Tag Archives: Netflix


Warping Children’s Hearts and Minds

The contexts and materials “progressives” use to warp the hearts and minds of children on sexuality are far too numerous to list. The pro-homo/pro-sex-impersonation propaganda campaigns in government schools, publicly funded libraries, and children’s programming are both bold and ubiquitous. The sexually disordered among us no longer feel the need to hide their intentions to lure children into their deceptive world. Today they can get jobs in elementary schools, public library children’s departments, and the colorful cartoon universes that thrive on Amazon, Netflix, Disney, and Cartoon Network from which they light up the viral world and darken children’s worlds.

By …

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Netflix Has Been Indicted in Texas on Child Pornography Charges for Promoting “Cuties”

Netflix, after facing intense public backlash for airing the provocative film "Cuties," which many saw as sexualizing children, is now facing criminal charges in the state of Texas.

State Representative Matt Schaefer (R-TX) made public a grand jury indictment that has been filed in Tyler County, alleging Netflix is guilty of promoting "lewd visual material depicting a child."
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The Depravity of a Culture That Celebrates the Sexploitation of Young Girls

Now that the new Netflix movie “Cuties” is available for viewing, we know that it is far worse than we imagined. Yet there are movie critics and movie stars who are celebrating this trash rather than denouncing it. What has happened to our culture? Have we lost all vestige of a conscience?

In the words of Kyle Hooten on Twitter, “‘Cuties’ just released and it’s WAY worse than anybody expected. Netflix just published soft-core child pornography, and they’ll probably get away with it.”

Jason Howerton’s tweet was even more emphatic: “I’m dead serious, people should go …

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Outrage for the Children

At what point does this stop? At what point does our society say, “Enough is enough” when it comes to the assault on our children? At what point do we stand up as a nation and put a stop to this attack on innocence?

There was a time when our kids were not bombarded with “pornographic” sex-ed curricula in middle school.

There was a time when condoms were not given out to elementary school students.

There was a time when first graders were not taught LGBTQ terminology.

There was a time when we did not celebrate 8-year-old drag queens

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Transgenderism is Now Rated G

The Baby-Sitters Club is a new Netflix series based on the popular children’s books by the same name published in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. The books—and now the television series—follow the lives of four 12-year-old girls and their entrepreneurial babysitting endeavors. Unfortunately, parents who fondly remember the books from their own childhood should think twice before allowing their impressionable children to watch this G-rated show.
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A Powerful Slogan Hides Core Issues

If you have logged on to Netflix, Amazon, and other places recently, you have probably seen some of corporate America’s virtue signaling through banners in support of Black Lives Matter.  By itself, it is a powerful slogan which no one can disagree with, even if you’d prefer to say all lives matter.  However, there’s more to this than just a slogan.
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13 Reasons Why Netflix Debut Linked To Dramatic Increase In Teen Suicides

When Netflix first released the series 13 Reasons Why in May of 2017, school systems and public health officials all over the country warned that it could cause an increase in teenage suicide. Apparently, that is exactly what happened.According to a study in the April 2019 Journal of American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: “After accounting for seasonal effects and an underlying increasing trend in monthly suicide rates, the overall suicide rate among 10-17 year-olds increased significantly in the month immediately following the release.”
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