Tag Archives: Matt Staver


Keep Your Children Home from School on Day of Silence April 17, 2015

If you have school age children, contact your administration as soon as possible to ask this specific question: Will you be permitting students to refuse to speak in class on the Day of Silence? If the administration either answers “Yes” or dodges the question, please call your child or children out of school on the Day of Silence. Every absence costs districts money, and money talks.

Also, if your school will be permitting students to refuse to speak in class, politely insist that an email be sent to every family informing them of the following: 1. The Day of Silence

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DOJ Pride Wants to Require Employees to Support LGBT Lifestyle

An LGBT activist group called DOJ Pride would like for all DOJ employees to not just accept the homosexual lifestyle, but to affirm and support it in a vocal way. As they made clear, “silence will be interpreted as disapproval.” Sounds like a great place to work, right? Mat Staver, of Liberty Counsel recently commented on the unprecedented rate at which President Barack Obama and his administration are implementing the radical LGBT agenda:

“It is only the beginning under this administration. This administration has used the federal agencies including the U.S. Military to push the LGBT agenda. It is

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