Tag Archives: Lil Miss Hot Mess


Lincoln Park Zoo and Paramount School of the Arts Drag Children Down

Just eight years ago, drag queens were a smallish plague found only in weird clubs catering to weird adults with weird “entertainment” tastes. Then lesbian/unfit mother Michelle Tea's darkened mind spawned a dark idea that she mistook for a brilliant one: drag queen story hours for preschoolers at public libraries. The dark idea has swept the nation in a movement that only a father of lies could love. And now it’s landed in Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo, giving new meaning to the zoo’s motto: “Lincoln Park Zoo. For Wildlife. For All.”
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Drag Queens, “Queers,” and Toddlers, Oh My!

Pray for our nation’s little ones. If they manage to survive the womb and are lucky enough to have both a mommy and a daddy, they may end up at their local library or bookstore for story time with drag queens. I kid you not. A widely circulated Associate Press (AP) news video exposes the repugnant spectacle.
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