This American Life of Sexual Perversity

There is a new reality makeover show on The Learning Channel (TLC) titled Dragnificent in which four men who impersonate women (also known as “drag queens”) travel the country exploiting the desire of humans to grasp the cheap brass ring: fifteen minutes of fame. While behaving like clownish juveniles, these men-children with wounded pasts teach women with wounded pasts how to dress for their body type and wear makeup. The spectacle of grown men prancing about like children in cartoonish outfits pretending their work is good is a grotesque and tragic deceit that mars the image of God imprinted on them and harms society.

Dragnificent is just the newest effort of America’s entertainment industry to use storytelling to refashion this once-admirable American life into a cesspool of hedonism, profligacy, and perversion. By crafting stories that portray corrosive sexuality as joyful, carefree, cost-free, and even noble, our storytellers, in thrall to the father of lies, erode and corrode the principles, beliefs, and values that made this American life commendable.

However did we get here? How did we arrive at a cultural place in which ordinary people—moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas—tolerate, watch, approve, and even celebrate such depravity?

Remember when the truly sick Alfred Kinsey abused infants and polled pederasts in prison to advance his notion that sexual immorality is good for society? Remember when profligate pornographer Hugh Hefner mainstreamed porn, mainlining it into the synapses of men’s brains? Remember the sexual revolution of the 1960s that fertilized the weeds first planted by Kinsey and then watered by Hefner? Remember when homosexuals claimed they just wanted homosexuality to be tolerated? Approval—so they claimed at the time through lying lips and under growing noses—was neither requested nor required. Remember the claim that eradicating the social taboo against homoerotism would affect no one, no way, no how except for those who wanted to engage in it? Remember when self-identifying homosexuals said they just wanted civil unions—not marriage? Remember the snarky, mocking, scornful and idiotic rhetorical question spit at conservatives by homosexuals: “How will my marriage affect your marriage?”

Well, starting with Kinsey, too many Americans decided pleasure trumped self-restraint, the almighty Self trumped God, and being cool trumped being uncool. We stopped fighting for marriage, for our children, and for our country. And now this American life is dragnificent.

So, let’s take a moment to look at the dragnificent world that deception, selfishness, and cowardice have created:

  • Five unelected Supreme Court Justices decided that the single most enduring, cross-cultural constituent feature of marriage—i.e., sexual differentiation—is irrelevant to marriage and imposed their radical notion on the entire country.
  • Children are being created to be intentionally fatherless or motherless in order to satisfy the desires of people who choose to be in relationships that are by design non-reproductive.
  • There are now scads of picture books and Young Adult novels for children that depict positively homoeroticism, motherless and fatherless families with homosexual parents, and “trans”-cultism.
  • Ten percent of characters on scripted television shows are homosexual or opposite-sex impersonators with the goal of the “LGBT” community to double that rate within five years.
  • Restrooms, locker rooms, shelters, and athletics are being sexually integrated, thereby robbing girls, boys, women, and men of rights.
  • Pornography of the vilest and most shameful forms is easily available even to children.
  • There is a pandemic of child sexual abuse and trafficking that dwarfs COVID-19 in the human suffering it causes.
  • “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 20 million new STIs occur every year in this country, half of those among young people aged 15–24.”
  • Women have renamed prostitution “sex work,” call it “empowering,” and are fighting for its legalization.
  • Young men are unable to perform sexually with women because of their decade-long porn addiction.
  • Degrading “kink” practices are becoming normalized in the same ways homoeroticism and “trans”-alchemy were.
  • There are “sex weeks” at prestigious universities.
  • There are state laws mandating that kindergartners be taught positively about homoeroticism and science-denying “trans”-alchemy.
  • There are state laws prohibiting counseling for those who experience unwanted homoerotic desires and gender dysphoria.
  • Medical professionals are blocking the natural process of puberty in physically healthy children who experience gender dysphoria.
  • Medical professionals are administering untested and risky cross-sex hormones to physically healthy children who experience gender dysphoria.
  • Medical professionals are amputating the healthy breasts of teenage girls and castrating teenage boys who experience gender dysphoria.
  • There is a decade-long reality show in which drag queens compete to be America’s next drag superstar. In 2020, a U. S. Congresswoman (AOC) appeared as a judge on that show.
  • There’s a reality show on (TLC) that follows the troubled life of a young boy whose parents exploit him as he seeks to pass as a girl.
  • There are drag queen story hours all across the country in which perverse cross-dressing men groom and indoctrinate toddlers while lying through their lips and under their growing noses, falsely claiming their repugnant acts honor diversity, foster tolerance, and cultivate creativity, all under the approving eyes of parents.
  • There’s a YouTube series for preschoolers called Queer Stuff for Kids hosted by “gender non-binary” lesbian Lindsay Amer.
  • The mainstream press calls pregnant women who masquerade as men “pregnant men.”
  • The polyamorous or “sexually non-monogamous” community is growing and demanding—like the homosexual community and “trans”-cult before them—to be affirmed.
  • Adults and teens send photos of their naked bodies to acquaintances.
  • “Trans”-cultists command society to mis-sex them by using opposite-sex pronouns, or using plural pronouns for singular people, or using newly invented pronouns, all in the service of concealing their sex and facilitating a false and destructive ideology.
  • Religious liberty is being attacked through lawsuits to force Christian business owners to violate their religious beliefs, policies to force Christians to participate in lies, and laws like the Equality Act that will force people of faith to subordinate objective material reality (i.e., biological sex) to disordered subjective immaterial feelings about biological sex in violation of their beliefs.

Ideas do, indeed, have consequences.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


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Pro-“LGBTQ” YouTube Series for Young Children


The 21st Century Leftist alchemical superstition that male humans can transmute into females or vice versa provides evidence that “progressives” are the real science-deniers and that contemporary man is not immune to the kind of indoctrination with irrational and destructive ideologies that has corrupted societies throughout history.

To move sex-alchemy from the fringes of society where it belonged into the mainstream required a revolutionary coup of the apparatuses of thought control: academia, mainstream press, the arts, religious institutions, and professional medical and pseudo-medical organizations.

To sustain this alchemical delusion also requires prohibiting everyone from asserting that the emperor wearing women’s clothing is actually a man, hence the demand that women share restrooms, showers, and shelters with emperors and other men, and the imposition of draconian consequences for those who dare to call the be-gowned, bedazzled emperor “Sir.”

The wholesale cultural embrace of the superstition that humans can change from male to female and vice versa relied too on redefining and inventing terms.

First, Leftists redefined “identity” to include all phenomena that constitute identity, from objective, non-behavioral phenomena like skin color to subjective desires and volitional activity like homoeroticism, and suggesting that human flourishing cannot be achieved unless all phenomena that constitute identity are affirmed by others. This was a way to render all aspects of “identity” immune from moral judgment. Before this redefinition, no one felt obligated to affirm all the subjective feelings or volitional activities of their fellow fallen men and women.

Then to further the cultural embrace of sex-alchemy, Leftists needed to separate the objective, immutable phenomenon of biological sex from subjective, often-fluid feelings and desires about one’s sex. This required a two-part rhetorical/conceptual contortionist move.

Leftists started by separating “gender,” which was formerly a synonym for sex, from sex. Gender came to denote the “socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.”

The second part involved the introduction of the term “gender identity,” which refers to one’s subjective feelings about one’s sex or as the Left says, one’s “internal sense” of being male or female. This was invented to provide rhetorical cover and ontological gravitas for subjective desires about objective phenomenon (i.e., one’s sex).

Next Leftists really went out into orbit by inventing the term “sex assignment.” But just as they were forced to change “sex change surgery” to “gender confirmation surgery,” they have been forced to change “sex assignment” to “infant gender assignment” in order to accommodate objective, scientific facts. Babies are no more “assigned” a sex at birth than they are assigned a species or a birth weight. Their sex is identified.

It’s impossible for the Left to keep from bumping into their own intellectual nonsense: If “gender” now refers to cultural expectations for boys and girls, it’s absurd to claim that doctors are assigning to babies cultural expectations. Doctors identify an objective, intrinsic feature of babies: their sex.

No matter, for Leftists one’s sixth sense about one’s sex is immeasurably more important than one’s sex.

So, in the service of their anti-science, alchemical tomfoolery, an organization called Queer Kid Stuff premiered their video series in April 2016 with ten more episodes posted in the fall. The creator and host of this video series is lesbian Lindsay Amer who describes Queer Kid Stuff as a beacon of educational light for children ages 3-7:

Queer Kid Stuff is a new webseries educating kids on LGBTQ+ topics! Queer representation and content for children is scarce and Queer Kid Stuff aims to eliminate stigma by properly educating future generations through entertaining video content. The pilot episode…tackles the subject; What Does Gay Mean? A simple enough subject, but you would be surprised the amount [sic] of young children who might not know the answer to that question….10 brand new episodes…debuted in Fall 2016 covering topics including non-binary genders and trans* identities, marriage equality, feminism, and queer themes in children’s pop culture.

…Lindsay and her best stuffed friend Teddy explain queer topics through a vlog-style conversation with young viewers focused on love and family. The short videos are a tool for parents, teachers, and LGBTQ+ adults to help them explain these words and ideas to young children….

The Left evidently learned one lesson from Aristotle who said, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

Amer says this about herself: “As a queer little tomboy growing up in New York City, I struggled with my sexuality. I am incredibly lucky to have grown up…with liberal parents who could care less about whether I’m gay or straight or whatever.”

And this is the woman who is using social media to “entertain” young children with lies that cloud the hearts and minds of our littlest ones.

Here is just one of the ten short videos of host Amer and her teddy bear sidekick “properly educating future generations” on sexual deviance (i.e., “transgenderism”). It’s titled “T is for TRANS! – Transgender.” Note how she muddies the waters when explaining that doctors “announce that babies are boys or girls” by  calling these announcements “gender assignments” rather than sex-identifications:

This kind of polemical, science-denying, doctrinaire indoctrination “identified” as “proper education” and cloaking itself in the accouterments of Mr. Rogers-esque edutainment should impel those who seek truth to be vigilant about the ideas to which their children are exposed, including in school.

“It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck
and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.”
~Luke 17:2~

End-of-Year Challange

As you may know, IFI has a year-end matching challenge to raise $110,000. That’s right, a small group of IFI supporters are providing a $55,000 matching challenge to help support IFI’s ongoing work to educate, motivate and activate Illinois’ Christian community.


Please consider helping us reach this goal!  Your donation will help us stand strong in 2017!  To make a credit card donation over the phone, please call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328.  You can also send a gift to:

Illinois Family Institute
P.O. Box 876
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477