m not going to be civil to that man at all.”

A Molotov cocktail set ablaze the office of a conservative public policy organization in Wisconsin and graffitied it with the threat, “If abortions aren’t safe, then neither are you.” Sounds like a threat of violence to me.

A Catholic church in Fort Collins, Colorado was spraypainted with the words “My body my choice” and the symbol for anarchism.

Three churches in Texas were vandalized.

In an interview with Salon magazine, an anonymous representative of the anti-life group Ruth Sent Us said “that some members of the network have privately discussed not just disrupting Mass but burning the Eucharist.” Might that lead to violence?

Clearly banshee speech may lead to violence, and yet as of this writing, neither the Biden administration nor the DOJ has condemned the doxing of six U.S. Supreme Court Justices, the illegal efforts to influence the decision of these justices, the torching of conservative non-profit organizations, or the protests in front of Supreme Court Justices private homes.

Instead (and as usual), Biden finds this a good time to blame the “Maga crowd”:

What are the next things that are going to be attacked? Because this Maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that exists in American history.

This is about a lot more than abortion… What happens if you have a state change the law, saying that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children? Is that legit?

Biden’s claim is either a bizarre non sequitur or a wildly fallacious slippery slope argument with no causal or logical link between a U.S. Supreme Court decision on the constitutionality of the Dobbs case and an absurd hypothetical state law banning “LGBTQ” students from the classroom.

Is the “Maga crowd” an organization? Who’s in it? Everyone who voted for Trump? Are all the Americans who voted for Trump members of a political organization more extreme than BLM, Antifa, the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Black Panthers, or eco-terrorist organizations?

Perhaps the cognitively impaired Biden isn’t aware that many liberal legal scholars who support abortion argue that nowhere in the text or history of the Constitution can a right to abortion be found, and hence, Roe v. Wade was an atrocious decision.

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) made an equally bizarre statement:

This is 50 years of rights in a leaked opinion where Justice Alito is literally not just taking us back to the 1950s, he’s taking us back to 1850s. He actually cites the fact that abortion was criminalized back when the 14th Amendment was adopted.

If Klobuchar thinks 49 years imparts immunity from being overturned to a lousy U.S. Supreme Court decision, then she must still be enraged about the de facto overturning of Plessy v. Ferguson, which stood legally unmolested for 58 years.

Klobuchar’s disdain for Alito “taking us back to the 1850s” is perplexing. One would expect a member of the U.S. Senate to have deep respect for much that was written in the 1800s and even the 1700s.

California Governor Gavin Newsom tripped all over leftist “logic” when talking about the draft opinion:

If men could get pregnant, this wouldn’t even be a conversation.

That’s both embarrassingly cliché and politically un-woke. Surely, the good leftist Newsom has heard the news from the world of pseudo-science: Men can get pregnant. Or maybe he has heard the news, but he’s caught in the sticky, tangled web of ideological mayhem that leftists have woven to deceive.

For decades, unhinged women committed to child sacrifice have tried to claim that humans in the womb were just clumps of cells or tumor-like masses. When that nonsensical claim failed, they admitted that, sure, the product of conception between two humans is a human but it’s not fully developed, or it’s imperfect, or it will suffer, or it’s parasitic, or it’s father is a criminal, or it’s mother is poor, or it’s mother doesn’t want it, or it’s mother is not ready to care for it. If those arguments were applied consistently to all humans, we would have a murderous society unsafe for every human.

So, then came the next lie: Morally unhinged women proclaimed that sure, womb-dwellers are human, but they’re not persons. But why, inquiring minds wanted to know, are these humans with human DNA, many of whose human body parts are sold to scientists to find cures for human diseases, not persons?

Philosopher Francis Beckwith offers a definition of personhood that abortion cheerleaders will definitely not like:

[W]hat is crucial morally is the being of a person, not his or her functioning. A human person does not come into existence when human function arises, but rather, a human person is an entity who has the natural inherent capacity to give rise to human functions, whether or not those functions are ever attained. And since the unborn human being has this natural inherent capacity from the moment it comes into existence, she is a person as long as she exists.

A human person who lacks the ability to think rationally (either because she is too young or she suffers from a disability) is still a human person because of her nature. Consequently, it makes sense to speak of a human being’s lack if and only if she is an actual person.

Questions of personhood and unalienable rights are metaphysical questions on which there will never be agreement. Rational, reasonable, compassionate people argue that if we can’t agree on something as momentous as when life begins or when a human becomes a person deserving of the right not to be murdered, the prudent and ethical response would be to err on the side of not killing humans that may, indeed, be persons.

But liberals are not concerned about the injustice of killing human fetuses. Liberal concerns are directed toward the self.

Nathanael Blake, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, illuminates the self-serving political philosophy of the secular left:

The liberal project seeks to provide, to the extent possible, freedom from unchosen constraints, duties, and loyalties in life.

This is why liberalism naturally favors a broad welfare state. The purpose of this welfare state is both to protect those who are dependent, and to protect those who do not want to be depended on.

Thus, liberalism professionalizes care from childhood to old age. The animating vision is a society in which everyone is taken care of, but no one has a private obligation to care for anyone else; no one has to sacrifice ambition, career, or personal freedom to care for children or parents or a sick relative.

But this liberal ideal is unrealizable with children, especially those in utero. …

This is why liberals are complaining about “forced birth” — they really are horrified at the idea of an unchosen obligation to care for another person. … Liberalism cannot tolerate that sort of involuntary duty, and so it requires the opt-out of abortion on demand.

Thus, a political philosophy that begins by claiming to protect the weak and dependent, and to liberate us from the unfairness of the givenness of life, ends by asserting an absolute right to take the lives of the weak and dependent — precisely because they are dependent.

Human life developing in the womb can offer nothing but need; to respond to that need with violence is to assail human dependence in its purest form. This bloodshed lays bare how liberalism has become a revolt against our humanity.

It’s also a revolt against God, which explains why leftists who want the freedom to sacrifice their children target Christianity. Jesus teaches us to deny ourselves and take up our crosses daily. He teaches that “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” He teaches that God is the Author of life who creates the inmost being of children in their mothers’ wombs. And he teaches that every life unjustly snuffed out by fallen humans was fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

Take ACTION: Sponsored by left-wing U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal [D-CT], the Women’s Health Protection Act (S. 4132) would nullify any existing state pro-life laws protecting the life of the unborn, if signed into law. Both U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth are co-sponsors of this radical bill which would also force doctors and healthcare workers to violate their consciences. Click HERE to let them know that this legislation is absolutely unacceptable and offensive to you. Urge them to protect innocent pre-born human life.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


Read more:

Fact Sheet by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Democrats’ National Abortion Bill Replaces Word ‘Woman’ With ‘Person’ (The Daily Signal)

Biden to Eliminate Healthcare Workers’ Conscience Rights

Initially drafted by President Donald J. Trump in 2018, the Healthcare Workers’ Conscience Rights allowed healthcare workers protection from retribution after refusing to participate in a medical procedure that violated their religious beliefs. This rule meant that medical professionals could refuse involvement in abortions, gender reassignment surgeries, or dispensing medications that go against their religious beliefs. A federal judge blocked the original rule, so it was not fully implemented. However, now President Joe Biden wants to remove any remnants of protection for healthcare workers.

The rescission of the rule will be announced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Healthcare workers, as a result, may be forced into performing abortions or attending to patients undergoing gender reassignment surgeries despite their opposition and deeply held religious convictions. Such change to the field of healthcare not only is devastating to the profession but could not have come at a worse time. After all, healthcare is already experiencing a crisis.

The revocation of the rule first makes the healthcare worker have to choose between their faith and their career. This type of manipulation of workers is unacceptable. No one should force anyone to participate in horrific procedures such as abortion against their will. Nurses and doctors, if forced to violate their religious beliefs, may begin to leave their careers for positions that are less likely to go against their convictions.

That’s exactly what happened following COVID. Nurses and doctors have begun a mass exodus from the healthcare industry. Hospitals are frequently understaffed and have resorted to using travel nurses. If the HHS does not allow medical staff to reject participation in these despicable procedures, it will lead to more shortages as the staff leaves medicine. The World Economic Forum has predicted that there will be a shortage of 13 million nurses worldwide by 2030. In a survey completed in late 2021, 32% of RNs stated they had considered leaving direct-patient care nursing. If Biden revokes the Healthcare Workers’ Conscience Rights, this number will undoubtedly rise.

Perhaps the most concerning aspect of eliminating this rule is the horrific potential increase of people and facilities participating in the evil of abortion and the destructiveness of gender reassignment. In reality, these two industries are bent on destroying our children. Forcing a healthcare worker to be involved is attuned to forcing a person to participate in child abuse and murder.

We cannot allow Biden to continue to push abortion and the LBGTQ policies of the left. Our children are becoming victims, and leftist politicians’ ridiculous ideas dismantle the healthcare system. We must continue to support the right of healthcare workers to decline participation in medical procedures that violate their deeply held religious and moral beliefs.

Take ACTION: If you believe that the HHS should continue to support the rights of healthcare workers and fully implement President Trump’s rule, please click HERE to send a message to your  U.S. Representative. Ask him/her to object to President Biden’s rescission of this important federal rule that protects conscience rights. Most Americans believe that medical professionals and organizations should be able to opt out of controversial medical procedures and treatments.

MORE: Ask your federal lawmaker to co-sponsor H.R. 6060, a bill called the Conscience Protection Act (CPA). The act would strengthen federal conscience protections for health care providers, prohibit any level of government from discriminating against health care providers, and empower victims to seek relief in court for violations of the law. Despite efforts by conservative lobbyists, the Conscience Protection Act (CPA) has not yet been assigned or heard in committee.

There are currently 105 co-sponsor of this legislation in the U.S. House, including Illinois U.S. Representatives Mike Bost (R-Carbondale), Rodney Davis (R-Taylorville), Darin LaHood (R-Peoria), and Mary Miller (R-Oakland). There is no good reason that this number of co-sponsors isn’t twice or three as high.

Also, be sure to vote in the upcoming primary elections on June 28th and also the mid-term election held on November 8th. We must put representatives in place that respect life and the rights of all individuals to express their religious and moral beliefs.