Tag Archives: lgbt agenda


So Much for the “Born this Way” Argument

A new poll from Arizona Christian University has some shocking findings regarding the indoctrination of America’s youth. For decades the percent of those who identify with the homosexual lifestyle has consistently been less than 3 percent of the population. However, the LGBT agenda has now thoroughly saturated our nation’s schools, pop culture, media, politics, and society.
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A Powerful Slogan Hides Core Issues

If you have logged on to Netflix, Amazon, and other places recently, you have probably seen some of corporate America’s virtue signaling through banners in support of Black Lives Matter.  By itself, it is a powerful slogan which no one can disagree with, even if you’d prefer to say all lives matter.  However, there’s more to this than just a slogan.
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The House is on Fire

Why Christians must engage the culture on sexual ethics or be responsible for our civilization’s demise

As a Christian pastor, I am seeing a dangerous trend among American Christians: There seems to be a philosophical and theological framework developing in reaction to a culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to a Christian worldview. In many cultural spaces, the Christian worldview is considered laughable and openly despised. The response of a large segment of evangelicals is to privatize faith and talk publicly only about issues that don’t ruffle cultural feathers.

This is most profoundly seen in the cultural conversations on sexuality. …

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Men in Make-Up

With the kids home for Thanksgiving we were watching a movie and during one of the commercial breaks, a cosmetic company promoted its products with a slick, high-gloss advertisement. Inserted with the burst of dramatic head shots showing beautiful young women wearing lipstick, rouge and eyeliner was a quick shot of a man doing the same... That moment was instructive for a couple of reasons.
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Identity Politics: Statism, Paganism, and Cultural Marxism

American political conservatives continue to offer the American public a vision for how we should govern ourselves. While it is outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution (as well as state constitutions), a more specific approach is delineated in the Republican Party’s National Platform. The Illinois GOP Platform is also a conservative document. Here are just a few specifics in a nutshell:
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English and Math Proficiency Takes a Back Seat to LGBTQ Propaganda

Here was the headline: “Only 33 Percent of Students Proficient in English, Math.”

Last month, IFI’s Laurie Higgins wrote: “Devilish Details in School Sexuality-Indoctrination Bill.” And in a recent IFA Spotlight podcast, Higgins discussed the Illinois state senate’s approval of the bill mandating the teaching of “Leftist assumptions about deviant sexuality” in government-run schools. It also requires that eighth grade children will have to be tested on them “in order to move on to high school.”

Let us back up for a minute — here is Higgins explaining the legislation that recently passed the state …

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Paraphilias of the Day: Abasiophilia, Agalmatophilia, Algolagnia, and Andromimetophilia

“It’s who they are,” we’re told. “It’s about love,” we’re told. To disagree is bigotry, we’re told.

The problem is, the “LGBT” agenda is being sold deceptively. What Leftists don’t want to admit is that as the letters are added, things get even weirder. A man cannot become a woman — it’s middle school biology. So even as those pushing for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual normalization are already bumping up against science when they’re only at the fourth letter, “T,” which stands for Transgender.

One of the basic points of this series is to hammer home the fact that there …

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Identity Politics: Is America and the World Running Out of Patience with LGBTQIA Activism?

The topic of identity politics and the widening opportunity it presents to conservatives continues to be a hot topic. Here are just three examples from recent op eds.

First up is Glenn Stanton writing at Public Discourse:

Is America Running Out of Patience with LGBT Activism?

From surprisingly fast and unexpected victory can come great hubris and the desire to utterly crush one’s opponents.

GLAAD, a leading gay advocacy outfit, released a new report showing that positive attitudes toward homosexuality and people who identify as LGBT have decreased a bit over the last few years. They sum up their

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Paraphilias of the Day: Autovampirism/Vampirism and Auto-haemofetishism

The letters LGBTQIA were only the beginning. Whether falling under the category of “genders” or “paraphilias” (or both), various efforts are underway by Leftist organizations to keep up with the letters being added to LGBTQIA, and their definitions. The list of “genders” continues to grow. Don’t laugh. People who believe that there more than two genders are resolutely sincere.
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Paraphilia of the Day: Gerontophilia

Over the years there have been many articles outlining the “insanity” of transgenderism. No one should forget that the “LGB…T” movement willingly locked arms with those troubled souls. The more we learn about the “lifestyle” that is reflected by all of those letters — LGBTQIA(etc.) — the more people will understand that it is quite appropriate that all of the odd and unnatural paraphilias should be lopped together.

As has been noted previously, there is one man/one woman sex according to its natural design, and then there is everything else.

Wikipedia tells us that one researcher, …

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Charlottesville: A Return to the Topic of Identity Politics

It is time to return to our Identity Politics and Paraphilias series, and events surrounding Charlottesville serve as the path back. This focus on identity politics is important because while it’s being written about a lot, in my view it’s still not receiving the serious level of discussion that it deserves. Leftists want to fundamentally transform the United States. Unfortunately, they do not nearly have the level of support they need to accomplish it...
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Identity Politics and Paraphilias: An Ugly Fight & Bestiality/Zoophilia

It is worth restating my premise for these articles: The letters “LGBT” don’t really end with the letter “T,” and all the letters that follow deserve an equal footing with the first four. Thus, expect increasing irrationality and craziness from the radical political leftists in the months and years ahead.

Many fiscal conservatives consider themselves “enlightened” and thus look down on anyone concerned about those pesky and backward “social issues.” They can consider this another wake up call. The breakdown of the family and an increasingly divided society resulting from identity politics means your efforts to restore limited government …

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Identity Politics and Paraphilias: More from ‘Public Discourse’ & Autassassinophilia

Last time we covered two recent articles from Public Discourse — here are brief excerpts from three more.

The first is from Ryan T. Anderson — note the important introduction following the title:

How to Think About Discrimination: Race, Sex, and SOGI
Sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) antidiscrimination laws are unjustified, but if other policies are adopted to address the mistreatment of people who identify as LGBT, they must leave people free to engage in legitimate actions based on the conviction that we are created male and female and that male and female are created for each other.

Here …

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Identity Politics and Paraphilias: ‘Public Discourse’ Weighs In & Bisexuality

One of the email newsletters I receive is from the Witherspoon Institute’s “Public Discourse,” and often link to and/or excerpt articles posted at their website. Recently there has been a number of articles touching on “identity politics.” In this post and in the next I will link to and excerpt from a few of the the articles...
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Identity Politics & Paraphilias: Why the Term ‘Sexual Orientation’ is Nonsense

Readers may have noticed that each of these posts has begun with a citation from one or more articles on the topic of identity politics and then closes by highlighting a paraphilia. This time we will only excerpt two of my favorite writers – the Illinois Family Institute’s Laurie Higgins and Pastor Scott Lively.

These were first posted back in 2014, I began the article with this introduction:

The term “sexual orientation” is a fictitious socio-political construct invented by the left to promulgate the non-scientific idea that homosexual proclivities and temptations are somehow neutral, immutable characteristics that define a same-sex …

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