Tag Archives: Julea Ward


Academia Abandons Wisdom, Then Reality

“Progressives,” always plagued by inconsistency and hypocrisy, have been for years waxing self-righteous about their deep commitments to diversity, to “honoring all voices,” and to “critical thinking.” They’ve also been devotees of relativism, subjectivism, radical autonomy, and deconstructionism. But when it comes to homosexuality and gender confusion, all liberal principles are abandoned in their voguish, slavish devotion to absolute, transcendent, eternal pro-perversion orthodoxy.
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Who Will Stand?

The lynch mob came for Eastern Michigan University counseling student Julea Ward. The lynch mob came for the African-American Fire Chief of once segregated Atlanta Kelvin Cochran. The lynch mob came for the owners of a local pizza shop the O'Connor family. The lynch mob is now giddy with success and drunk on the misery and pain of its victims.
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Christian Counselor Wins Bias Settlement

A Christian counseling student who was the subject of religious discrimination has won a major settlement against Eastern Michigan University. 

University officials have agreed to pay Julea Ward $75,000, after having expelled her from the school’s graduate counseling program. 

As part of her studies, Ward had been asked to counsel a homosexual client.  Ward sought to transfer the client to another counselor, saying she could not affirm the client’s behavior because of her religious beliefs.    

Even though referrals are an accepted practice under the counseling profession’s code of ethics and had been recommended by her supervisor, academic officials fiercely attacked …

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