Tag Archives: Longfellow Elementary School


Wheaton, Illinois Middle School’s Offensive “Gay” Christmas Display

In a brazen act of anti-Christian disrespect and cultural appropriation, Edison Middle School (CUSD 200) in Wheaton has chosen to deface a Christian symbol that celebrates the birth of Christ by displaying a full-size rainbow-colored “gay pride” Christmas tree during in honor of homoeroticism. Originally, the tree also included handmade pink ornaments with the messages “Be Gay Be Slay” and *Gay Panic*.
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If This Can Happen in a Wheaton, Illinois Elementary School…

A lesbian activist who promotes cultural approval of both the “LGBT” ideology and the legalized slaughter of the unborn was invited to speak to 8-11-year-olds at Longfellow Elementary School  in Wheaton, Illinois, home of America’s most prestigious evangelical college, Wheaton College; evangelical Christian publishing company Crossway Books; and approximately 45 churches. If this could happen in Wheaton, Illinois, it could happen anywhere.
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