Tag Archives: Judeo-Christian values


Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Man’s Search for Meaning

One of the best books I ever read is Man’s Search for Meaning by World War II concentration camp survivor Victor Frankl. First published in 1946, the book chronicles his experience in the camp and his struggle to find meaning — and thus a purpose to keep living as many around him died after giving up. Part of what makes the book so fascinating is that Frankl was already a trained psychiatrist when he entered the camp.

Borrowing his title for this piece is done for a couple of reasons. First, to recommend the book. Second, because I have …

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How Is the Godless West Working Out?

There are many recent developments in the godless West.... These are all inevitable consequences of the death of belief in God and Judeo-Christian values, and of the Bible as society's primary moral reference work.
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