Prepare for the Wrath of the Pro-Abortion Militants

I recently tweeted, “Regardless of the charges against Justice Kavanaugh, this much is absolutely clear. The frenzied attempt to try to keep him out of the U.S. Supreme Court is simply a battle for the ‘right’ to abort babies in the womb. That’s the bottom line.”

Similar sentiments were expressed by Brandon Morse, writing on RedState.com: “The whole reason Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is in the crosshairs of a sexual assault allegation, and a media circus is ensuing, is because the left is 100 percent focused on making sure their ability to abort children and profit from it goes uninterrupted. They can pretend it’s about honor and making sure an attempted rapist doesn’t get a seat on the highest court in the land, but the left cares very little about sexual assault or abuse.”

Is Justice Kavanaugh guilty of an attempted sexual assault 36 years ago? Is his accuser, Prof. Christine Blasey Ford, a credible witness? Those are totally separate questions.

The left’s opposition to Kavanaugh would be no less intense, no less angry, no less pitched had these charges never been raised. The real issue is abortion.

To quote Morse again, “This is about Planned Parenthood’s ability to keep the money wheel flowing for the Democrats. This is about keeping a narrative alive that without abortion, America would fall apart.”

Yes, “Democrats are so desperate to keep abortion alive and well in the United States that they’re willing to paint an innocent man as the worst kind of person so that they can continue killing children without trouble.”

And what would happen if Roe v. Wade was overturned? What would happen if “abortion rights” were severely restricted (or entirely removed) from state after state?

All hell would break loose on the streets. Fierce protests would arise. Things would get ugly overnight – and by ugly, I mean very ugly.

A headline from July 12, 2013 on Townhall.com read, “Bricks and Tampons Intended to be Thrown at Pro-Life Lawmakers Confiscated by Police. UPDATE: Jars of Feces Too.”

The accompanying article, written by Katie Pavlich, stated that, “Apparently chanting ‘hail Satan,’ ‘f*ck the church,’ ‘bro-choice’ and holding signs that say ‘hoes before embryos’ just wasn’t enough for pro-abortion protestors in Texas. According to reports on the ground, police have confiscated bricks, tampons, pads and condoms protestors planned to throw at pro-life lawmakers.”

Fast forward to October 17, 2017, and a headline on LifeNews stated, “Topless Feminists Throw Firebombs, Tampons and Feces at a Catholic Church to Protest Abortion.” (This took place in Argentina.)

Are you seeing a pattern?

So, I ask again: What happens if Roe v. Wade gets overturned? What can we expect?

We can expect fury. We can expect feces. We can expect vitriol. We can expect vandalism. We can expect violence.

Watch this short video of Antifa and other leftists stealing and destroying pro-life signs in a Boston park. Then ask yourself: What happens when it’s not just pro-life signs that are the issue? What happens when pro-life laws are the issue? What then?

On May 1 of this year, Matthew Vadum reported that Antifa activists in California “protested a campus speech by Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America.”

As Vadum noted, according to the Orange County Antifa group Refuse Fascism, “Because Hawkins’ group would outlaw abortion, its members are equivalent to ‘Hitler-youth’ who want to treat women as ‘mere breeders or incubators, subordinate and shackled to a patriarchal order that sees them merely as objects.’ Pro-lifers are about ‘control over women, not saving lives (as evidenced by their bombings of clinics and outright murder of heroic doctors who provide abortions).’

Indeed, “Hawkins ‘and the whole fascist program against women and their rights’ need to be opposed and the ‘entire culture on campuses needs to be shaken up’ so students take on ‘the grave threat being posed by the Trump/Pence fascist regime.’”

You can be assured that these radical activists believe every word of this rhetoric, which could easily lead to violence. And I repeat: This kind of rhetoric is being used while Roe v. Wade remains the law of the land. Antifa activists and their ilk would go absolutely berserk if the laws were dramatically changed.

To be clear, I recognize that for many women, having an abortion is an intensely difficult moral choice. I’m thinking of a woman in her 20s, reared in a religious home, already raising two little children without a father. Her boyfriend takes advantage of her, she discovers she’s pregnant, and she is devastated by the news.

She cannot imagine adding one more child to her household, she struggles with depression and fear, finally deciding to abort her baby after four months.

Her decision was still morally wrong. But this woman is unlikely to join the “Shout Your Abortion” movement or, even less, to hurl feces at a church building.

Put another way, most of the women (and men) raging for the “right” to abort babies do so ideologically. Among them are devout feminists (although the pioneer feminists were reportedly anti-abortion). Among them are a large percentage of atheists. (According to a recent Pew Research report, 87 percent of atheists feel that abortion should be legal in all or most cases.)

Among them are LGBT activists, like those featured in this story describing, “How Queer Women and Nonbinary People Led the Fight to Secure Abortion Rights in Ireland.” (According to the congratulatory article, there is a clear “connection between LGBTQ+ rights and reproductive rights.”)

Among them are Satanists, like those who led a battle for “abortion rights” in Missouri. Yes, these Satanists claimed that the “rules in Missouri’s strict abortion law violate their religious beliefs.”

This is quite the coalition.

The bottom line is that, these examples, which provide just a sampling of the ideological opposition to the pro-life movement, remind us that hell hath no fury like that of the militant pro-abortionists.

Get ready.

This article was originally published at Townhall.com.

Students for Life Challenge Ohio Congressman on Abortion

U.S. Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH) made national news last week when he changed his position on abortion from protecting the rights of the pre-born to dismissing those rights in favor of abortion.

Disturbed by the Congressman’s reasoning for his switch, high school and college students plan to visit his office in Washington, D.C. at 2pm today, Tuesday, February 3, to voice their concerns.

“Particularly troubling in Congressman Ryan’s op-ed was that he completely dismissed the humanity of the preborn baby,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. “By using familiar talking points from the abortion industry, the congressman refused to acknowledge why, in his words, ‘no one celebrates abortion.’ It’s because a life is taken, one that he didn’t even talk about in his op-ed.”

According to a recent Knights of Columbus/Marist survey, 59 percent of Millennials think abortion is morally wrong and 58 percent see abortion as doing more harm than good. When it comes to banning abortions after a certain point in pregnancy, National Journal reported that 52 percent of Millennials want abortions banned after 20 weeks. Rep. Ryan made no mention of his stance on limitations to abortion rights.

“We need to love both the mother and her preborn child, not pit them against each other,” said Hawkins. “Abortion is never the answer. We are working hard on our campuses to make them more pregnancy and parenting friendly. It starts with changing the culture and this generation, through their care for the mother and the baby, will be the ones to ultimately abolish abortion.”

Students will be traveling to visit U.S. Representative Ryan’s office from the Northern Virginia area.  If you’d like to contact him, you can call him at his Washington D.C. office at (202) 225-5261.

The Rape Exception

Written by Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director, Students for Life of America

I remember when I was a “newbie” pro-lifer. I had accepted the basic premises of our movement: that life begins at conception, that life is intrinsically valuable, and that abortion hurts women and families, not just children. However, as most “new” pro-lifers often believe, I thought abortion in the case of rape and incest was morally “okay.” I didn’t like saying abortion was ever “okay,” but I knew that saying abortion is always wrong, even in cases of rape and incest, would make me sound like an extremist who didn’t care about women and that wasn’t me. I had gotten into the pro-life movement to help women not hurt them.

Today, many of the students our team members work with are new to the pro-life movement and are just beginning to think about these difficult issues and how being pro-life means they will have a different response. The day that a person accepts that the pre-born human child is intrinsically valuable and should not be thrown away in an abortion, is the day they will have to start thinking about some tough things.

It has now been over a decade since I chose to be “pro-life,” and my view of abortion is those most awful of circumstances, rape and incest, is different. I’m opposed to all abortions. And let me share with you, not shout at you, about how I got here and I hope it helps you when making your own decisions:

  • Being “pro-life” means that at the moment of fertilization you believe an unique whole, living human person is created. Thus abortion, no matter what the tragic circumstances, is always wrong because it is the deliberate killing of an innocent unique, whole, living pre-born human being.

  • I have met and become friends with people who were conceived during a rape. These adults were once pre-born children at the mercy of their traumatized mother. I don’t see these friends as less human, less of person, less valuable because of who their father was.

  • As pro-lifers, we believe that all human life should be treated with dignity and respect, no matter what your parentage may be. If my father goes out today and commits an act of mass murder, does that justify someone killing me? If the mother, a victim or rape, chooses to carry her child through her pregnancy and then decides at age 2 that the child reminds her too much of the rapist, should she be then allowed to kill the toddler?

  • Pope John Paul II wrote, “Social justice cannot be attained by violence. Violence kills what it intends to create. Violence and war can never resolve the problems of men.” It is insensitive to say to a woman who has been raped that the horrific violence of rape can be eased or erased by simply aborting the child convinced during the rape. One act of violence cannot erase another.

  • Our abortion society has pitted a woman against her child instead of a woman against her rapist.

  • Pregnancies resulting from rape are extremely rare and are used by those on the other side to advocate for abortion for any reason, in all nine-months of pregnancy, funded by U.S. taxpayers. The other side uses this tragedy, this act of war against a woman, as a red herring, to promote their radical agenda. Read from one physician about how rare pregnancy from rape really is and how almost half of all women who become pregnant because of rape choose to allow their child to live HERE

Now, there are some anti-abortion advocates and many politicians who are opposed to abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Even though I disagree with their rape and incest stances, I don’t believe in attacking these folks, because I just see them at a different place down the “pro-life path.” I believe pro-life politicians today especially feel they must say abortion should be legal in cases of rape and incest because of the 15-second media culture we live in. Talking about the horrific violence of rape and the personhood of all human beings in a way that is compassionate and sensitive to all cannot be achieved in a 15-second sound byte.

Before we end all abortions, our movement must do more to educate Americans and ourselves about the personhood of all human beings, only then will politics and policies follow.

Originally posted on September 4, 2012 at StudentsforLife.org.