Tag Archives: John Mulroe


POLST in the Illinois House

There are three weeks left before our state lawmakers adjourn for the summer.  Please contact your state representative today and ask him/her to vote NO on SB 3076.

Legislation known as Physician Orders For Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) would legalize a troubling end-of-life directive to be honored in health care facilities. When signed by a designated healthcare professional, the POLST document dictates whether to withhold or administer certain forms of medical treatment and care.

The bill, SB 3076, would change the POLST form from requiring a physician’s signature to requiring the signature of a “practitioner.” This means that …

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“Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment”

State Senator John Mulroe (D-Chicago) has introduced SB 3076 which would amend the Illinois Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code to make the “Physician Orders For Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)” form the advance directive to be honored in health care facilities.
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