Tag Archives: Medical Marijuana


The Multiple Harms of Marijuana for Youth

Federal Law in the United States has prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of marijuana for more than 70 years. However, with the discovery of potential medicinal properties of marijuana and the increasing misperception that the drug is harmless, there have arisen increased efforts to achieve its broad legalization despite persistent problems of abuse.
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Colombians Move into Colorado Marijuana Business

When Barack Obama said he would “fundamentally transform” the United States, few anticipated that the plan involved destroying the minds of young people through addictive substances. But after the expenditure of $250 million by Obama backer George Soros on behalf of the marijuana legalization movement, we are seeing the results, especially in Colorado. The new website www.legalizationviolations.org is documenting the fallout and the damage.

In addition to what is reported on this site, such as kids using, and even selling, marijuana, we have some other sensational cases in Colorado, such as a husband and father, Richard Kirk, who began …

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Pot As “Medicine” Advances

On Wednesday, May 8th, the bill to legalize marijuana as “medicine” was heard in the Senate Executive Committee.  The bill, sponsored by State Senator William Haine (D-Alton), passed by a vote of 10-5, and now advances to the full Senate for consideration.  It has already passed in the House.  (See how your state representative voted HERE.)

Legitimizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes will encourage and increase destructive behavior, especially among young people. Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States. Research has found that adolescent and teen drug use rises as the perception …

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Veto Session: “Medical” Marijuana in the Land of Lincoln?

Illinois state lawmakers return to Springfield today for the first day of the lame duck Veto Session. 

Among the many pieces of legislation the legislature might take up is HB 30, which would legalize “medical” marijuana. 

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to email your state representative now and urge him/her to vote “NO” on HB 30. 

Facts about HB 30: 

  • If passed, HB 30 would allow the creation of 59 “medical” marijuana stores throughout the state of Illinois – one for each state senate district. 
  • If passed, HB 30 would conflict with federal and Illinois zero tolerance drug laws. 
  • HB 30
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“Medical” Marijuana Legislation in Springfield

Marijuana is one of the most hotly debated drugs of our time.  According t an important report by Kevin Sabet, PhD, Policy Consultant and Assistant Professor, University of Florida, we can say with some certainty that marijuana use is significantly linked with addiction, heart and lung complications, mental illness, car crashes, IQ loss and poor school outcomes, poor quality of life outcomes and poor job performance.  Please read and print a copy of “Just the Facts:  Marijuana and Health.”   

The upcoming election is very important.  All State Representative and Senate districts will be on the Nov ember …

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“Medical” Marijuana Bill Back in Springfield

State Representative Lou Lang (D-Skokie) is once again pushing a bill to legalize so-called “medical” marijuana. As you may know, the Marijuana Policy Project is supported by George Soros, the radically liberal billionaire from Eastern Europe. They are heavily invested in trying to get policies like this passed into law.

Lang’s 68 page proposal, HB 30, passed out of the Human Services Committee last week along party lines by a vote of 6 to 5. It now moves to the full house.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send your state representative an email or a fax to tell …

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Marijuana Legalization Proposition is a Train Wreck

by Dr. Paul Chabot Ed.D – Illinois Family Institute

We can learn a lot from the legalization of so-called “medical” marijuana in California. Illinois’ HB 30, a much broader bill than the California law of 1996, has again been introduced in Illinois.

HB 30 allows a “patient” to possess 6 cannabis plants but only 3 mature plants for a 60-day period. A patient may have two caregivers who can each grow/possess 6 plants. For a 60-day period 3 mature plants can produce 1,764 joints and 6 mature plants (two caregivers) can produce 2,528 joints or 29 per day. What patient …

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Illinois House Rejects “Medical” Marijuana Bill

How did they vote?

For a second time in the past few weeks, lawmakers in the Illinois House of Representatives reject a bill to legalize “medical” marijuana, this time by a vote of 56 YES and 60 NO.

Thanks in part to your calls, emails and faxes, this bill has been defeated! It also must be noted that Illinois’ law enforcement community strongly opposed SB 1381. Former Chicago Police Superintendent Phil Cline along with the president of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, the president of the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association and other key law enforcement officials pleaded with …

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Law Enforcement, Workplace Safety Groups Speak Out Against “Medical” Pot Legalization

Former Chicago Police Superintendent Phil Cline joined other Illinois law enforcement leaders at a press conference at the Daley Center today announcing their opposition to the proposed “medical marijuana” bill now pending in the Illinois House of Representatives.

Cline, who is co-chair of the newly formed Illinois Partners Providing Marijuana Education, said the group’s goal is “to educate the public and legislators about the facts related to marijuana and counter misinformation and distortions of fact being heavily publicized by pro-marijuana legalization lobbyists.” There are 13 organizations and individuals in the group, including Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Illinois Sheriffs’ …

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