Tag Archives: National Marriage Project


Responding to the Rise of Single Motherhood and Feminism

Fatherless children are quickly becoming the norm in the United States. At one time, it was primarily young and poorly educated women who became single mothers. Today that trend is changing. Educated women in their mid-thirties are often having their first child outside of marriage. A quick search on the internet results in a plethora of articles touting single motherhood.

Society seems enamored with the idea that women do not need men to “have it all.” Instead, they can have the education, the career, and the child without the burden of marriage. However, what are the effects of eliminating the …

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Do Christians Really Have the Same Divorce Rates as Non-Christians?

USA Today recently published an article about whether the popular perception that Christians divorce at nearly the same rate as non-Christians is really true. The article’s conclusion? It’s a matter of semantics.

For the last several years, many publications and preachers have lamented about statistics from the Barna Group (a leading research organization tracking statistics about faith and society) indicating that Christians divorce at almost the same rate as non-Christians. Some researchers, including Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, have contested that it depends on what type of “Christian” is being evaluated.

Researchers at Barna say their statistics focus …

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