Tag Archives: Linda Yonke


900 Absentees on New Trier’s Progressive Dogma Day

In an October 2015 article about attendance rates in Illinois School District 60, the Chicago Tribune reported that "average daily attendance is up from 92 percent in 2010 to around 94 percent in 2014, and it hovers about equal to the state average, according to state board of education data."
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New Trier High School Needs Accounting, Diversity, and Logic Lessons

Much virtual ink has been spilled, money wasted, and fallacious arguments spewed by supporters of the bias inarguably present in the sessions offered on New Trier’s All-School Seminar Day titled “Understanding Today’s Struggle for Racial Civil Rights,” which takes place tomorrow Feb. 28. A closer look at the money spent and diversity ideology promoted—often through fallacious logic—may lead parents to do two things: 1. Keep their children home on “progressive” dogma day. 2. Pursue changes in future seminars with the doggedness and passion (if not the fallacious reasoning) of “progressives.”
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Controversy Grows Over Imbalanced Seminar on Race

Surprise, surprise, liberal administrators and community members oppose and censor conservative viewpoints at a public school. A controversy has been percolating in the affluent communities served by New Trier High School on Chicago’s North Shore. It’s a controversy that has implications for public schools all over the country—and not just high schools—so I hope taxpayers in other communities pay attention.
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