Tag Archives: Noah Webster


Socialists Used Public Schools to Destroy Literacy in America

Widespread illiteracy and the ignorance it produces represent an existential threat to the United States today. But it wasn’t always this way.

And it can be fixed.

Fortunately, neither the cause of this crisis nor the solution to it is a mystery—at least to anyone who has studied the issue.
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Post-Christian America Needs Radical Help STAT

America’s founders believed in God and His word, and predicated our founding documents on those immutable, biblical principles.

Though Leftists love to spout revisionist nonsense about many of the Founders being deists or worse, those accusations don’t hold water when faced with the weight of those early patriots’ own words and actions.

Thomas Jefferson, often upheld as vying for the least religious spot amongst the Founders, wrote:

I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ.1

And Jefferson’s worship habits speak even louder:

Many people are surprised to learn that

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Are Trigger Warnings Needed for Invocations?

In today’s “politically correct” America, it is evidently a possible offense to quote a former president and discuss the role of Christianity in the founding of the nation.

The State Journal-Register’s political reporter Bernard Schoenburg recently reported on an invocation given at a recent Sangamon County Board meeting in his column titled “Prayer at county board raises church-state question.” The prayer, delivered by board member Mike Sullivan is, according to Schoenburg “getting some attention and has come under some criticism.”

Sullivan’s prayer began:

“Lord in heaven, during this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of your son,

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Common Core: the Trojan Horse for Federalized Education Control

Education in America was originally the province of parents and churches. "Homeschooling" was the norm from colonial times through the mid-1800's, and a classic education was the model.
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