Tag Archives: Kyle McCarter


Emergency Injunction Against Taxpayer-Funded Abortions Sought in Lawsuit Against Illinois Officials

The Thomas More Society has now moved for an emergency injunction to be heard on Thursday, December 28, to stop State of Illinois officials from providing tens of thousands of taxpayer funded abortions in the New Year. Additional legislators and groups will also seek to join the suit that day, including State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) and State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Rock Island).
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Unsustainable: Raising Taxes Solves Nothing, Makes Illinois Worse Off

The Illinois State House was back in session during the afternoon of July 6th to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of a 32 percent permanent tax hike on Illinois families (SB 9). This tax grab also raises the corporate income tax rate by 33 percent. As anticipated, the House voted to override the veto this afternoon by a vote of 71-42 — with 61 Democrats and 10 Republicans voting in favor of increasing our taxes.

To see how your state representative voted, please click HERE. To see how your state senator voted, please click HERE.

Much …

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State Senator McConchie Outlines the Simplicity of the Budget Crisis

Two years after the “temporary” income tax expired, rapacious Springfield lawmakers are once again working toward raising our taxes, supposedly in order to solve the state’s fiscal problems. This time they want to raise the state’s income tax from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent, raise the corporate tax from 5.25 percent to 7 percent and expand the state’s sales tax to include certain services.

In a partisan line vote, Illinois Senate Democrats passed these ridiculous proposals in SB 9 on Tuesday afternoon by a vote of 32-26.  Most of these lawmakers honestly believe that taking more money from citizens …

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‘Taxpayer Bargain’ Budget Puts Taxpayers First

Editor’s note: Since the op ed below was first drafted, the authors have introduced their proposal in a series of bills to be considered by the state senate.

By State Sens. Kyle McCarter (R-Lebanon) and Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods)

For two years, a political paralysis has had a grip on Illinois government. For two years, we have operated the state without a regular budget – the longest in American history. Unfortunately, even though we don’t have a budget, the spending spree continues unabated. With no controls, spending is out-of-control. The state is on pace to spend 38 billion in the …

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Steve Rauschenberger: There is Too Little Interest in Addressing the State’s Budget Fundamentals

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to talk with former state Senator Steve Rauschenberger, an old friend and former boss. When I first met him during his first campaign back in 1992, the political operative I was with made a prediction to me after the meeting: Steve is not going to play along — he’s going to be a problem for the GOP establishment. And he was.

Along with four other senators elected the same year, Steve became part of what was called the “Fab Five”: Peter Fitzgerald, Chris Lauzen, Pat O’Malley, and …

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Republicans in the Illinois Senate Want to Increase the Size of Illinois Government and Your Taxes

Have you heard about the “Grand Bargain” that has been travelling the bumpy road of the legislative process in Springfield during this General Assembly session? Not surprisingly, it is neither a bargain nor grand for taxpayers. Illinois Senate Minority leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) has been (or was?) working with Illinois Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) for a few months on trying to craft a budget that can pass.
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Senators McCarter and McConchie Provide a Sign of Life in the General Assembly

There is little doubt that many Illinois citizens tune out their state’s political and governmental news because like any soap opera, the characters may change, but the basic drama remains the same. The plot hasn’t advanced much since Governor Bruce Rauner took office, so it’s easy to doze off when the news reports come on the radio.

The main soap opera in Illinois during the past few years has revolved around our lack of a state budget. Things were bad even with a budget, now without one they’re getting worse.

The Illinois governor is charged with a big task. The

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Pro-Family Illinois Voters Finally Have a Reason to Thank Governor Rauner

Despite playing coy in a few private meetings during his campaign in 2014, Bruce Rauner turned out to support pro-abortion, pro-LGBT and pro-cultural rot. So his announcement last week that he would veto legislation that would authorize taxpayer funding of abortion – HB 40, should it reach his desk, took many by surprise.

According to Illinois Citizens for Life (ICL), HB 40 removes all prohibitions on using tax dollars to pay for abortions throughout the full nine months of pregnancy under Medicaid and for any reason:

If this bill passed into law, an estimated 15,000 abortions or more each

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Sixth Planned Parenthood Video

The Center for Medical Progress released its sixth video earlier this week titled Human Capital – Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site. The video features a former StemExpress procurement technician explaining how women are manipulated to “donate” to research parts of their babies’ bodies after abortion for Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s (PPFA) profit.

“If it seems disturbing and repulsive to proudly flaunt participation in the killing of a human life, that’s because it is,” said Carol Tobias, National Right to Life president. “In previous videos, that’s exactly what we’ve seen Planned Parenthood officials doing–with total …

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Action Items for Pro-Family Citizens

On July 28, 2015, Illinois State Senator Kyle McCarter (R-Vandalia) introduced the Religious Freedom Defense Act, SB 2164, in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to redefine marriage for all fifty states.

In a press release, Senator McCarter stated:

“Faith traditions that hold to a millennia-old understanding of marriage that is part of the very fabric of their beliefs should not be forced to comply with a decision that undermines that faith, said McCarter. “The intent of this Act is to protect the free exercise of religion’ in Illinois as it is stated in the First Amendment

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Rights of Conscience Update

How did they vote?

This afternoon, the Illinois Senate voted 34 to 19 to pass SB 1564 — the onerous re-write of the Healthcare Right of Conscience Act.  This bill broadly defines “health care,” “health care personnel,” and “health care facility.” SB 1564 will force health care personnel to violate their consciences in regard to morally dubious medical procedures such as abortion, sterilization, and certain end-of-life care. Pro-life lobbyists are deeply concerned that even Crisis Pregnancy Centers that offer pregnancy tests would be subjected to unsavory duties under the law (e.g. abortion referrals).

According to the Christian Medical and Dental

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Counterfeit Marriage Legislation Passes in Illinois Senate

Despite an outpouring of calls, emails and faxes against redefining marriage and family, lawmakers in the Illinois Senate passed SB 10 on Thursday afternoon by a vote of 34 to 21 with 2 voting present.
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