Tag Archives: marijuana


Pot Use Rises Among Children

Gov. JB Pritzker continues to make sure Illinois has more than its share of pot dispensaries. And as Illinois Family Institute warned repeatedly that what was happening in Colorado would also happen here, there are consequences. Dire consequences.

Marijuana use among adolescents has now surpassed alcohol use. A 20-year study shows a 245 percent increase in marijuana use by children aged 6-18 since 2000, while alcohol use has steadily declined.
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The Numb of Unbelief

Marijuana and alcohol abuse are at record highs, reports the federal Center for Disease Control (CDC).

The substance abuse trend skyrocketed during the pandemic, and the hike only continues. By the end of 2022, the marijuana industry’s expected worth is $32 billion, and its popularity increases.
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Biden’s Marijuana Pardon Will Drive Crime Higher

If President Biden had really wanted to do something about the problems facing our cities and states—rising crime, addiction and overdose deaths—he might have done something to prevent illegal drug use. Instead, he chose to minimize the dangers of drug use by granting pardons for criminals convicted of marijuana possession under federal law. In so doing, Mr. Biden has sent the country the wrong signal at the wrong time.
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Springfield Goes to Pot, Again and Again

It appears that state lawmakers have decided to go for broke. Much of what's below was included in the original language of the "recreational" marijuana bill, but was removed to gather the votes needed to pass the bill, with the intention of adding it at a later time. They are intent on making a bad situation even worse.
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File Witness Slip to Oppose Marijuana “Home Grows”

Two years after legalizing “recreational” marijuana, some foolish lawmakers are sprinting ahead with legislation to allow for Illinoisans 21 and older to grow up to 5 marijuana plants in their home. The bill number is HB 4799 and is sponsored by Carol Ammons (D-Urbana), Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), Kambium Buckner (D-Chicago) and Aaron Ortiz (D-Chicago).

There is ample evidence to demonstrate that home grows are a recipe for disaster. The state of Colorado, which legalized pot in 2012, is a prime example of bad marijuana policy. We often use Colorado as our reference point because they have the best data …

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Give ‘Em an Inch and They’ll Take a Mile

You know the saying that is often meant for children, “Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile.” Well, it also applies to liberal ‘big government’ activists and power-hungry lawmakers.
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Cutting Through the Fog of Marijuana

What was Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton thinking when she purchased recreational marijuana in Chicago on the first day of its legal sales in Illinois? Does she not understand that as a public official she is setting a reckless and foolish example, especially for children and teens?

Illinois policy makers continue to send a dangerous message to our young people. First, they called marijuana “medicine.” Now, they call it “recreational.” Do you know of any other drug that’s used for both medicine and recreation? The hoax has worked.

Gone are the days of “this is your brain on drugs.” Instead, …

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Legalized Marijuana? Better Build More Homeless Shelters

There are various situations and circumstances that contribute to the growing problem of homelessness in America. According to Pastor Phil Kwiatkowski, president of Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, the factor that most often leads to homelessness is drug use and addiction.  With this reality in mind, why would anyone think that legalizing recreational marijuana is a good idea?

In this video, Pastor Kwiatkowski relates his experience with the connection between homelessness and drug use, specifically marijuana, through the stories of the teens and adults who have come to Pacific Garden Mission to find help and hope. Despite what …

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Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence

Ten states and Washington, D.C., have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Twenty-two other states, along with U.S. territories Puerto Rico and Guam, allow marijuana to be used for medical purposes. Let's examine some hidden issues about marijuana use. Before we start, permit me to state my values about medical or recreational use of any drug. We each own ourselves. If we choose to take chances with substances that can ruin our health, lead to death and otherwise destroy our own lives, that's our right. But we do not have a right to harm others in the process of harming ourselves.
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Anti-Family Legislation in 2019

Legalizing high potency marijuana, more gambling, LGBT history in schools and taking aim at Illinois’ Parental Notification of Abortion law. Incoming Governor J.B. Pritzker and his fellow Democrats in the General Assembly will have the votes to make their agenda happen. Yet, some Republican leaders say Conservatives should be quiet on social issues.…

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New School Resource Officer Data Shows Increase in Teen Marijuana Use in Illinois

New data shows a troubling increase in teen-agers’ use of marijuana in Illinois, and a significant increase in vaping by teen-agers. Those are two major results from the second annual survey of School Resource Officers, who are police officers with primary responsibilities in schools throughout Illinois.
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Not Your Grandfather’s Marijuana

Many states are rushing to legalize powerful recreational marijuana, but they’re running headlong into mental-health issues that should stop them in their tracks. Thanks to recreational marijuana legalization, we are steadily deciding as a nation that widespread availability of marijuana is worth the mental-health risk to our youth, the medical evidence for which is growing stronger every year.
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All Young Cannabis Users Face Psychosis Risk

Illinois state lawmakers from Chicago are moving quickly toward the legalization of "recreational" marijuana. There are many good reasons to be alarmed. Not all the risks of such a policy is known. For example, we need to understand what role marijuana has in the development of psychiatric diseases, such as psychosis. New research suggests shows that "in adolescents, cannabis use is harmful."
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Moral Standards on the Decline, New Survey Shows

Americans are becoming more permissive on moral issues like smoking pot, same sex relations, divorce, pornography, even polygamy. That’s according to Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs survey, which was conducted May 1-10 and released this week. The trends are the interesting part.
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Rocky Mountain High Brings State to New Lows

Recently, a Colorado expert on the consequences of legalizing recreational marijuana spoke to groups in Bloomington, Pontiac, and Naperville, in addition to doing numerous media interviews. What Jo McGuire reports from Colorado is truly shocking. Illinois residents must understand the consequences of this foolish policy and speak out before it is too late.
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