Tag Archives: OneNewsNow


Euthanasia Not Just Slippery Slope But Ripe for Abuse

Many euthanasia deaths in Belgium have a cloud of mystery surrounding them with no chance of ever being solved.
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Federal Family-Planning Program to Prioritize Faith-Based Clinics

The Trump administration has made a decision to protect women's health – along with the health of their pre-born babies – and serve them better. This new grant program (under the Title X family planning program) has $260 million available to grantees that do not perform abortions.
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SPLC Challenged to Back Up Their ‘Hate’ Talk

A prominent Christian ministry is taking the Southern Poverty Law Center to task over its published list of what it considers "hate groups."
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Sexual Abstinence — Numbers Up, But Funding Down

Supporters for abstinence-based education are applauding a new report that sexual activity among teens is decreasing.

Nearly 70 percent of boys (68%) and girls (67%), ages 15-17, have never had sexual intercourse, according to a survey (2006-2008) released last week by the National Center for Health Statistics. In addition, 53 percent of boys and 58 percent of girls in the same age bracket have never had any type of sexual contact — up from 46 percent of boys and 49 percent of girls in 2002. The new study also shows that more young adults are choosing abstinence.

“It looks like …

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