Tag Archives: Luke Montgomery


Higgins Responds to H8SUX Creator

Last week, IFI published a press release that was sent to us by Luke Montgomery announcing yet another campaign to use public schools to promote acceptance of homosexuality. The campaign is the creation of his organization, H8SUX, which previously exploited young children by having them use the F-word in a video campaign to promote affirmation of perversion.

I try to respond to as many emails as possible, even from those with whom IFI disagrees. I rarely publish my responses and had no intention of doing so when I responded to Mr. Montgomery, the founder of H8SUX . Subsequently, I thought …

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New Campaign by Activists to Normalize Homosexuality in Public Schools

Perhaps some remember the loathsome and vulgar campaign that has young children using the F-word in a video series to promote affirmation of homosexuality. Well, they have a new campaign and the creator, Luke Montgomery, sent IFI an email about it, saying, “Hello, I thought you might find this of interest…” 

Below is the press release he thought would interest us and which provides another reason to call your kids out of school on the Day of Silence. The more cowardly we are, the more brazen homosexual activists become in their efforts to promote acceptance — not tolerance — but …

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