Tag Archives: Lady Gaga


Was Biden’s Inaugural Address the Best Ever?

With a thrill running up his leg, Chris exclaimed that Biden’s inaugural address was the bestest of the bestest inaugural speech he’s ever heard! No, not THAT Chris—not Chris Matthews. Chris Wallace said it was the best. He was wrong. It wasn’t the best inaugural speech ever. It was the BEST SPEECH period. I’m tearing up just thinking about how best it was.
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Accepting, Including, Embracing, and Sharing Deviance

What kind of twisted person makes a YouTube video in which she tells two five-year-old girls and two five-year-old boys that as a “child,” she “questioned” her sexuality and that she watched the movie Nell multiple times in order to see actress Jodie Foster naked?
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Mall Shooter was a Pothead

The “sweet” young man who killed two people, and then himself, in a Maryland shopping mall on January 25 was a pothead.

But the police revelation that the killer mentions “using marijuana” in a diary has been played down by the media, which in recent months have seemed almost ecstatic about the legalization of the drug in Colorado. President Obama, a one-time heavy user, recently called the drug safer than alcohol.

The link between marijuana and mental illness, documented in the medical literature, is not a popular subject for journalists who themselves may use pot and be reluctant to …

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Almost Everything You Think You Know About the Matthew Shepard Narrative is False.

Matthew Shepard was the winsome young homosexual in Laramie, Wyoming who in October 1998 was tortured, killed, and left hanging grotesquely from a fence. He was discovered almost a day later and later died in the hospital from his horrific wounds.
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‘Gays,’ Guns and Mad Social Science

While preaching to the choir at his April 12 Nuclear Security Summit, President Obama revealed his perspective on America’s matchless military might: “Whether we like it or not,” he said, “we (the United States) remain a dominant military superpower.” That the president would even imagine “we” might not “like it,” betrays his fixed membership within that “progressive” camp of self-loathing “or nots.” (Mr. Obama’s anti-Americanism is showing.)

Indeed, if there were ever a question whether Democrats are woefully weak on national defense, that question was cleared up on Tuesday. Taking direction from Lady Gaga (evidently Mr. Obama’s new national defense …

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