Tag Archives: Sanctity of Life


Live Action: 1st Trimester Chemical Abortion

It’s incredibly awkward when you’re in an important worldview conversation with a friend, and you don’t know what to say. You can’t figure out the right facts or convincing words to combat their argument, and worse, the conversation ends with you questioning your own beliefs.
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A Challenge to Pro-Life Voters

For many Christian conservatives, the number one voting issue is abortion. Under no circumstances will we vote for a “pro-choice” candidate, no matter how good that candidate’s other policies may be. Conversely, we will vote for a strong pro-life candidate even if that candidate does not line up with some of our other ideals. After all, we reason, what is more important than the shedding of innocent blood, especially the blood of babies in their mothers’ wombs?
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40 Days for Life Fall 2020

Join other pro-life prayer warriors in the annual 40 Days For Life campaign to pray and fast to end abortion! This year’s Fall vigil begins on September 23rd and ends 40 days later on November 1.

Through peaceful prayer vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 1,000,000 people to join at locations across the nation.

With God’s blessing, here are the results of 25 coordinated campaigns:

16,742 babies saved from abortion

196 abortion workers left their jobs

104 abortion centers closed

Find a vigil location near you HERE, or join one of these Illinois locations:


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Jared Kushner: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Hovering Too Near Trump

In an alarming May 24, 2020 article titled “Scoop: Inside the Secret Talks to Overhaul the GOP Platform,” published by Axios, political reporter Jonathan Swan exposed the behind-the-scenes efforts of the socially liberal son-in-law of President Trump, Jared Kushner, to change the GOP platform so that it reflects Democrat views. While the radical overhaul of the GOP platform—and, therefore, the GOP—is the brainless-child of Kushner, the nitty gritty of the subversive project has been assigned to Bill Stepien, second in command for Trump’s re-election campaign, just under Brad Parscale.

According to Swan, Kushner has been …

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Being a Voice for the Unborn

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March for Life Chicago 2020

Join thousands at the March for Life Chicago 2020! Over 57-million babies have been victims of abortion since 1973. Take a stand for life in every stage!
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Stonestreet: The Beautiful Biblical Vision of the Human Person

“All men are created equal” and “man is created in the image of God”—these two statements are arguably some of the most important concepts in American history and in Christianity, respectively. But what do they have to do with each other, and more importantly, what do they really mean?

John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, addresses these questions and more in his lecture on the Imago Dei, delivered at the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference. Expounding on such themes as “what does it mean to be human?” and “how do we become good …

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No Me Hablen Acerca de Compasión…

Legisladores pro-aborto escuchenme ahora. No me hablen de compasión, ya no. No quiero escuchar de familias separadas en las fronteras, tasas de suicidio en la comunidad LGBT, la difícil situación de las personas sin hogar o de los osos polares sobre los flujos de hielo derretidos, ya no, no de ustedes. Su compasión es falsa, ustedes quien defienden el desmembramiento de bebés vivos en el vientre.
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America Is Split Right Down the Middle on Abortion, Poll Shows

Americans are split evenly down the middle on whether abortion should remain legal, a Gallup poll published Monday reveals. Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll shows that 48 percent of Americans identify as pro-choice while 48 percent identify as pro-life. While roughly half of Americans are pro-choice, more Americans believe that aborting unborn babies is morally wrong than morally acceptable, the poll shows.
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What Does it Mean to be a Conservative?

What does it mean to be a Conservative? Historically, issues of faith and family that reflect traditional morals and values – the sanctity of life, heterosexual marriage, and belief in God and in His Word – have been the primary hallmarks of conservatism. But today, a new type of Conservative is emerging, one that identifies as an atheist, transgender, or gay. How (or can) we reconcile our established definition of conservatism with the views presented by these new, non-religious, non-traditional, self-proclaimed Conservative voices?

Dr. Michael L. Brown contrasts the foundational importance of faith, family, and freedom to the traditional conservative …

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Charlie Gard’s Chilling Case Should Serve as a Dire Warning for Parental Rights in the United States

On July 27, 2017 a judge made the final decision in the case of Charlie Gard, ordering that the infant be moved to hospice for his last days on this earth. Charlie was one of 16 known children in the world to have mitochondrial depletion syndrome. This condition is a very rare terminal illness  which causes progressive muscle weakness and brain damage.

This decision followed the determination of the hospital that he would be better off dead. The European Court of Human Rights backed this decision. According to BBC News the court determined that further treatment would “continue to cause …

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Our Failing Demographics

In an exhibition gallery, somewhere …

Welcome to our display of demographic failures! Here you will see amazing things, from both near and far. Behind this first curtain we have … Japan! It’s a nice place but the locals don’t seem to like it much. You see, their families aren’t having many children. As their birth rate is only at two-thirds of the needed replacement rate, experts see Japan’s population dropping by a third within 50 years.[i] Even now, parts of the Japanese countryside have been abandoned, left to return to the wild.[ii]

Moving to our second curtain …

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Richard Mourdock, the Problem of Evil, and God’s Sovereignty

Another conservative has made another inept comment regarding rape. I am referring to this comment from Indiana Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock in response to a question regarding his views on abortion:

Life is that gift from God. I think that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something God intended to happen.

First, it should be clear that the demonstrative pronoun “that” was referring to conception, not rape. To some listeners, Mourdock’s comment was offensive because they mistakenly thought he was saying that God intended rape “to happen.”

Second, it should be …

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Pro-Life Action League’s annual “Face the Truth” tour begins

The Pro-Life Action League Face the Truth Tour 2012 kicked off Friday, July 7, in Joliet and Shorewood with pictures representing the nearly 4,000 children whose lives are legally terminated through abortion every day. With its 13th annual tour, organizers say they are “eager for participants to join us on the front lines showing our fellow citizens the truth about abortion.”

 Face the Truth has spread across the nation since the League launched its first tour in 1999 in Wisconsin. Established under the inspiration of Pastor Matt Trewhella, pro-life activists across the nation have eagerly adopted this method of …

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Illinois Parental Notice Case

The issue of a law requiring parents to be notified if their minor daughter is to obtain an abortion has a long and contentious history in Illinois. The story begins in 1977 when the Illinois General Assembly passed the Illinois Abortion Parental Consent Act. The act, supported by the vast majority of Illinoisans, passed with sound majorities in both houses, but was promptly found unconstitutional by the courts and was never enforced.
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