Tag Archives: NPR


NPR’s Horrific Attempt To Normalize Abortion

In a sickening example of just how far the liberal media is willing to go to normalize abortion, National Public Radio (NPR) aired a report recently (Nov. 3, 20220) that includes an audio clip of a woman undergoing a surgical abortion.
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School Boards Feeling Some Righteous Wrath

Stop reading for a moment. Get some popcorn and then sit back and enjoy two rousing videos of heroes pointing their sharpened spear tips right at the rhythmically contracting cardiac tissue of two government re-education camps (so much better to spear the pulsating cardiac organ of leftist schools than that of humans in their mothers’ wombs).
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Abortion Activists Want Us to Look at Abortion More Expansively
Great Idea! Let’s Help Them

The number of “tourist” abortions carried out in Illinois nearly doubled from 2014 to 2018. Reporter Natalie Moore of Chicago's NPR station WBEZ recently praised this development, as she see this as a strength. Illinois has become a go-to state for abortion.
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Great Idea! Let’s Help Them

Marriage Shouldn’t Be Controversial—But It Is

Last month, Erica Komisar, author of the book Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters, wrote an opinion piece for The Wall Street Journal under the headline “Political Correctness is Bad for Kids.”

In her first paragraph, Komisar writes:

Family life shouldn’t be politicized, but a new poll suggests that it is. Only 33% of U.S. liberals “agree that marriage is needed to create strong families,” according to the survey from the Institute for Family Studies. The figures are 80% of conservatives and 55% of moderates.

Despite her status as a liberal …

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ISU’s Fake News Station WGLT Calls IFI Hate Group

Look no further than Illinois State University (ISU) for evidence of the degradation of public education. In addition to hosting an annual drag queen fundraiser in the Bone Student Center, Illinois State University owns a fake news organization: WGLT. The call letters come from the school’s increasingly ill-fitting motto: “Gladly we learn and teach.”

WGLT, a public radio station and, therefore, an affiliate of National Public Radio (NPR), came to Illinois Family Institute’s (IFI) attention when a short article about IFI’s robo-calls warning Illinoisans about the campaign to resurrect the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) decades after its expiration date …

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The Media’s Glaring Double Standards on Violence and Hate

When protestors pulled down a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina, NPR reported that they were chanting, "No KKK, No Fascist USA." Actually, they were chanting, "No cops, no KKK, no fascist USA!" Why did NPR omit "No cops"?
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It’s Time To Stop The Public Funding Of NPR and PBS: Juan Williams’ Firing Brings Issue To Forefront

The flap over the firing of Juan Williams as a news analyst for National Public Radio (NPR) has created a firestorm of controversy. Williams supposedly violated NPR’s policy regarding interjecting personal commentary while reporting on the news. As a political commentator to the FOX News Channel (FNC), Williams, in essence, stated he gets nervous when he sees individuals wearing “Muslim garb” present in an airplane he is traveling on. Though Williams’ comments might have been politically incorrect, he was simply stating how he feels and how other Americans react in a similar situation.

NPR’s CEO, Vivian Schiller, fired Williams …

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