Tag Archives: NFL


The NFL and the Black National Anthem

In a cowardly effort to lick the jackboots of Black Lives Matter, the NFL is reportedly going to have every NFL game during Week 1 open with the song “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” long known as the “black national anthem,” followed by the American national anthem, the “Star-Spangled Banner.” According to the Associated Press, the NFL is also “considering putting names of victims of police brutality on helmet decals or jersey patches.”
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The Uses and Abuses of Hate

Given its prominence in current public discourse, one would think that hate, not love, is a many splendored thing.

The perfectly good word, which oozes out of every media pore, is now so overused that it means next to nothing.  Every time you turn around, someone is accused of “hate” merely for expressing disagreement.

This is not just a matter of semantics. It’s serious. When you cheapen a word, it discourages honest discussion and leads to more confusion and conflict, which is how the devil likes it. We have it on good Authority that the underworld thrives on mayhem.

One …

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NBA, NFL Choose Sides in Culture War Battles

The NFL and the NBA are tackling issues having nothing to do with football or basketball, and they’re putting a full court press on our freedom.
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Foolish Journalists Attack NFL Coach Tony Dungy

The Chicago Tribune must have an expansive anti-discrimination hiring policy that prohibits discrimination based on foolishness because the paper hires a boatload of foolish writers. The feckless Trib writer ‘o’ the week is sports writer Steve Rosenbloom who penned an embarrassing piece about the admired football coach Tony Dungy. To be clear, it is Rosenbloom—not Dungy—who should be embarrassed.
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The NFL’s Inexcusable Lack of Compassion for Michael Sam

In the drafting of Michael Sam, the NFL may have succeeded in keeping the Gay Gestapo off its back. But the league has fumbled badly by extolling behavior that may well turn out to be a death sentence for this young man.
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