Tag Archives: Joel Brind


Shades of Pink

In one of the under-reported news stories of late 2013, a “meta-analysis of the association between induced abortion and breast cancer risk among Chinese females” was published in the journal Cancer Causes Control. Joel Brind, a professor of biochemistry, physiology, and immunology at Baruch College at the City University of New York, has done extensive research studying the connection between abortion and breast cancer...
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Scientist: Abortion Caused Over 300,000 Additional Breast Cancer Deaths Since Roe v. Wade Decision

Experts privately acknowledge abortion-breast cancer link, but say it’s too political to discuss publicly.

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer announced that three experts will be available for interviews to discuss the impact of the abortion-breast cancer (ABC) link on the Roe v. Wade generation during the month of January. Their contact information and their quotes are available below.

Karen Malec, the Coalition’s president, said, “During the last 21 months, four epidemiological studies and one review reported an ABC link. [1-5] One study included National Cancer Institute branch chief  Louise Brinton as co-author. [3] We count nearly 50 published epidemiological …

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