Tag Archives: net neutrality


A Black-Robed Counterrevolution

Federal judges sit on the bench for life and can either uphold the law or rule like tyrants. This puts judicial appointments right near the top of the most important things a president can do.

The newest U.S. Supreme Court justice, Neil Gorsuch, has already shown what a difference a constitutionalist can make. But we need many more to counter the hundreds of Clinton, Obama and Jimmy Carter-appointed judges who issue zany rulings that override common sense and thwart democratically enacted popular will.

A case in point is U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves, a 2010 Obama appointee. In …

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‘Net Neutrality’ in Illinois: Just One More Leftist Act of Deception

Last year the Federal Communications Commission overturned the Obama-era policy (referred to as “net neutraliy”) that “had placed Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon under the strictest-ever regulatory oversight.”

The “net neutrality” debate has gone for several years but is now back in the news as a state rather than a federal issue. Last year, the attorneys general from over twenty states, including Illinois, sued to overturn the FCC’s action. Now legislation has been introduced in Springfield to apply “net neutrality” principles to Internet service providers that operate in Illinois.

The Illinois Family Institute occasionally addresses things that seem …

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Two Views on Danger of ‘Net Neutrality’

Many people and organizations are concerned about so-called net neutrality and its possible effects on free speech, but OneNewsNow talked to one person who is concerned for another reason: the free market.

If this is a free speech issue, says the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Ryan Radia, “it’s not about speech being regulated by the government.”

“It’s about speech being regulated by private companies,” Radia suggests. “If you build a network, you own it, you operate it and you decide that your policy will be just to allow certain types of messages. You should be free to do that. Of …

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