Tag Archives: Mary Miller


U.S. Senator Marshall’s Stand

On May 15, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) introduced two bills to the U.S. Senate—one that would prohibit federal funds from supporting gender transition procedures, and another that would altogether ban such procedures on minors.
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Efforts to Stop UN World “Health” Power Grab Accelerate

Amid a major power grab by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) seeking to further empower the global agency, lawmakers and leaders across the United States are stepping up efforts to protect self-government, national sovereignty and the rights of all Americans. In fact, many in Congress and beyond say it is time for the U.S. government to defund and even withdraw from the WHO once again.
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U.S. Representative Mary Miller’s Congressional Family Caucus

Earlier this month, Representative Mary Miller (R-IL) announced the launch of the Congressional Family Caucus from the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. In a brief but spirited speech, she explained that the caucus' purpose is to defend the natural family from Left-grounded erosion.
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An Unlikely Front in the Battle with China

In 2023, it seems the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is less and less concerned with hiding its espionage and attempts to destabilize the United States. With the early February sighting of a confirmed Chinese surveillance balloon, which drifted across the U.S. for a week until it was shot down off the coast of South Carolina, perhaps more Americans are aware of the threat China poses to United States security. But while the eyes of many have been trained on the skies, the communist nation has been at work right under our feet.
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Defund Planned Parenthood

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) recently introduced H.R. 128, also known as the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2023, to the U.S. House of Representatives. This proposal would restrict the federal funds Planned Parenthood receives for abortion (except in cases of rape or incest or danger to the woman’s life) for one year to redirect $235 million toward community health centers. Currently, 40 representatives have cosponsored the bill.
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Federal Lawmakers File Bill to Shut Down U.S. Department of Education

A coalition of Republican lawmakers led by U.S. Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced legislation to shut down the U.S. Department of Education, arguing that there is no constitutional authority for the controversial bureaucracy to exist. Co-sponsors include U.S. Representatives Mary Miller of Illinois, Russ Fulcher of Idaho, Lauren Boebert from Colorado and Chip Roy of Texas.
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Federal Legislation to Ban CRT Funding of Indoctrination Centers

Ever since the D.C. marsh rodents regained control of both legislative chambers and the executive branch in a murkier, mustier way than usually implemented, the evening news has gone from depressing to unbearable. But just because the majority of the political marsh is dominated by R.U.O.S.’s (rodents of unusual size, hat tip Princess Bride) doesn’t mean all the Wesleys are pinned beneath them.
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U.S. House Passes “In-Equality” Act

On Thursday afternoon, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 224 to 206 to pass the so-called "Equality Act" (H.R. 5), which would enshrine “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as legally protected classes in a myriad of federal laws. The vote fell along party lines, with only three Republicans voting with the Democratic majority, and two Republicans not voting.
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Freshman U.S. Representative Mary Miller Bullied by Deceitful Leftists and Abandoned by Cowardly Republicans

Another tempest is brewing in the Land of the Lost, formerly known as the Land of Lincoln. It all began when, in a speech to Moms for America, newly elected U.S. Representative Mary Miller quoted Hitler’s infamous assertion from Mein Kampf about the indoctrination of children. Miller said,

"If we win a few elections, we’re still going to be losing unless we win the hearts and minds of our children. This is the battle. Hitler was right on one thing. He said, 'Whoever has the youth has the future.'”

The political world came unhinged.
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