Tag Archives: National Abstinence Education Association


Sexual Risk Avoidance Abstinence Curriculum Approved by HHS

After an objective review by the US Department of Health and Human Services, the Sexual Risk Avoidance abstinence curriculum, Heritage Keepers, has been approved and found effective in delaying sexual initiation among youth. The curriculum is offered by Heritage Community Services located in Charleston, SC.
The rigorous program design involved 2,215 youth in 7-9th grades. Findings showed that those receiving the Heritage Keepers curriculum were significantly less likely to initiate sex than a comparison group at the 12 months follow-up.  The study reports,  “Sexual experience increased from 29.1 percent to 33.7 percent for the program participants, and from 29.2 percent …

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Sex Ed Standards Ignore Optimal Health Protocols for School Children, K-12

Using the presumptuous title “National Sexuality Education Standards,” a group of anti-abstinence “experts” have offered a questionable version of what, when, and how, topics regarding sexuality should be taught in American schools. The National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) challenges these so-called “standards” that ignore the optimal health message for students, and instead place a priority on a simple risk reduction message. “When we set standards, we should communicate the ideal, the best message to achieve optimal health,” stated Valerie Huber, Executive Director of NAEA. “When a set of guidelines fails to provide any meaningful emphasis on optimal health but …

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CDC Reports Show Increase in Abstinence

By Leigh Jones, World Magazine

Sexual activity and pregnancy among teens is declining

Two reports recently released by the Centers for Disease Control show teens are embracing abstinence, despite the prevalence of promiscuity portrayed in music, movies and on television.

Abstinence advocates say the new statistics on sexual activity and birth rates among teens are an encouraging sign that young people understand the risks associated with having sex, even though most of them have been taught that taking the right precautions makes it safe. The new numbers also disprove one of the main arguments used by advocates of sex education, …

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Abstinence Programs Credited With Reducing Teen Birth Rates

Abstinence education programs are being credited with the good news coming in a new report the CDC issued Thursday from the National Center for Health Statistics showing teen birth rates dropping.

The birth rate for U.S. teens aged 15-19 years hit a record low in 2010, according to the report, “Births: Preliminary Data for 2010,” from CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. The report is based on an analysis of nearly 100 percent of birth records collected in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.

The birth rate for teenagers aged 15-19 has declined for the last …

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Sexual Abstinence — Numbers Up, But Funding Down

Supporters for abstinence-based education are applauding a new report that sexual activity among teens is decreasing.

Nearly 70 percent of boys (68%) and girls (67%), ages 15-17, have never had sexual intercourse, according to a survey (2006-2008) released last week by the National Center for Health Statistics. In addition, 53 percent of boys and 58 percent of girls in the same age bracket have never had any type of sexual contact — up from 46 percent of boys and 49 percent of girls in 2002. The new study also shows that more young adults are choosing abstinence.

“It looks like …

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