Tag Archives: Mozilla


You Will Be Assimilated

You may recall Brendan Eich. The cofounder and CEO of Mozilla was dismissed from his company in 2014 when it was discovered that, six years earlier, he had donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 campaign. That ballot initiative, limiting marriage to one man and one woman, passed with a larger percentage of the vote in California than Barack Obama received nationally in 2012.
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California Attorneys Seek to Bar Judges from Boy Scout Affiliation

Transgressive sexuality trumps–well, everything

Last week liberal Slate Magazine writer William Saletan made a semi-effective attempt at satire, proposing that all employees in corporate America who donated to Prop 8 in California six years ago be fired like Mozilla’s CEO Brendan Eich. The problem with his piece was that his proposal wasn’t outrageous enough. In fact, many on both the political Right and Left believed it was a sincere proposal.

Now, Jonathan Swift knew how to write satire. To criticize the callousness of the Irish to the extreme poverty in their midst, he proposed the inconceivable idea of devouring …

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Mozilla CEO Forced Out: The “Resignation” Heard Round the World

It shouldn’t have taken the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich for the Left to admit that homosexual activists and their water-carrying ideological servants have no interest in dialogue, diversity, or tolerance. Jack-booted homosexualists demanded that Eich, co-founder of Mozilla and inventor of JavaScript, be fired for his $1,000 donation to the Prop 8 campaign in California six years ago.

I guess it’s semi-official: American citizens who believe marriage is inherently sexually complementary cannot work in America—not even in their own companies. Remember this the next time someone condescendingly asserts that the legalization of same-sex “marriage” couldn’t possibly affect …

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