Tag Archives: Naomi Wolf


Illinois’ Offensive Kelly Cassidy Hits New Ethical Low

If you ever doubted that we wrestle against spiritual forces of evil who call good evil and evil good, then please watch these two videos of brief statements made on the floor of the Illinois House on Wednesday. First, watch this video of one of Illinois’ finest lawmakers, the always gracious Tom Morrison (R-Palatine), who civilly expressed his views on “trans”-cultic assumptions, which are eradicating public recognition of sex differences, including in women’s private spaces and sports.
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Miley Cyrus and the Moral Gag Reflex

Looking at culture, it’s tempting to give up in despair. As the dad of little girls, for example, when I see the relentless objectification of women by celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, I’m tempted to think that any attempt in what William Wilberforce called a “reformation of manners” is futile. It seems that instead, in the words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, we have to “define deviance down.”
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