Tag Archives: marijuana


Maureen Dowd Suffers Pot Paranoia As Dopers Advance

NYT columnist says she was ‘curled up in a hallucinatory state’ for eight hours

Maureen Dowd of The New York Times has attracted attention with her column about eating a marijuana candy bar and remaining in “a hallucinatory state for the next eight hours,” as she began “panting” and becoming “paranoid.” Some commentators are laughing about it. Not so funny are the reports of deaths from ingesting marijuana that Dowd cites in her column about marijuana legalization in Colorado.

“In March,” she noted, “a 19-year-old Wyoming college student jumped off a Denver hotel balcony after eating a pot cookie with …

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Colombians Move into Colorado Marijuana Business

When Barack Obama said he would “fundamentally transform” the United States, few anticipated that the plan involved destroying the minds of young people through addictive substances. But after the expenditure of $250 million by Obama backer George Soros on behalf of the marijuana legalization movement, we are seeing the results, especially in Colorado. The new website www.legalizationviolations.org is documenting the fallout and the damage.

In addition to what is reported on this site, such as kids using, and even selling, marijuana, we have some other sensational cases in Colorado, such as a husband and father, Richard Kirk, who began …

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Big Bucks Behind Marijuana Legalization

An anti-drug advocate laments that billionaire George Soros continues to fund deadly and destructive marijuana legalization efforts across the country. A new report shows that billionaire George Soros has funneled at least $80 million towards marijuana legalization since 1994.
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Going Up In Smoke

A new report from the RAND Corporation commissioned by the White House Office of Drug Control Policy has some disturbing longitudinal findings since 2000. The office asked RAND to look at total expenditures and consumption of four illicit drugs: cocaine, heroine, methamphetamine and marijuana.
One of the most remarkable findings was that from 2000 to 2010 the number of chronic marijuana users (those who smoke pot four or more days each week) has jumped by 84.3 percent with 13 million chronic users in America today.  
Expenditures for marijuana (which many unscrupulous politicians eye as a means for

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Media Continue Cover-up of Marijuana-induced Mental Illness

When The Baltimore Sun ran an editorial about the Maryland mall shooter, who killed two people and then himself, the newspaper said that mental health problems need to be identified sooner. But it failed to breathe a word about killer Darion Aguilar’s admitted marijuana use. Dr. Christine Miller, a semi-retired molecular neuroscientist living in Maryland, was not too surprised by the omission. She says the liberal media tend to ignore the relationship between marijuana and mental illness.

“I know that the editors are aware of the marijuana-psychosis connection because I have corresponded in the past with one of their …

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Narco-Nation Comes to Colorado

The George Soros-funded marijuana movement has achieved enormous “progress” in the various states, especially Colorado, and the results are now starting to get some media attention.

Pot problems in Colorado schools increase with legalization” is the headline over a Denver Post story by Nancy Lofholm. She reports, “…school resource officers, counselors, nurses, staff and officials with Colorado school safety and disciplinary programs are anecdotally reporting an increase in marijuana-related incidents in middle and high schools.”

President Obama’s Department of Justice has decided to let Colorado and Washington’s new marijuana legalization initiatives go into effect without a challenge, …

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“Medical” Marijuana Vote Coming Soon?

Lawmakers in the Illinois House, most if not all knowing little or nothing about medicine or disease, may be voting to legalize so-called marijuana as “medicine” in Illinois on Wednesday.

This bill allows a “qualified” patient to have 2.5 ounces of marijuana every 14 days (183 joints, 13 per day).  Even the most experienced user smokes an average of three or four joints a day, potentially allowing the surplus to be sold on the streets. Moreover, “medical” marijuana laws normalize marijuana use, which significantly decreases the perception of harm especially among adolescents and teens.

“The key to it is medical

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