Tag Archives: John Dewey


The Final Straw… Maybe

We’ve learned several things since President Barack Obama dictatorially demanded that public school restrooms now be co-ed or risk federal funding. The first thing we learned is that in spite of well-intending parents saying their school is “different from all the other schools,” we now know they will all be the same with regard to restroom and locker rooms practices. Follow the money to D.C.
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Common Core: the Trojan Horse for Federalized Education Control

Education in America was originally the province of parents and churches. "Homeschooling" was the norm from colonial times through the mid-1800's, and a classic education was the model.
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What Political Correctness Has Wrought

The West has moved from marriage-centered societies to post-Christian anarchy...
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What the Gay-Marriage Ruling Means for Education

Like fascists, Communists, and boy-band producers, the American Left has always believed it could fine-tune human nature if it could only “get ’em while they’re young.” That’s why the Left works so hard to impose its will on schools and universities. As John Dewey, America’s high priest of educational progressivism, explained in 1897, the student must “emerge from his original narrowness” in order “to conceive of himself” as a cog in the larger social order.
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