Tag Archives: John F. Kennedy


Wheaton, Illinois School District’s Wokest Board Member

At the most recent School District 200 Board Meeting in Wheaton, Illinois, new school board member and cunning rhetorician, Mary Yeboah, Director of Graduate Student Life at Wheaton College, posed six questions to the board,  beginning with a prefatory statement that let the woke cat out of the bag:

I would like to ask six rhetorical questions regarding the proposed October 10th, 2022 and October 9th, 2023 no-school all-grades Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day in relation to district purposes outlined in the mission of School District 200, Vision 2022, and the portrait of a graduate work. To be very clear,

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Don’t Give Up!

Does voting matter anymore? Does it really matter whether I contact my elected representatives? You probably have considered these questions many times.

Paul Johnson, in his excellent book Modern Times, recounts the 1960 Presidential election where John F. Kennedy squeezed out a victory over Richard M. Nixon. Kennedy supposedly won by only 120,000 votes out of nearly 69 million total votes cast. This victory was clouded by questions concerning the vote count in Alabama and in Illinois, thanks to the Daley machine.

Johnson states that Nixon did not challenge the result of the election because he thought …

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No Politician Has the Right to Dictate, Contradict or Contravene Religious Beliefs

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, (working through her city’s director of public health), declares a Romanian church a “public nuisance.” “We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you, and we will take you to jail,” she tells this small group of former Soviet bloc Christians who refuse to bow to her power.
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Holiday Depravity and Arrogance from Theater Community

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. has a special holiday treat for the kiddies this year: My Fair Lady. Austin Ruse, president of the Center for Family & Human Rights and contributing editor to Crisis Magazine, and his wife Cathy Ruse, senior fellow for legal studies at the Family Research Council, took their 14- and 11-year-old daughters to see it, and here is an excerpt from his review  published in the Washington Examiner:..
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The Self-Congratulation in Banned Books Week

Washington Post book critic Ron Charles made a confession the other day. "I banned a book," he wrote. "Or at least I helped get it banned, which makes Banned Books Week a little awkward for me this year. Like celebrating Arbor Day by cutting down a tree."
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America’s Historical Ignorance

U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Ny), the darling of the new socialist Democrats in this country, recently referred to the three branches of government. She said, they are the White House, the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives. John Roberts, call your office.
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Most Americans Don’t Support Extreme Position of Pro-Choice Politicians

Lurking behind the annual split among Americans over the labels “pro-life” and “pro-choice” is a new reality. The fact is that today, whatever label they choose, Americans overwhelmingly support abortion restrictions.
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Affluence and Elected Office

The Democratic Party and liberal pundits are trying to make the case that because Mitt Romney is extraordinarily wealthy, he can’t relate to the struggles of average or economically disadvantaged folk; and if he can’t relate to their struggles, he doesn’t care; and if he doesn’t care, he is unworthy of the office of president.

History demonstrates that that argument fails miserably.

In 2010, the Wall Street Journal published a list of the inflation-adjusted net worth of past American presidents. Some of our finest presidents and some presidents that the Left love were also men of considerable means. Some inherited …

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