Tag Archives: Oregon


Blue State Regrets

Support for drug decriminalization is waning among blue state residents as overdose rates, crime and homelessness continue to increase, a recent survey found.
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Klein v. Oregon: Religious Liberty & Freedom of Speech vs. Gay Rights

Among recent actions by the U.S. Supreme Court, a four-sentence order may set the stage for the court to eventually address the collision between free speech and religious freedom on one hand and gay rights on the other. The order voided a judgment by the state of Oregon that had imposed a $135,000 fine on Portland-area bakery owners—the Kleins—for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. Oregon maintained that its anti-discrimination law condemned such a rebuff even when the bakery owners’ religious convictions run counter to participating in a same-sex wedding.
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U.S. Supreme Court Hands Christian Bakers Win in Same-Sex Case, Vacates Lower Court

The U.S. Supreme Court handed religious liberty advocates a victory Monday when it vacated a lower court’s opinion that had ordered a Christian baker to design a cake for a same-sex wedding.
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29 States and D.C. Permit Abortions of Healthy, Full-Term Babies

Why, I kept asking myself last week, are so many Americans so livid about Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) signing into law a bill passed jubilantly by the state legislature that makes it possible for women to abort full-term babies. Sure, the bill is morally repugnant and the jubilant applause by the legislature was grotesque, but 23 other states—including Illinois—allow full-term babies to be killed and for the same reasons. And 7 other states allow full-term babies to be killed for any or no reason.
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Dhimmitude in America?

You may not know what dhimmitude is and hopefully you never experience it. But you’ve probably heard of ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and you’re almost surely aware of what Christians are. Dhimmitude is an Islamic system that governs non-Muslims who have been conquered through Jihad by folks like ISIS. If you surrender to Muslim control – though not Muslim – you are referred to as dhimmi. Sounds fun, right?
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Making of History? OR Unmaking of Our Society?

It seems there isn’t a news cycle which goes by without someone “making history” these days. Everyone and everything is making history everywhere at all times, apparently. It’s hard to pinpoint when this trend started, but the “historic” election of Barack Obama certainly brought the fascination with history-creation into vogue. Now it seems that a story isn’t worth covering unless some history has been made. What is behind this trend? Why the fascination with making history? Does the predictive power of potential importance really imply worth and meaning?

History was apparently made during two significant events recently. The first was …

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