Tag Archives: Omar Mateen


Men, Women Who Left Homosexuality, Transgenderism to Rally at DC’s ‘Freedom March’

Former transgender, bisexual, lesbian and gay men and women, including an Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting survivor, will be gathering in the nation's capital for a worship event next weekend to proclaim how Jesus Christ liberated them. Attendees from across the nation will assemble at the National Sylvan Theater from noon to 3 p.m. on May 5 for what is being called Freedom March.
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Government to Censor Omar Mateen’s Pledge of Allegiance to ISIS


This post has been updated to reflect the Department of Justice’s reversal of  position on redacting the transcript of Orlando club shooter Omar Mateen’s phone calls with law enforcement. Four hours after the release of a partial transcript of Mateen’s phone calls and under intense public criticism, the Department of Justice released the unredacted transcript.

Yesterday on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the FBI would be releasing a “partial transcript”—no audio—of Omar Mateen’s phone calls “with law enforcement from inside the club. These are the calls with the Orland PD negotiating …

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Orlando’s Night of Horror

Tragedy struck again in the United States at the hands of a young man whose mind was poisoned by pernicious ideas and perhaps darkened by mental illness, this time at a well-known homosexual night club in Orlando, Florida.

There are numerous indicators that the shooter, Omar Mateen, was influenced by radical Islam. His father, however, suggests another motive. As of this writing, his father believes the primary or sole motive for the horror his son wreaked was his son’s anger about homosexuality which was intensified by witnessing homosexuals kissing when he was with his three-year-old son.

While it is …

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