Tag Archives: mental illness


LGBT Activist – Youth Will Never Turn Back?

Gallup recently released poll results showing that 7.2% of American adults identify as "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or something other than heterosexual." When Gallup first started measuring LGBT statistics in 2012, this number was 3.5%, which means that the LGBT community as a proportion of the U.S. population has doubled over the last ten years.
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Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence

Ten states and Washington, D.C., have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Twenty-two other states, along with U.S. territories Puerto Rico and Guam, allow marijuana to be used for medical purposes. Let's examine some hidden issues about marijuana use. Before we start, permit me to state my values about medical or recreational use of any drug. We each own ourselves. If we choose to take chances with substances that can ruin our health, lead to death and otherwise destroy our own lives, that's our right. But we do not have a right to harm others in the process of harming ourselves.
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Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than You Think

As legalization spreads, more Americans are becoming heavy users of cannabis, despite its links to violence and mental illness.
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The Multiple Harms of Marijuana for Youth

Federal Law in the United States has prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of marijuana for more than 70 years. However, with the discovery of potential medicinal properties of marijuana and the increasing misperception that the drug is harmless, there have arisen increased efforts to achieve its broad legalization despite persistent problems of abuse.
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Common Sense Abortion Measures Protect Women

Aside from killing a child, abortion carries life-long consequences. I am guilty of being too focused on the unborn and forgetting the scars a woman will carry as a result of abortion. In no way am I diminishing the loss of life as I believe that is the greatest harm caused by abortion. But the reality is that a woman will experience temporary and permanent side-effects due to her choice to kill her unborn child.

While pro-abortion groups try to downplay or downright refute studies linking abortion to mental and physical health issues, the body of evidence is growing larger

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