Tag Archives: Miley Cyrus


From ‘Lassie to ‘Game of Thrones’: What Has Become of America?

America was very far from perfect in the early 1960s. In much of the nation segregation was the law of the land and women certainly had far less opportunities than men, just to mention two of society’s inequities. And I’m quite aware the first issue of Playboy, featuring Marilyn Monroe in the nude, was published in 1953. At the same time, there’s no denying that America back then was a far more innocent, family friendly country than it is today.
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Let Madonna, Judd, and Cyrus Fund Planned Parenthood

Let's see, Planned Parenthood provides age-inappropriate, Leftist dogma packaged as sex "education" to children and kills incipient human life in the womb. Moreover, no Planned Parenthood performs mammograms, and very, very few offer prenatal care. And yet Planned Parenthood is an essential provider of women's healthcare?
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Miley Cyrus and the Moral Gag Reflex

Looking at culture, it’s tempting to give up in despair. As the dad of little girls, for example, when I see the relentless objectification of women by celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, I’m tempted to think that any attempt in what William Wilberforce called a “reformation of manners” is futile. It seems that instead, in the words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, we have to “define deviance down.”
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Another Reflection of our National Illness

While we could decry the antics of the former child star Hanna Montana on the stage of the Video Music Awards, we really have no one to blame but ourselves.  America is awash in pornography. It is an industry with a larger annual income than the entire NFL Superbowl.  We lift up women as sex objects, teach children that they descended from animals, and enforce that by teaching them to use condoms because we expect them to behave like dogs when hormones kicks in. We even tell them silly stories about “gay penguins” to justify any abnormal sexual impulse they …

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