Tag Archives: Media Research Center


Oprah Shouts for Abortion

Over the years, Oprah Winfrey has seemingly evolved into America's mom. After her TV career, she sounds like an evangelist preaching a feminist substitute to replace religion in her monthly Oprah Magazine. Her August issue carries this motivational nugget of Oprah wisdom on the cover: "We all want to feel radiant, joyful, and alive. It starts with choosing love — in any form." No mention of faith, but no surprise there.
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Misuse of ‘Bert and Ernie’ Akin to Child Endangerment

Some pro-family organizations are rankled at the latest attempt by a liberal media outlet to co-opt two of America’s most beloved children’s pop culture icons on behalf of the pro-homosexual movement.

The Muppets Bert and Ernie, perhaps the most recognized characters of the popular U.S. children’s television program Sesame Street, have been used to commemorate last week’s landmark Supreme Court rulings on same-sex “marriage.” The latest issue of The New Yorker magazine shows the duo cuddling on their sofa as they watch a television featuring members of the United States Supreme Court.

The illustration, titled “Moment of Joy,” suggests …

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